Complete Code Syntax

Listed below are all of the possible input parameter options for a Zapdos input file. Click the blue link to see more detailed information about the usage of each object.

For a filtered list of Zapdos-only syntax, please click here.





  • Moose App
  • AddElementalFieldActionAdds elemental auxiliary variable for adaptivity system.
  • AddMarkerActionAdd a Marker object to a simulation.
  • ArrayMooseVariableUsed for grouping standard field variables with the same finite element family and order
  • BoundaryMarkerMarks all elements with sides on a given boundary for refinement/coarsening
  • BoundaryPreservedMarkerMarks elements for refinement or coarsening based on the provided marker value, while preserving the given boundary.
  • BoxMarkerMarks the region inside and outside of a 'box' domain for refinement or coarsening.
  • ComboMarkerA marker that converts many markers into a single marker by considering the maximum value of the listed markers (i.e., refinement takes precedent).
  • ErrorFractionMarkerMarks elements for refinement or coarsening based on the fraction of the min/max error from the supplied indicator.
  • ErrorToleranceMarkerCoarsen or refine elements based on an absolute tolerance allowed from the supplied indicator.
  • MooseLinearVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableRepresents standard field variables, e.g. Lagrange, Hermite, or non-constant Monomials
  • MooseVariableBaseBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableConstMonomialSpecialization for constant monomials that avoids unnecessary loops
  • MooseVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableScalarMoose wrapper class around scalar variables
  • OrientedBoxMarkerMarks inside and outside a box that can have arbitrary orientation and center point.
  • ReporterPointMarkerMarks the region inside or empty if it contains a reporter defined point for refinement or coarsening.
  • UniformMarkerUniformly mark all elements for refinement or coarsening.
  • ValueRangeMarkerMark elements for adaptivity based on the supplied upper and lower bounds and the specified variable.
  • ValueThresholdMarkerThe refinement state based on a threshold value compared to the specified variable.
  • VectorMooseVariableRepresents vector field variables, e.g. Vector Lagrange, Nedelec or Raviart-Thomas



  • Moose App
  • AddKernelActionAdd a Kernel object to the simulation.
  • ADDivergenceAuxComputes the divergence of a vector of functors.
  • ADFunctorElementalAuxEvaluates a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element, quadrature point, or node.
  • ADFunctorElementalGradientAuxEvaluates the gradient of a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element or quadrature point.
  • ADFunctorMaterialRealAuxOutputs element volume-averaged material properties
  • ADFunctorMaterialRealVectorValueAuxCapture a component of a vector material property in an auxiliary variable.
  • ADFunctorVectorElementalAuxEvaluates a vector functor (material property usually) on the current element.For finite volume, this evaluates the vector functor at the centroid.
  • ADMaterialRankFourTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor for automatic material property output
  • ADMaterialRankTwoTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor for automatic material property output
  • ADMaterialRateRealAuxOutputs element material properties rate of change
  • ADMaterialRealAuxOutputs element volume-averaged material properties
  • ADMaterialRealTensorValueAuxObject for extracting a component of a rank two tensor material property to populate an auxiliary variable.
  • ADMaterialRealVectorValueAuxCapture a component of a vector material property in an auxiliary variable.
  • ADMaterialStdVectorAuxExtracts a component of a material type std::vector<Real> to an aux variable. If the std::vector is not of sufficient size then zero is returned
  • ADMaterialSymmetricRankFourTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor for automatic material property output
  • ADMaterialSymmetricRankTwoTensorAuxCapture a component of a vector material property in an auxiliary variable.
  • ADProjectedStatefulMaterialRankFourTensorAuxPicks a component of an indexable material property to get projected on an elemental Auxvariable. For use by ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
  • ADProjectedStatefulMaterialRankTwoTensorAuxPicks a component of an indexable material property to get projected on an elemental Auxvariable. For use by ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
  • ADProjectedStatefulMaterialRealAuxPicks a component of an indexable material property to get projected on an elemental Auxvariable. For use by ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
  • ADProjectedStatefulMaterialRealVectorValueAuxPicks a component of an indexable material property to get projected on an elemental Auxvariable. For use by ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
  • ADVectorMaterialRealVectorValueAuxConverts a vector-quantity material property into a vector auxiliary variable
  • AdvectiveFluxAuxCompute components of flux vector for advection problems .
  • ArrayParsedAuxSets field array variable values to the evaluation of a parsed expression.
  • ArrayVarReductionAuxTakes an array variable and performs a reduction operation on it (max, min, sum, average) and stores as a standard variable.
  • ArrayVariableComponentCopy a component of an array variable.
  • BuildArrayVariableAuxCombines multiple standard variables into an array variable.
  • ConstantAuxCreates a constant field in the domain.
  • ContainsPointAuxComputes a binary field where the field is 1 in the elements that contain the point and 0 everywhere else
  • CopyValueAuxReturns the specified variable as an auxiliary variable with a simple copy of the variable values.
  • DebugResidualAuxPopulate an auxiliary variable with the residual contribution of a variable.
  • DiffusionFluxAuxCompute components of flux vector for diffusion problems .
  • DivergenceAuxComputes the divergence of a vector of functors.
  • ElemExtraIDAuxPuts element extra IDs into an aux variable.
  • ElementH1ErrorFunctionAuxComputes the H1 or W^{1,p} error between an exact function and a coupled variable.
  • ElementIntegerAuxCreates a field showing the element integer.
  • ElementL2ErrorFunctionAuxA class for computing the element-wise L^2 (Euclidean) error between a function and a coupled variable.
  • ElementLengthAuxCompute the element size using Elem::hmin() or Elem::hmax() from libMesh.
  • ElementLpNormAuxCompute an elemental field variable (single value per element) equal to the Lp-norm of a coupled Variable.
  • ElementQualityAuxGenerates a field containing the quality metric for each element. Useful for visualizing mesh quality.
  • ElementUOAuxAux Kernel to display generic spatial (elemental) information from a UserObject that satisfies the underlying ElementUOProvider interface.
  • ExtraElementIDAuxPuts element extra IDs into an aux variable.
  • ForcingFunctionAuxAuxiliary Kernel that adds a forcing function to the value of an AuxVariable from the previous time step.
  • FunctionArrayAuxAuxiliary Kernel that creates and updates an array field variable by sampling functions through space and time.
  • FunctionAuxAuxiliary Kernel that creates and updates a field variable by sampling a function through space and time.
  • FunctorAuxEvaluates a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element, quadrature point, or node.
  • FunctorCoordinatesFunctionAuxAuxiliary Kernel that creates and updates a field variable by sampling a function with functors (variables, functions, others) as the coordinates.
  • FunctorElementalAuxEvaluates a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element, quadrature point, or node.
  • FunctorElementalGradientAuxEvaluates the gradient of a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element or quadrature point.
  • FunctorMaterialRealAuxOutputs element volume-averaged material properties
  • FunctorMaterialRealVectorValueAuxCapture a component of a vector material property in an auxiliary variable.
  • FunctorVectorElementalAuxEvaluates a vector functor (material property usually) on the current element.For finite volume, this evaluates the vector functor at the centroid.
  • GapValueAuxReturn the nearest value of a variable on a boundary from across a gap.
  • GhostingAuxColors the elements ghosted to the chosen PID.
  • GhostingFromUOAuxColors the elements ghosted to the chosen PID.
  • HardwareIDAuxCreates a field showing the assignment of partitions to physical nodes in the cluster.
  • InterfaceValueUserObjectAuxGet stored value from the specified InterfaceQpUserObjectBase.
  • MaterialRankFourTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor for automatic material property output
  • MaterialRankTwoTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor for automatic material property output
  • MaterialRateRealAuxOutputs element material properties rate of change
  • MaterialRealAuxOutputs element volume-averaged material properties
  • MaterialRealDenseMatrixAuxPopulate an auxiliary variable with an entry from a dense matrix material property.
  • MaterialRealTensorValueAuxObject for extracting a component of a rank two tensor material property to populate an auxiliary variable.
  • MaterialRealVectorValueAuxCapture a component of a vector material property in an auxiliary variable.
  • MaterialStdVectorAuxExtracts a component of a material type std::vector<Real> to an aux variable. If the std::vector is not of sufficient size then zero is returned
  • MaterialStdVectorRealGradientAuxExtracts a component of a material's std::vector<RealGradient> to an aux variable. If the std::vector is not of sufficient size then zero is returned
  • MaterialSymmetricRankFourTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor for automatic material property output
  • MaterialSymmetricRankTwoTensorAuxCapture a component of a vector material property in an auxiliary variable.
  • MeshDivisionAuxReturns the value of the mesh division index for each element / node
  • NearestNodeDistanceAuxStores the distance between a block and boundary or between two boundaries.
  • NearestNodeValueAuxRetrieves a field value from the closest node on the paired boundary and stores it on this boundary or block.
  • NodalPatchRecoveryAuxThis Auxkernel solves a least squares problem at each node to fit a value from quantities defined on quadrature points.
  • NormalizationAuxNormalizes a variable based on a Postprocessor value.
  • ParsedAuxSets a field variable value to the evaluation of a parsed expression.
  • ParsedVectorAuxSets a field vector variable value to the evaluation of a parsed expression.
  • PenetrationAuxAuxiliary Kernel for computing several geometry related quantities between two contacting bodies.
  • ProcessorIDAuxCreates a field showing the processors and partitioning.
  • ProjectedMaterialPropertyNodalPatchRecoveryAuxThis Auxkernel solves a least squares problem at each node to fit a value from quantities defined on quadrature points.
  • ProjectedStatefulMaterialRankFourTensorAuxPicks a component of an indexable material property to get projected on an elemental Auxvariable. For use by ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
  • ProjectedStatefulMaterialRankTwoTensorAuxPicks a component of an indexable material property to get projected on an elemental Auxvariable. For use by ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
  • ProjectedStatefulMaterialRealAuxPicks a component of an indexable material property to get projected on an elemental Auxvariable. For use by ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
  • ProjectedStatefulMaterialRealVectorValueAuxPicks a component of an indexable material property to get projected on an elemental Auxvariable. For use by ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
  • ProjectionAuxReturns the specified variable as an auxiliary variable with a projection of the source variable. If they are the same type, this amounts to a simple copy.
  • QuotientAuxDivides two coupled variables.
  • SecondTimeDerivativeAuxReturns the second order time derivative of the specified variable as an auxiliary variable.
  • SelfAuxReturns the specified variable as an auxiliary variable with a projection of the source variable. If they are the same type, this amounts to a simple copy.
  • SolutionAuxCreates fields by using information from a SolutionUserObject.
  • SpatialUserObjectAuxPopulates an auxiliary variable with a spatial value returned from a UserObject spatialValue method.
  • TagMatrixAuxCouple the diagonal of a tag matrix, and return its nodal value
  • TagVectorArrayVariableAuxCouple a tagged vector, and return its evaluations at degree of freedom indices corresponding to the coupled array variable.
  • TagVectorArrayVariableValueAuxCouple a tagged vector, and return its array value.
  • TagVectorAuxCouple a tag vector, and return its nodal value
  • TimeDerivativeAuxReturns the time derivative of the specified variable/functor as an auxiliary variable.
  • VariableGradientComponentCreates a field consisting of one component of the gradient of a coupled variable.
  • VariableTimeIntegrationAuxIntegrates a field variable in time.
  • VectorFunctionAuxAuxiliary Kernel that creates and updates a vector field variable by sampling a Function object, via the vectorValue method, through space and time.
  • VectorMagnitudeAuxCreates a field representing the magnitude of three coupled variables using an Euclidean norm.
  • VectorMaterialRealVectorValueAuxConverts a vector-quantity material property into a vector auxiliary variable
  • VectorPostprocessorVisualizationAuxRead values from a VectorPostprocessor that is producing vectors that are 'number of processors' * in length. Puts the value for each processor into an elemental auxiliary field.
  • VectorVariableComponentAuxCreates a field consisting of one component of a coupled vector variable.
  • VectorVariableMagnitudeAuxCreates a field consisting of the magnitude of a coupled vector variable.
  • VolumeAuxAuxiliary Kernel that samples volumes.
  • WeightedGapAuxReturns the specified variable as an auxiliary variable with the same value.
  • Crane App
  • ADReactionRateEEDFTownsendLog
  • DataRead
  • DensityLogConvert
  • ReactionRateEEDFTownsendLog
  • ReactionRateFirstOrderReaction rate for one body collisions. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization reaction rate coefficients. Automatically added if track_rates set to true in the Reactions action.
  • ReactionRateFirstOrderLogReaction rate for one body collisions. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization reaction rate coefficients. Automatically added if track_rates set to true in the Reactions action.
  • ReactionRateSecondOrderReaction rate for two body collisions. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization reaction rate coefficients. Automatically added if track_rates set to true in the Reactions action.
  • ReactionRateSecondOrderLogReaction rate for two body collisions. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization reaction rate coefficients. Automatically added if track_rates set to true in the Reactions action.
  • ReactionRateThirdOrderReaction rate for three body collisions. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization reaction rate coefficients. Automatically added if track_rates set to true in the Reactions action.
  • ReactionRateThirdOrderLogReaction rate for three body collisions. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization reaction rate coefficients. Automatically added if track_rates set to true in the Reactions action.
  • Zapdos App
  • ADCurrentReturns the electric current associated with the flux of the specified species
  • ADDiffusiveFluxReturns the diffusive flux of the specified species
  • ADEFieldAdvAuxReturns the electric field driven advective flux of the specified species
  • ADPowerDepAmount of power deposited into a user specified specie by Joule Heating
  • ADProcRateReaction rate for electron impact collisions in units of #/ms. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization Townsend coefficients
  • ADProcRateForRateCoeffReaction rate for two body collisions in units of #/ms. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization reaction rate coefficients
  • ADProcRateForRateCoeffThreeBodyReaction rate for three body collisions in units of #/ms. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization reaction rate coefficients
  • ADTotalFluxReturns the total flux of the specified species
  • AbsValueAuxReturns the absolute value of the specified variable
  • CurrentReturns the electric current associated with the flux of the specified species
  • DensityMolesReturns physical densities in units of #/m
  • DensityNormalizationSimilar to NormalizationAux except meant to normalize variables expressed in log form
  • DiffusiveFluxReturns the diffusive flux of the specified species
  • DriftDiffusionFluxAuxReturns the drift-diffusion flux of the specified species
  • EFieldAdvAuxReturns the electric field driven advective flux of the specified species
  • EfieldReturns the defined component of the electric field (0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z)
  • ElectronTemperatureReturns the electron temperature
  • LinearCombinationAuxKernelLinearly combine coupled variables with user provided weights and a bias
  • PositionProduces an elemental auxiliary variable useful for plotting against other elemental auxiliary variables. Mesh points automatically output by Zapdos only work for plotting nodal variables. Since almost all auxiliary variables are elemental, this AuxKernel is very important
  • PowerDepAmount of power deposited into a user specified specie by Joule Heating
  • ProcRateReaction rate for electron impact collisions in units of #/ms. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization Townsend coefficients
  • ProcRateForRateCoeffReaction rate for two body collisions in units of #/ms. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization reaction rate coefficients
  • ProcRateForRateCoeffThreeBodyReaction rate for three body collisions in units of #/ms. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization reaction rate coefficients
  • SigmaCalculates the surface charge due to a simplified version of the ion flux to a boundary.
  • TM0CylindricalErAuxCalculates the radial E-field for an axisymmetric TM wave.
  • TM0CylindricalEzAuxCalculates the axial E-field for an axisymmetric TM wave.
  • TotalFluxReturns the total flux of the specified species
  • Squirrel App
  • Density
  • FunctionDerivativeAux




  • Moose App
  • AddBCActionAdd a BoundaryCondition object to the simulation.
  • ADConservativeAdvectionBCBoundary condition for advection when it is integrated by parts. Supports Dirichlet (inlet-like) and implicit (outlet-like) conditions.
  • ADCoupledVarNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a variable.
  • ADDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
  • ADFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is calculated by a function.
  • ADFunctionNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
  • ADFunctionPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • ADMatNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, is a material property, and is a coefficient defined by the kernel for .
  • ADMatchedValueBCImplements a NodalBC which equates two different Variables' values on a specified boundary.
  • ADNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
  • ADPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • ADRobinBCImposes the Robin integrated boundary condition .
  • ADVectorFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where components are calculated with functions.
  • ADVectorFunctionNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
  • ADVectorMatchedValueBCImplements a ADVectorNodalBC which equates two different Variables' values on a specified boundary.
  • ADVectorRobinBCImposes the Robin integrated boundary condition .
  • ArrayDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where are constant, controllable values.
  • ArrayHFEMDirichletBCImposes the Dirichlet BC with HFEM.
  • ArrayNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
  • ArrayPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense with , where is the constant scalar penalty; is the test functions and is the differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • ArrayVacuumBCImposes the Robin boundary condition .
  • ConvectiveFluxBCDetermines boundary values via the initial and final values, flux, and exposure duration
  • CoupledVarNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a variable.
  • DGFunctionDiffusionDirichletBCDiffusion Dirichlet boundary condition for discontinuous Galerkin method.
  • DiffusionFluxBCComputes a boundary residual contribution consistent with the Diffusion Kernel. Does not impose a boundary condition; instead computes the boundary contribution corresponding to the current value of grad(u) and accumulates it in the residual vector.
  • DirectionalNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a user-defined, constant vector.
  • DirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
  • EigenArrayDirichletBCArray Dirichlet BC for eigenvalue solvers
  • EigenDirichletBCDirichlet BC for eigenvalue solvers
  • FunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
  • FunctionGradientNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition arising from integration by parts of a diffusion/heat conduction operator, and where the exact solution can be specified.
  • FunctionNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
  • FunctionPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • FunctorDirichletBCImposes the Dirichlet boundary condition , where is a functor and can have complex dependencies.
  • FunctorNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a functor.
  • HFEMDirichletBCImposes the Dirichlet BC with HFEM.
  • LagrangeVecDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where are constant, controllable values.
  • LagrangeVecFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where components are calculated with functions.
  • MatNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, is a material property, and is a coefficient defined by the kernel for .
  • MatchedValueBCImplements a NodalBC which equates two different Variables' values on a specified boundary.
  • NeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
  • OneDEqualValueConstraintBCComputes the integral of lambda times dg term from the mortar method (for two 1D domains only).
  • PenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • PostprocessorDirichletBCDirichlet boundary condition with value prescribed by a Postprocessor value.
  • PostprocessorNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition with value prescribed by a Postprocessor value.
  • SinDirichletBCImposes a time-varying essential boundary condition , where varies from an given initial value at time to a given final value over a specified duration.
  • SinNeumannBCImposes a time-varying flux boundary condition , where varies from an given initial value at time to a given final value over a specified duration.
  • VacuumBCVacuum boundary condition for diffusion.
  • VectorCurlPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition for the curl of vector nonlinear variables in a weak sense by applying a penalty to the difference in the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • VectorDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where are constant, controllable values.
  • VectorDivPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces, in a weak sense, a Dirichlet boundary condition on the divergence of a nonlinear vector variable by applying a penalty to the difference between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • VectorFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where components are calculated with functions.
  • VectorNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a user-defined, constant vector.
  • VectorPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition for vector nonlinear variables in a weak sense by applying a penalty to the difference in the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • WeakGradientBCComputes a boundary residual contribution consistent with the Diffusion Kernel. Does not impose a boundary condition; instead computes the boundary contribution corresponding to the current value of grad(u) and accumulates it in the residual vector.
  • Periodic
  • Zapdos App
  • CircuitDirichletPotentialDirichlet circuit boundary condition for potential (The current is given through a UserObject)
  • DCIonBCElectric field driven outflow boundary condition (Based on Hagelaar et al. (2000))
  • DriftDiffusionDoNothingBCBoundary condition where the flux at the boundary is equal to the bulk dift-diffusion equation
  • EconomouDielectricBCDielectric boundary condition (Based on Lymberopoulos and Economou (1994))
  • ElectronAdvectionDoNothingBCBoundary condition where the electron advection flux at the boundary is equal to the bulk electron advection equation
  • ElectronDiffusionDoNothingBCBoundary condition where the electron diffusion flux at the boundary is equal to the bulk electron diffusion equation
  • ElectronTemperatureDirichletBCElectron temperature boundary condition
  • FieldEmissionBCThe electron flux boundary condition due to field emission (Based on Forbes (2006) and Forbes (2008))
  • HagelaarElectronAdvectionBCKinetic advective electron boundary condition (Based on Hagelaar et al. (2000))
  • HagelaarElectronBCKinetic electron boundary condition (Based on Hagelaar et al. (2000))
  • HagelaarEnergyAdvectionBCKinetic advective electron energy boundary condition (Based on Hagelaar et al. (2000))
  • HagelaarEnergyBCKinetic electron mean energy boundary condition (Based on Hagelaar et al. (2000))
  • HagelaarIonAdvectionBCKinetic advective ion boundary condition (Based on Hagelaar et al. (2000))
  • HagelaarIonDiffusionBCKinetic electron boundary condition (Based on Hagelaar et al. (2000))
  • LogDensityDirichletBCDensity Dirichlet boundary condition (Densities must be in log form and in moles/m)
  • LymberopoulosElectronBCSimpified kinetic electron boundary condition (Based on Lymberopoulos and Economou (1993))
  • LymberopoulosIonBCSimpified kinetic ion boundary condition (Based on Lymberopoulos and Economou (1993))
  • MatchedValueLogBCHenry’s Law like thermodynamic boundary condition for specifying a species concentration ratio at the gas-liquid interface
  • NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KVA Neumann boundary condition based on Kirchhoff's law of voltage
  • PenaltyCircuitPotentialCircuit boundary condition for potential multiplied by a penalty term
  • PotentialDriftOutflowBCThe drift flux boundary condition
  • SakiyamaElectronDiffusionBCKinetic electron boundary condition (Based on Sakiyama and Graves (2006))
  • SakiyamaEnergyDiffusionBCKinetic advective electron energy boundary condition (Based on Sakiyama and Graves (2007))
  • SakiyamaEnergySecondaryElectronBCKinetic secondary electron for mean electron energy boundary condition (Based on Sakiyama and Graves (2007))
  • SakiyamaIonAdvectionBCKinetic advective ion boundary condition (Based on Sakiyama and Graves (2006))
  • SakiyamaSecondaryElectronBCKinetic secondary electron boundary condition (Based on Sakiyama and Graves (2006))
  • SchottkyEmissionBCThe electron flux boundary condition due to field ehanced thermionic emission (Schottky emission) (Based on Go (2012))
  • SecondaryElectronBCKinetic secondary electron boundary condition
  • SecondaryElectronEnergyBCKinetic secondary electron for mean electron energy boundary condition
  • TM0AntennaVertBCA simple vertical antenna BC of the azimuthal component of the magnetizing field.
  • TM0PECVertBCA perfect electric conductor BC of the azimuthal component of the magnetizing field.
  • Squirrel App
  • ChannelGradientBC
  • DGDiffusionPostprocessorDirichletBC
  • DiffusiveFluxBC
  • ExampleShapeSideIntegratedBC
  • FlexiblePostprocessorDirichletBC
  • InflowBC
  • MatINSTemperatureNoBCBC
  • OutflowBCDG upwinding for the convection
  • PostprocessorInflowBC
  • PostprocessorPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet postprocessor value.
  • PostprocessorTemperatureInflowBC
  • PostprocessorVelocityFunctionInflowBC
  • RobinBC
  • TemperatureInflowBC
  • TemperatureOutflowBCDG upwinding for the convection
  • VelocityFunctionOutflowBC
  • VelocityFunctionTemperatureOutflowBC






  • Moose App
  • ArrayMooseVariableUsed for grouping standard field variables with the same finite element family and order
  • MooseLinearVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableRepresents standard field variables, e.g. Lagrange, Hermite, or non-constant Monomials
  • MooseVariableBaseBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableConstMonomialSpecialization for constant monomials that avoids unnecessary loops
  • MooseVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableScalarMoose wrapper class around scalar variables
  • VectorMooseVariableRepresents vector field variables, e.g. Vector Lagrange, Nedelec or Raviart-Thomas
  • Crane App
  • AddReactionsThis Action automatically adds the necessary kernels and materials for a reaction network.
  • ChemicalReactionsBaseThis Action automatically adds the necessary kernels and materials for a reaction network.


  • Moose App
  • ArrayMooseVariableUsed for grouping standard field variables with the same finite element family and order
  • MooseLinearVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableRepresents standard field variables, e.g. Lagrange, Hermite, or non-constant Monomials
  • MooseVariableBaseBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableConstMonomialSpecialization for constant monomials that avoids unnecessary loops
  • MooseVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableScalarMoose wrapper class around scalar variables
  • VectorMooseVariableRepresents vector field variables, e.g. Vector Lagrange, Nedelec or Raviart-Thomas
  • Crane App
  • AddScalarReactionsThis Action automatically adds the necessary kernels and materials for a reaction network.
  • ChemicalReactionsBaseThis Action automatically adds the necessary kernels and materials for a reaction network.


  • Moose App
  • ArrayMooseVariableUsed for grouping standard field variables with the same finite element family and order
  • MooseLinearVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableRepresents standard field variables, e.g. Lagrange, Hermite, or non-constant Monomials
  • MooseVariableBaseBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableConstMonomialSpecialization for constant monomials that avoids unnecessary loops
  • MooseVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableScalarMoose wrapper class around scalar variables
  • VectorMooseVariableRepresents vector field variables, e.g. Vector Lagrange, Nedelec or Raviart-Thomas
  • Crane App
  • AddZapdosReactionsThis Action automatically adds the necessary kernels and materials for a reaction network.


  • Moose App
  • ArrayMooseVariableUsed for grouping standard field variables with the same finite element family and order
  • MooseLinearVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableRepresents standard field variables, e.g. Lagrange, Hermite, or non-constant Monomials
  • MooseVariableBaseBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableConstMonomialSpecialization for constant monomials that avoids unnecessary loops
  • MooseVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableScalarMoose wrapper class around scalar variables
  • VectorMooseVariableRepresents vector field variables, e.g. Vector Lagrange, Nedelec or Raviart-Thomas
  • Crane App
  • ChemicalReactionsThis Action automatically adds the necessary kernels and materials for a reaction network.



  • Moose App
  • AddConstraintActionAdd a Constraint object to the simulation.
  • ADPenaltyEqualValueConstraintPenaltyEqualValueConstraint enforces solution continuity between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using a penalty approach (no Lagrange multipliers needed)
  • ADPenaltyPeriodicSegmentalConstraintADPenaltyPeriodicSegmentalConstraint enforces macro-micro periodic conditions between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using a penalty approach (no Lagrange multipliers needed). Must be used alongside PenaltyEqualValueConstraint.
  • ADPeriodicSegmentalConstraintADPeriodicSegmentalConstraint enforces macro-micro periodic conditions between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using Lagrange multipliers.Must be used alongside EqualValueConstraint.
  • CoupledTiedValueConstraintRequires the value of two variables to be the consistent on both sides of an interface.
  • EqualGradientConstraintEqualGradientConstraint enforces continuity of a gradient component between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using lagrange multipliers
  • EqualValueBoundaryConstraintConstraint for enforcing that variables on each side of a boundary are equivalent.
  • EqualValueConstraintEqualValueConstraint enforces solution continuity between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using lagrange multipliers
  • EqualValueEmbeddedConstraintThis is a constraint enforcing overlapping portions of two blocks to have the same variable value
  • LinearNodalConstraintConstrains secondary node to move as a linear combination of primary nodes.
  • OldEqualValueConstraintOldEqualValueConstraint enforces solution continuity between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using lagrange multipliers
  • PenaltyEqualValueConstraintPenaltyEqualValueConstraint enforces solution continuity between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using a penalty approach (no Lagrange multipliers needed)
  • PenaltyPeriodicSegmentalConstraintPenaltyPeriodicSegmentalConstraint enforces macro-micro periodic conditions between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using a penalty approach (no Lagrange multipliers needed). Must be used alongside PenaltyEqualValueConstraint.
  • PeriodicSegmentalConstraintPeriodicSegmentalConstraint enforces macro-micro periodic conditions between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using Lagrange multipliers.Must be used alongside EqualValueConstraint.
  • TiedValueConstraintConstraint that forces the value of a variable to be the same on both sides of an interface.
  • Zapdos App
  • ArbitrarilyTiedValueConstraint


  • Moose App
  • AddControlActionAdd a Control object to the simulation.
  • BoolFunctionControlSets the value of a 'bool' input parameters to the value of a provided function.
  • ConditionalFunctionEnableControlControl for enabling/disabling objects when a function value is true
  • PIDTransientControlSets the value of a 'Real' input parameter (or postprocessor) based on a Proportional Integral Derivative control of a postprocessor to match a target a target value.
  • RealFunctionControlSets the value of a 'Real' input parameters to the value of a provided function.
  • TimePeriodControl the enabled/disabled state of objects with time.
  • TimesEnableControlControl for enabling/disabling objects when a certain time is reached.
  • WebServerControlStarts a webserver for sending/receiving JSON messages to get data and control a running MOOSE calculation













  • Moose App
  • AdaptivityActionAdd libMesh based adaptation schemes via the Executioner/Adaptivity input syntax.


  • Moose App
  • SetupPredictorActionAdd a Predictor object to the simulation.
  • AdamsPredictorImplements an explicit Adams predictor based on two old solution vectors.
  • SimplePredictorAlgorithm that will predict the next solution based on previous solutions.



  • Moose App
  • SetupTimeIntegratorActionAdd a TimeIntegrator object to the simulation.
  • AStableDirk4Fourth-order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with three stages plus an update.
  • ActuallyExplicitEulerImplementation of Explicit/Forward Euler without invoking any of the nonlinear solver
  • BDF2Second order backward differentiation formula time integration scheme.
  • CentralDifferenceImplementation of explicit, Central Difference integration without invoking any of the nonlinear solver
  • CrankNicolsonCrank-Nicolson time integrator.
  • ExplicitEulerTime integration using the explicit Euler method.
  • ExplicitMidpointTime integration using the explicit midpoint method.
  • ExplicitSSPRungeKuttaExplicit strong stability preserving Runge-Kutta methods
  • ExplicitTVDRK2Explicit TVD (total-variation-diminishing) second-order Runge-Kutta time integration method.
  • HeunHeun's (aka improved Euler) time integration method.
  • ImplicitEulerTime integration using the implicit Euler method.
  • ImplicitMidpointSecond-order Runge-Kutta (implicit midpoint) time integration.
  • LStableDirk2Second order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with two stages.
  • LStableDirk3Third order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with three stages.
  • LStableDirk4Fourth-order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with five stages.
  • NewmarkBetaComputes the first and second time derivative of variable using Newmark-Beta method.
  • RalstonRalston's time integration method.


  • Moose App
  • SetupTimeIntegratorActionAdd a TimeIntegrator object to the simulation.
  • AStableDirk4Fourth-order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with three stages plus an update.
  • ActuallyExplicitEulerImplementation of Explicit/Forward Euler without invoking any of the nonlinear solver
  • BDF2Second order backward differentiation formula time integration scheme.
  • CentralDifferenceImplementation of explicit, Central Difference integration without invoking any of the nonlinear solver
  • CrankNicolsonCrank-Nicolson time integrator.
  • ExplicitEulerTime integration using the explicit Euler method.
  • ExplicitMidpointTime integration using the explicit midpoint method.
  • ExplicitSSPRungeKuttaExplicit strong stability preserving Runge-Kutta methods
  • ExplicitTVDRK2Explicit TVD (total-variation-diminishing) second-order Runge-Kutta time integration method.
  • HeunHeun's (aka improved Euler) time integration method.
  • ImplicitEulerTime integration using the implicit Euler method.
  • ImplicitMidpointSecond-order Runge-Kutta (implicit midpoint) time integration.
  • LStableDirk2Second order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with two stages.
  • LStableDirk3Third order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with three stages.
  • LStableDirk4Fourth-order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with five stages.
  • NewmarkBetaComputes the first and second time derivative of variable using Newmark-Beta method.
  • RalstonRalston's time integration method.





  • Moose App
  • CheckFVBCActionCheck that boundary conditions are defined correctly for finite volume problems.
  • AddFVBCActionAdd a FVBoundaryCondition object to the simulation.
  • FVADFunctorDirichletBCUses the value of a functor to set a Dirichlet boundary value.
  • FVBoundaryIntegralValueConstraintThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = boundary area * phi_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
  • FVConstantScalarOutflowBCConstant velocity scalar advection boundary conditions for finite volume method.
  • FVDirichletBCDefines a Dirichlet boundary condition for finite volume method.
  • FVFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
  • FVFunctionNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition for finite volume method.
  • FVFunctorDirichletBCUses the value of a functor to set a Dirichlet boundary value.
  • FVFunctorNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition for the finite volume method.
  • FVNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition for finite volume method.
  • FVOrthogonalBoundaryDiffusionImposes an orthogonal diffusion boundary term with specified boundary function.
  • FVPostprocessorDirichletBCDefines a Dirichlet boundary condition for finite volume method.


  • Moose App
  • AddFVInitialConditionActionAdd an FVInitialCondition object to the simulation.
  • FVConstantICSets a constant field value.
  • FVFunctionICAn initial condition that uses a normal function of x, y, z to produce values (and optionally gradients) for a field variable.



  • Moose App
  • AddFVKernelActionAdd a FVKernel object to the simulation.
  • FVAdvectionResidual contribution from advection operator for finite volume method.
  • FVAnisotropicDiffusionComputes residual for anisotropic diffusion operator for finite volume method.
  • FVBodyForceDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into finite volume kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors.
  • FVBoundedValueConstraintThis class is used to enforce a min or max value for a finite volume variable
  • FVCoupledForceImplements a source term proportional to the value of a coupled variable.
  • FVDiffusionComputes residual for diffusion operator for finite volume method.
  • FVDivergenceComputes the residual coming from the divergence of a vector fieldthat can be represented as a functor.
  • FVFunctorTimeKernelResidual contribution from time derivative of an AD functor (default is the variable this kernel is acting upon if the 'functor' parameter is not supplied) for the finite volume method.
  • FVIntegralValueConstraintThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = volume * phi_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
  • FVMassMatrixComputes a 'mass matrix', which will just be a diagonal matrix for the finite volume method, meant for use in preconditioning schemes which require one
  • FVMatAdvectionComputes the residual of advective term using finite volume method.
  • FVOrthogonalDiffusionImposes an orthogonal diffusion term.
  • FVPointValueConstraintThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = volume * phi_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
  • FVReactionSimple consuming reaction term
  • FVScalarLagrangeMultiplierThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = volume * phi_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
  • FVTimeKernelResidual contribution from time derivative of a variable for the finite volume method.



  • Moose App
  • AddFunctorMaterialActionAdd a Functor Material object to the simulation.
  • ADGenericConstantFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
  • ADGenericConstantVectorFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring vector properties that are populated by evaluation of functor (constants, functions, variables, matprops) object.
  • ADGenericFunctionFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
  • ADGenericFunctorGradientMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of gradients of Functors (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
  • ADGenericFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
  • ADGenericFunctorTimeDerivativeMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of time derivatives of Functors objects. (such as variables, constants, postprocessors). The time derivative is only returned if the 'dot' functor routine is implemented.
  • ADGenericVectorFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring vector properties that are populated by evaluation of functor (constants, functions, variables, matprops) object.
  • ADParsedFunctorMaterialComputes a functor material from a parsed expression of other functors.
  • ADPiecewiseByBlockFunctorMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
  • ADPiecewiseByBlockVectorFunctorMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
  • ADVectorMagnitudeFunctorMaterialThis class takes up to three scalar-valued functors corresponding to vector components or a single vector functor and computes the Euclidean norm.
  • FVADPropValPerSubdomainMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
  • FVPropValPerSubdomainMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
  • FunctorADConverterConverts regular functors to AD functors and AD functors to regular functors
  • FunctorSmootherCreates smoother functor(s) using various averaging techniques
  • GenericConstantFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
  • GenericConstantVectorFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring vector properties that are populated by evaluation of functor (constants, functions, variables, matprops) object.
  • GenericFunctionFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
  • GenericFunctorGradientMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of gradients of Functors (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
  • GenericFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
  • GenericFunctorTimeDerivativeMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of time derivatives of Functors objects. (such as variables, constants, postprocessors). The time derivative is only returned if the 'dot' functor routine is implemented.
  • GenericVectorFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring vector properties that are populated by evaluation of functor (constants, functions, variables, matprops) object.
  • ParsedFunctorMaterialComputes a functor material from a parsed expression of other functors.
  • PiecewiseByBlockFunctorMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
  • PiecewiseByBlockVectorFunctorMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
  • VectorFunctorADConverterConverts regular functors to AD functors and AD functors to regular functors
  • VectorMagnitudeFunctorMaterialThis class takes up to three scalar-valued functors corresponding to vector components or a single vector functor and computes the Euclidean norm.


  • Moose App
  • GlobalParamsActionAction used to aid in the application of parameters defined in the GlobalParams input block.


  • Moose App
  • ArrayMooseVariableUsed for grouping standard field variables with the same finite element family and order
  • MooseLinearVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableRepresents standard field variables, e.g. Lagrange, Hermite, or non-constant Monomials
  • MooseVariableBaseBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableConstMonomialSpecialization for constant monomials that avoids unnecessary loops
  • MooseVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableScalarMoose wrapper class around scalar variables
  • VectorMooseVariableRepresents vector field variables, e.g. Vector Lagrange, Nedelec or Raviart-Thomas
  • Crane App
  • AddScalarReactionsThis Action automatically adds the necessary kernels and materials for a reaction network.


  • Moose App
  • AddHDGBCActionAdd a hybridized integrated boundary condition object to the simulation.
  • DiffusionHDGDirichletBCWeakly imposes Dirichlet boundary conditions for a hybridized discretization of a diffusion equation
  • DiffusionHDGPrescribedGradientBCImplements a flux boundary condition for use with a hybridized discretization of the diffusion equation



  • Moose App
  • AddInitialConditionActionAdd an InitialCondition object to the simulation.
  • ArrayConstantICSets constant component values for an array field variable.
  • ArrayFunctionICAn initial condition that uses a normal function of x, y, z to produce values (and optionally gradients) for a field variable.
  • BoundingBoxICBoundingBoxIC allows setting the initial condition of a value inside and outside of a specified box. The box is aligned with the x, y, z axes
  • ConstantICSets a constant field value.
  • FunctionICAn initial condition that uses a normal function of x, y, z to produce values (and optionally gradients) for a field variable.
  • FunctionScalarICInitializes a scalar variable using a function.
  • IntegralPreservingFunctionICFunction initial condition that preserves an integral
  • RandomICInitialize a variable with randomly generated numbers following either a uniform distribution or a user-defined distribution
  • ScalarComponentICInitial condition to set different values on each component of scalar variable.
  • ScalarConstantICInitalize a scalar variable with a constant value prescribed by an input parameter.
  • ScalarSolutionICSets the initial condition from a scalar variable stored in an Exodus file, retrieved by a SolutionUserObject
  • ScalarSolutionInitialConditionSets the initial condition from a scalar variable stored in an Exodus file, retrieved by a SolutionUserObject
  • SolutionICSets the initial condition from a field variable stored in an Exodus file, retrieved by a SolutionUserObject
  • SolutionInitialConditionSets the initial condition from a field variable stored in an Exodus file, retrieved by a SolutionUserObject
  • VectorConstantICSets constant component values for a vector field variable.
  • VectorFunctionICSets component values for a vector field variable based on a vector function.



  • Moose App
  • AddKernelActionAdd a Kernel object to the simulation.
  • ADBodyForceDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
  • ADCoefReactionImplements the residual term (p*u, test)
  • ADConservativeAdvectionConservative form of which in its weak form is given by: .
  • ADCoupledForceImplements a source term proportional to the value of a coupled variable. Weak form: .
  • ADCoupledTimeDerivativeTime derivative Kernel that acts on a coupled variable. Weak form: .
  • ADDiffusionSame as Diffusion in terms of physics/residual, but the Jacobian is computed using forward automatic differentiation
  • ADMatBodyForceKernel that defines a body force modified by a material property
  • ADMatCoupledForceKernel representing the contribution of the PDE term , where is a material property coefficient, is a coupled scalar field variable, and Jacobian derivatives are calculated using automatic differentiation.
  • ADMatDiffusionDiffusion equation kernel that takes an isotropic diffusivity from a material property
  • ADMatReactionKernel representing the contribution of the PDE term , where is a reaction rate material property, is a scalar variable (nonlinear or coupled), and whose Jacobian contribution is calculated using automatic differentiation.
  • ADMaterialPropertyValueResidual term (u - prop) to set variable u equal to a given material property prop
  • ADReactionImplements a simple consuming reaction term with weak form .
  • ADScalarLMKernelThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = V_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
  • ADTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • ADVectorDiffusionThe Laplacian operator (), with the weak form of . The Jacobian is computed using automatic differentiation
  • ADVectorTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • AnisotropicDiffusionAnisotropic diffusion kernel with weak form given by .
  • ArrayBodyForceApplies body forces specified with functions to an array variable.
  • ArrayCoupledTimeDerivativeTime derivative Array Kernel that acts on a coupled variable. Weak form: . The coupled variable and the variable must have the same dimensionality
  • ArrayDiffusionThe array Laplacian operator (), with the weak form of .
  • ArrayReactionThe array reaction operator with the weak form of .
  • ArrayTimeDerivativeArray time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • BodyForceDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
  • CoefReactionImplements the residual term (p*u, test)
  • CoefTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • ConservativeAdvectionConservative form of which in its weak form is given by: .
  • CoupledForceImplements a source term proportional to the value of a coupled variable. Weak form: .
  • CoupledTimeDerivativeTime derivative Kernel that acts on a coupled variable. Weak form: .
  • DiffusionThe Laplacian operator (), with the weak form of .
  • DivFieldThe divergence operator optionally scaled by a constant scalar coefficient. Weak form: .
  • FunctionDiffusionDiffusion with a function coefficient.
  • GradFieldThe gradient operator optionally scaled by a constant scalar coefficient. Weak form: .
  • MassEigenKernelAn eigenkernel with weak form where is the eigenvalue.
  • MassLumpedTimeDerivativeLumped formulation of the time derivative . Its corresponding weak form is where denotes the time derivative of the solution coefficient associated with node .
  • MassMatrixComputes a finite element mass matrix
  • MatBodyForceKernel that defines a body force modified by a material property
  • MatCoupledForceImplements a forcing term RHS of the form PDE = RHS, where RHS = Sum_j c_j * m_j * v_j. c_j, m_j, and v_j are provided as real coefficients, material properties, and coupled variables, respectively.
  • MatDiffusionDiffusion equation Kernel that takes an isotropic Diffusivity from a material property
  • MatReactionKernel to add -L*v, where L=reaction rate, v=variable
  • MaterialDerivativeRankFourTestKernelClass used for testing derivatives of a rank four tensor material property.
  • MaterialDerivativeRankTwoTestKernelClass used for testing derivatives of a rank two tensor material property.
  • MaterialDerivativeTestKernelClass used for testing derivatives of a scalar material property.
  • MaterialPropertyValueResidual term (u - prop) to set variable u equal to a given material property prop
  • NullKernelKernel that sets a zero residual.
  • ReactionImplements a simple consuming reaction term with weak form .
  • ScalarLMKernelThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = V_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
  • ScalarLagrangeMultiplierThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = V_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
  • TimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • UserForcingFunctionDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
  • VectorBodyForceDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
  • VectorCoupledTimeDerivativeTime derivative Kernel that acts on a coupled vector variable. Weak form: .
  • VectorDiffusionThe Laplacian operator (), with the weak form of .
  • VectorFunctionReactionKernel representing the contribution of the PDE term , where is a function coefficient and is a vector variable.
  • VectorTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • Crane App
  • ADEEDFElasticLog
  • ADEEDFElasticTownsendLog
  • ADEEDFEnergyLog
  • ADEEDFEnergyTownsendLogAdds the change in enthalpy from a chemical reaction to the electron and/or gas temperature equations.
  • ADEEDFReactionLog
  • ADEEDFReactionTownsendLog
  • ADReactionSecondOrderLog
  • ADReactionThirdOrderLog
  • EEDFElasticLog
  • EEDFElasticTownsendLog
  • EEDFEnergyLog
  • EEDFEnergyTownsendLog
  • EEDFReactionLog
  • EEDFReactionTownsendLog
  • LogStabilization
  • ReactionFirstOrder
  • ReactionFirstOrderEnergy
  • ReactionFirstOrderEnergyLog
  • ReactionFirstOrderLog
  • ReactionSecondOrder
  • ReactionSecondOrderEnergy
  • ReactionSecondOrderEnergyLog
  • ReactionSecondOrderLog
  • ReactionThirdOrder
  • ReactionThirdOrderEnergy
  • ReactionThirdOrderEnergyLog
  • ReactionThirdOrderLog
  • TimeDerivativeLogThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • Zapdos App
  • AccelerationByAveragingAn acceleration scheme based on averaging a density over a periodic cycle
  • AxisymmetricCurlZThe Z-component of an axisymmetric curl.
  • ChargeSourceMoles_KVUsed for adding charged sources to Poisson’s equation. This kernel assumes that densities are measured in units of mol/m as opposed to #/m
  • CoeffDiffusionGeneric diffusion term (densities must be in logarithmic form), where the Jacobian is computed using forward automatic differentiation.
  • CoeffDiffusionForShootMethodThe derivative of the generic diffusion term used to calculate the sensitivity value for the shoothing method.(Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • CoeffDiffusionLinGeneric linear diffusion term (Values are NOT in logarithmic form), where the Jacobian is computed using forward automatic differentiation.
  • DriftDiffusionGeneric drift-diffusion equation that contains both an electric field driven advection term and a diffusion term (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • EEDFReactionLogForShootMethodThe derivative of an EEDF reaction term used to calculate the sensitivity variable for the shoothing method.(Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • EFieldAdvectionGeneric electric field driven advection term. (Densities must be in logarithmic form.)
  • EFieldArtDiffGeneric artificial electric field driven advection term (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • EFieldMagnitudeSourceElectric field magnitude term based on the electrostatic approximation
  • ElectronEnergyLossFromElasticElectron energy loss term for elastic collisions using Townsend coefficient (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitationElectron energy loss term for inelastic excitation collisions using Townsend coefficient, the energy lost in Volts in a single excitation collision (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ElectronEnergyLossFromIonizationElectron energy loss term for inelastic ionization collisions using Townsend coefficients, the energy lost in Volts in a single ionization collision (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ElectronEnergyTermElasticRateElectron energy loss term for elastic collisions using reaction rate coefficients (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ElectronEnergyTermRateElectron energy loss term for inelastic collisions using reaction rate coefficients. Threshold energy is the energy lost in Volts in a single collision (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ElectronTimeDerivativeGeneric accumulation term for variables in logarithmic form.
  • ElectronsFromIonizationRate of production of electrons from ionization using Townsend coefficients (Electron density must be in logarithmic form)
  • ExcitationReactionRate of production of metastables from excitation using Townsend coefficients (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • IonsFromIonizationRate of production of ions from ionization using Townsend coefficients (Ion density must be in logarithmic form)
  • JouleHeatingJoule heating term for electrons (densities must be in logarithmic form), where the Jacobian is computed using forward automatic differentiation.
  • LogStabilizationMolesKernel stabilizes solution variable u in places where u → 0; b is the offset valuespecified by the user. A typical value for b is 20.
  • ProductAABBRxnGeneric second order reaction source term in which two molecules of v are produced from two molecules of u (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ProductFirstOrderRxnGeneric first order reaction source term for u (v is the reactant and densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ReactantAARxnGeneric second order reaction sink term for u in which twomolecules of u are consumed(Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ReactantFirstOrderRxnGeneric first order reaction sink term for u (u is the reactant)(Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ReactionSecondOrderLogForShootMethodThe derivative of a second order reaction term used to calculate the sensitivity variable for the shoothing method. (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ReactionThirdOrderLogForShootMethodThe derivative of a third order reaction term used to calculate the sensitivity variable for the shoothing method. (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ScaledReactionThe multiple of a given variable (Used for calculating the effective ion potential for a given collision frequency)
  • ShootMethodLogAn acceleration scheme based on the shooting method
  • TM0CylindricalThe axisymmetric wave equation for the azimuthal component of the magnetizing field.
  • TM0CylindricalErThe axisymmetric wave equation for the radial component of the electric field.
  • TM0CylindricalEzThe axisymmetric wave equation for the axial component of the electric field.
  • UserSourceUser defined source term
  • Squirrel App
  • ConservativeTemperatureAdvectionConservative form of which in its weak form is given by: .
  • CtrlConservativeAdvection
  • CtrlConservativeTemperatureAdvection
  • MatINSTemperatureTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • NonConservativeAdvection
  • PotentialAdvection
  • VelocityFunctionConservativeAdvection
  • VelocityFunctionTemperatureAdvection


  • Moose App
  • AddLinearFVBCActionAdd a LinearFVBoundaryCondition object to the simulation.
  • LinearFVAdvectionDiffusionExtrapolatedBCAdds a boundary condition which calculates the face values and face gradients assuming one or two term expansions from the cell centroid. This kernel is only compatible with advection-diffusion problems.
  • LinearFVAdvectionDiffusionFunctorDirichletBCAdds a dirichlet BC which can be used for the assembly of linear finite volume system and whose face values are determined using a functor. This kernel is only designed to work with advection-diffusion problems.
  • LinearFVAdvectionDiffusionOutflowBCAdds a boundary condition which represents a surface with outflowing material with a constant velocity. This kernel is only compatible with advection-diffusion problems.


  • Moose App
  • AddLinearFVKernelActionAdd a LinearFVKernel object to the simulation.
  • LinearFVAdvectionRepresents the matrix and right hand side contributions of an advection term in a partial differential equation.
  • LinearFVAnisotropicDiffusionRepresents the matrix and right hand side contributions of a diffusion term in a partial differential equation.
  • LinearFVDiffusionRepresents the matrix and right hand side contributions of a diffusion term in a partial differential equation.
  • LinearFVReactionRepresents the matrix and right hand side contributions of a reaction term () in a partial differential equation.
  • LinearFVSourceRepresents the matrix and right hand side contributions of a solution-independent source term in a partial differential equation.
  • LinearFVTimeDerivativeRepresents the matrix and right hand side contributions of a time derivative term in a partial differential equation.



  • Moose App
  • CreateDisplacedProblemActionCreate a Problem object that utilizes displacements.
  • DisplayGhostingActionAction to setup AuxVariables and AuxKernels to display ghosting when running in parallel
  • ElementIDOutputActionAction for copying extra element IDs into auxiliary variables for output.
  • SetupMeshActionAdd or create Mesh object to the simulation.
  • SetupMeshCompleteActionPerform operations on the mesh in preparation for a simulation.
  • AddMeshGeneratorActionAdd a MeshGenerator object to the simulation.
  • AddMetaDataGeneratorThis mesh generator assigns extraneous mesh metadata to the input mesh
  • AdvancedExtruderGeneratorExtrudes a 1D mesh into 2D, or a 2D mesh into 3D, can have a variable height for each elevation, variable number of layers within each elevation, variable growth factors of axial element sizes within each elevation and remap subdomain_ids, boundary_ids and element extra integers within each elevation as well as interface boundaries between neighboring elevation layers.
  • AllSideSetsByNormalsGeneratorAdds sidesets to the entire mesh based on unique normals.
  • AnnularMeshGeneratorFor rmin>0: creates an annular mesh of QUAD4 elements. For rmin=0: creates a disc mesh of QUAD4 and TRI3 elements. Boundary sidesets are created at rmax and rmin, and given these names. If dmin!0 and dmax!360, a sector of an annulus or disc is created. In this case boundary sidesets are also created at dmin and dmax, and given these names
  • BlockDeletionGeneratorMesh generator which removes elements from the specified subdomains
  • BlockToMeshConverterGeneratorConverts one or more blocks (subdomains) from a mesh into a stand-alone mesh with a single block in it.
  • BoundaryDeletionGeneratorMesh generator which removes side sets
  • BoundingBoxNodeSetGeneratorAssigns all of the nodes either inside or outside of a bounding box to a new nodeset.
  • BreakBoundaryOnSubdomainGeneratorBreak boundaries based on the subdomains to which their sides are attached. Naming convention for the new boundaries will be the old boundary name plus "_to_" plus the subdomain name
  • BreakMeshByBlockGeneratorBreak the mesh at interfaces between blocks. New nodes will be generated so elements on each side of the break are no longer connected. At the moment, this only works on a REPLICATED mesh
  • BreakMeshByElementGeneratorBreak all element-element interfaces in the specified subdomains.
  • CartesianMeshGeneratorThis CartesianMeshGenerator creates a non-uniform Cartesian mesh.
  • CircularBoundaryCorrectionGeneratorThis CircularBoundaryCorrectionGenerator object is designed to correct full or partial circular boundaries in a 2D mesh to preserve areas.
  • CoarsenBlockGeneratorMesh generator which coarsens one or more blocks in an existing mesh. The coarsening algorithm works best for regular meshes.
  • CombinerGeneratorCombine multiple meshes (or copies of one mesh) together into one (disjoint) mesh. Can optionally translate those meshes before combining them.
  • ConcentricCircleMeshGeneratorThis ConcentricCircleMeshGenerator source code is to generate concentric circle meshes.
  • CutMeshByLevelSetGeneratorThis CutMeshByLevelSetGenerator object is designed to trim the input mesh by removing all the elements on outside the give level set with special processing on the elements crossed by the cutting surface to ensure a smooth cross-section. The output mesh only consists of TET4 elements.
  • CutMeshByPlaneGeneratorThis CutMeshByPlaneGenerator object is designed to trim the input mesh by removing all the elements on one side of a given plane with special processing on the elements crossed by the cutting plane to ensure a smooth cross-section. The output mesh only consists of TET4 elements.
  • DistributedRectilinearMeshGeneratorCreate a line, square, or cube mesh with uniformly spaced or biased elements.
  • ElementGeneratorGenerates individual elements given a list of nodal positions.
  • ElementOrderConversionGeneratorMesh generator which converts orders of elements
  • ElementSubdomainIDGeneratorAllows the user to assign each element the subdomain ID of their choice
  • ElementsToSimplicesConverterSplits all non-simplex elements in a mesh into simplices.
  • ElementsToTetrahedronsConverterThis ElementsToTetrahedronsConverter object is designed to convert all the elements in a 3D mesh consisting only linear elements into TET4 elements.
  • ExamplePatchMeshGeneratorCreates 2D or 3D patch meshes.
  • ExplodeMeshGeneratorBreak all element-element interfaces in the specified subdomains.
  • ExtraNodesetGeneratorCreates a new node set and a new boundary made with the nodes the user provides.
  • FancyExtruderGeneratorExtrudes a 1D mesh into 2D, or a 2D mesh into 3D, can have a variable height for each elevation, variable number of layers within each elevation, variable growth factors of axial element sizes within each elevation and remap subdomain_ids, boundary_ids and element extra integers within each elevation as well as interface boundaries between neighboring elevation layers.
  • FileMeshGeneratorRead a mesh from a file.
  • FillBetweenCurvesGeneratorThis FillBetweenCurvesGenerator object is designed to generate a transition layer to connect two boundaries of two input meshes.
  • FillBetweenPointVectorsGeneratorThis FillBetweenPointVectorsGenerator object is designed to generate a transition layer with two sides containing different numbers of nodes.
  • FillBetweenSidesetsGeneratorThis FillBetweenSidesetsGenerator object is designed to generate a transition layer to connect two boundaries of two input meshes.
  • FlipSidesetGeneratorA Mesh Generator which flips a given sideset
  • GeneratedMeshGeneratorCreate a line, square, or cube mesh with uniformly spaced or biased elements.
  • ImageMeshGeneratorGenerated mesh with the aspect ratio of a given image stack.
  • ImageSubdomainGeneratorSamples an image at the coordinates of each element centroid, using the resulting pixel color value as each element's subdomain ID
  • LowerDBlockFromSidesetGeneratorAdds lower dimensional elements on the specified sidesets.
  • MeshCollectionGeneratorCollects multiple meshes into a single (unconnected) mesh.
  • MeshDiagnosticsGeneratorRuns a series of diagnostics on the mesh to detect potential issues such as unsupported features
  • MeshExtruderGeneratorTakes a 1D or 2D mesh and extrudes the entire structure along the specified axis increasing the dimensionality of the mesh.
  • MeshRepairGeneratorMesh generator to perform various improvement / fixing operations on an input mesh
  • MoveNodeGeneratorModifies the position of one or more nodes
  • NodeSetsFromSideSetsGeneratorMesh generator which constructs node sets from side sets
  • OrientedSubdomainBoundingBoxGeneratorDefines a subdomain inside or outside of a bounding box with arbitrary orientation.
  • OverlayMeshGeneratorCreates a Cartesian mesh overlaying the input mesh region.
  • ParsedCurveGeneratorThis ParsedCurveGenerator object is designed to generate a mesh of a curve that consists of EDGE2 elements.
  • ParsedElementDeletionGeneratorRemoves elements such that the parsed expression is evaluated as strictly positive. The parameters of the parsed expression can be the X,Y,Z coordinates of the element vertex average (must be 'x','y','z' in the expression), the element volume (must be 'volume' in the expression) and the element id ('id' in the expression).
  • ParsedExtraElementIDGeneratorUses a parsed expression to set an extra element id for elements (via their centroids).
  • ParsedGenerateNodesetA MeshGenerator that adds nodes to a nodeset if the node satisfies the expression expression.
  • ParsedGenerateSidesetA MeshGenerator that adds element sides to a sideset if the centroid of the side satisfies the combinatorial_geometry expression.
  • ParsedNodeTransformGeneratorApplies a transform to a the x,y,z coordinates of a Mesh
  • ParsedSubdomainMeshGeneratorUses a parsed expression (combinatorial_geometry) to determine if an element (via its centroid) is inside the region defined by the expression and assigns a new block ID.
  • PatchMeshGeneratorCreates 2D or 3D patch meshes.
  • PatternedMeshGeneratorCreates a 2D mesh from a specified set of unique 'tiles' meshes and a two-dimensional pattern.
  • PlaneDeletionGeneratorRemoves elements lying 'above' the plane (in the direction of the normal).
  • PlaneIDMeshGeneratorAdds an extra element integer that identifies planes in a mesh.
  • PolyLineMeshGeneratorGenerates meshes from edges connecting a list of points.
  • RefineBlockGeneratorMesh generator which refines one or more blocks in an existing mesh
  • RefineSidesetGeneratorMesh generator which refines one or more sidesets
  • RenameBlockGeneratorChanges the block IDs and/or block names for a given set of blocks defined by either block ID or block name. The changes are independent of ordering. The merging of blocks is supported.
  • RenameBoundaryGeneratorChanges the boundary IDs and/or boundary names for a given set of boundaries defined by either boundary ID or boundary name. The changes are independent of ordering. The merging of boundaries is supported.
  • RinglebMeshGeneratorCreates a mesh for the Ringleb problem.
  • SideSetExtruderGeneratorTakes a 1D or 2D mesh and extrudes a selected sideset along the specified axis.
  • SideSetsAroundSubdomainGeneratorAdds element faces that are on the exterior of the given block to the sidesets specified
  • SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGeneratorMeshGenerator that creates a sideset composed of the nodes located between two or more subdomains.
  • SideSetsFromBoundingBoxGeneratorDefines new sidesets using currently-defined sideset IDs inside or outside of a bounding box.
  • SideSetsFromNodeSetsGeneratorMesh generator which constructs side sets from node sets
  • SideSetsFromNormalsGeneratorAdds a new named sideset to the mesh for all faces matching the specified normal.
  • SideSetsFromPointsGeneratorAdds a new sideset starting at the specified point containing all connected element faces with the same normal.
  • SmoothMeshGeneratorUtilizes a simple Laplacian based smoother to attempt to improve mesh quality. Will not move boundary nodes or nodes along block/subdomain boundaries
  • SphereMeshGeneratorGenerate a 3-D sphere mesh centered on the origin
  • SpiralAnnularMeshGeneratorCreates an annular mesh based on TRI3 or TRI6 elements on several rings.
  • StackGeneratorUse the supplied meshes and stitch them on top of each other
  • StitchBoundaryMeshGeneratorAllows a pair of boundaries to be stitched together.
  • StitchedMeshGeneratorAllows multiple mesh files to be stitched together to form a single mesh.
  • SubdomainBoundingBoxGeneratorChanges the subdomain ID of elements either (XOR) inside or outside the specified box to the specified ID.
  • SubdomainIDGeneratorSets all the elements of the input mesh to a unique subdomain ID.
  • SubdomainPerElementGeneratorAllows the user to assign each element the subdomain ID of their choice
  • SymmetryTransformGeneratorApplies a symmetry transformation to the entire mesh.
  • TiledMeshGeneratorUse the supplied mesh and create a tiled grid by repeating this mesh in the x, y, and z directions.
  • TransfiniteMeshGeneratorCreates a QUAD4 mesh given a set of corner vertices and edge types. The edge type can be either LINE, CIRCARC, DISCRETE or PARSED, with LINE as the default option. For the non-default options the user needs to specify additional parameters via the edge_parameter option as follows: for CIRCARC the deviation of the midpoint from an arccircle, for DISCRETE a set of points, or a paramterization via the PARSED option. Opposite edges may have different distributions s long as the number of points is identical. Along opposite edges a different point distribution can be prescribed via the options bias_x or bias_y for opposing edges.
  • TransformGeneratorApplies a linear transform to the entire mesh.
  • UniqueExtraIDMeshGeneratorAdd a new extra element integer ID by finding unique combinations of the existing extra element integer ID values
  • XYDelaunayGeneratorTriangulates meshes within boundaries defined by input meshes.
  • XYMeshLineCutterThis XYMeshLineCutter object is designed to trim the input mesh by removing all the elements on one side of a given straight line with special processing on the elements crossed by the cutting line to ensure a smooth cross-section.
  • XYZDelaunayGeneratorCreates tetrahedral 3D meshes within boundaries defined by input meshes.
  • AnnularMeshFor rmin>0: creates an annular mesh of QUAD4 elements. For rmin=0: creates a disc mesh of QUAD4 and TRI3 elements. Boundary sidesets are created at rmax and rmin, and given these names. If dmin!0 and dmax!360, a sector of an annulus or disc is created. In this case boundary sidesets are also created a dmin and dmax, and given these names
  • ConcentricCircleMeshThis ConcentricCircleMesh source code is to generate concentric circle meshes.
  • FileMeshRead a mesh from a file.
  • GeneratedMeshCreate a line, square, or cube mesh with uniformly spaced or biased elements.
  • ImageMeshGenerated mesh with the aspect ratio of a given image stack.
  • MeshGeneratorMeshMesh generated using mesh generators
  • PatternedMeshCreates a 2D mesh from a specified set of unique 'tiles' meshes and a two-dimensional pattern.
  • RinglebMeshCreates a mesh for the Ringleb problem.
  • SpiralAnnularMeshCreates an annual mesh based on TRI3 elements (it can also be TRI6 elements) on several rings.
  • StitchedMeshReads in all of the given meshes and stitches them all together into one mesh.
  • TiledMeshUse the supplied mesh and create a tiled grid by repeating this mesh in the x,y, and z directions.
  • Partitioner



  • Moose App
  • AddMeshDivisionActionAdd a MeshDivision object to the simulation.
  • CartesianGridDivisionDivide the mesh along a Cartesian grid. Numbering increases from bottom to top and from left to right and from back to front. The inner ordering is X, then Y, then Z
  • CylindricalGridDivisionDivide the mesh along a cylindrical grid. The innermost numbering of divisions is the radial bins, then comes the azimuthal bins, then the axial bins
  • ExtraElementIntegerDivisionDivide the mesh by increasing extra element IDs. The division will be contiguously numbered even if the extra element ids are not
  • FunctorBinnedValuesDivisionDivide the mesh along based on uniformly binned values of a functor.
  • NearestPositionsDivisionDivide the mesh using a nearest-point / voronoi algorithm, with the points coming from a Positions object
  • NestedDivisionDivide the mesh using nested divisions objects
  • SphericalGridDivisionDivide the mesh along a spherical grid.
  • SubdomainsDivisionDivide the mesh by increasing subdomain ids. The division will be contiguously numbered even if the subdomain ids are not



  • Moose App
  • AddMultiAppActionAdd a MultiApp object to the simulation.
  • CentroidMultiAppAutomatically generates Sub-App positions from centroids of elements in the parent app mesh.
  • FullSolveMultiAppPerforms a complete simulation during each execution.
  • QuadraturePointMultiAppAutomatically generates sub-App positions from the elemental quadrature points, with the default quadrature, in the parent mesh.
  • TransientMultiAppMultiApp for performing coupled simulations with the parent and sub-application both progressing in time.



  • Moose App
  • AddNodalNormalsActionCreates Auxiliary variables and objects for computing the outward facing normal from a node.


  • Moose App
  • AutoCheckpointActionAction to create shortcut syntax-specified checkpoints and automatic checkpoints.
  • CommonOutputActionAdds short-cut syntax and common parameters to the Outputs block.
  • MaterialOutputActionOutputs material properties to various Outputs objects, based on the parameters set in each Material
  • AddOutputActionAction responsible for creating Output objects.
  • BlockRestrictionDebugOutputDebug output object for displaying information regarding block-restriction of objects.
  • CSVOutput for postprocessors, vector postprocessors, and scalar variables using comma seperated values (CSV).
  • CheckpointOutput for MOOSE recovery checkpoint files.
  • ConsoleObject for screen output.
  • ControlOutputOutput for displaying objects and parameters associated with the Control system.
  • DOFMapOutput degree-of-freedom (DOF) map.
  • ExodusObject for output data in the Exodus format
  • GMVObject for outputting data in the GMV format
  • GnuplotOutput for postprocessors and scalar variables in GNU plot format.
  • JSONOutput for Reporter values using JSON format.
  • MaterialPropertyDebugOutputDebug output object for displaying material property information.
  • NemesisObject for output data in the Nemesis (parallel ExodusII) format.
  • PerfGraphOutputControls output of the PerfGraph: the performance log for MOOSE
  • ProgressOutput a simulation time progress bar on the console.
  • ReporterDebugOutputDebug output object for displaying Reporter information.
  • SolutionHistoryOutputs the non-linear and linear iteration solve history.
  • TecplotObject for outputting data in the Tecplot format
  • TopResidualDebugOutputDebug output object for displaying the top contributing residuals.
  • VTKOutput data using the Visualization Toolkit (VTK).
  • VariableResidualNormsDebugOutputReports the residual norm for each variable.
  • XDAObject for outputting data in the XDA/XDR format.
  • XDRObject for outputting data in the XDA/XDR format.
  • XMLOutputOutput for VectorPostprocessor using XML format.


  • Moose App
  • BoolFunctionControlSets the value of a 'bool' input parameters to the value of a provided function.
  • ConditionalFunctionEnableControlControl for enabling/disabling objects when a function value is true
  • PIDTransientControlSets the value of a 'Real' input parameter (or postprocessor) based on a Proportional Integral Derivative control of a postprocessor to match a target a target value.
  • RealFunctionControlSets the value of a 'Real' input parameters to the value of a provided function.
  • TimePeriodControl the enabled/disabled state of objects with time.
  • TimesEnableControlControl for enabling/disabling objects when a certain time is reached.
  • WebServerControlStarts a webserver for sending/receiving JSON messages to get data and control a running MOOSE calculation
  • Zapdos App
  • AddPeriodicControllersThis Action automatically adds multiply 'TimePeriod' controllers forthe purpose of enabling and disabling multiple objects during multiple cycles.(Ideally for periodic accelerations)


  • Moose App
  • ArrayMooseVariableUsed for grouping standard field variables with the same finite element family and order
  • MooseLinearVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableRepresents standard field variables, e.g. Lagrange, Hermite, or non-constant Monomials
  • MooseVariableBaseBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableConstMonomialSpecialization for constant monomials that avoids unnecessary loops
  • MooseVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableScalarMoose wrapper class around scalar variables
  • VectorMooseVariableRepresents vector field variables, e.g. Vector Lagrange, Nedelec or Raviart-Thomas
  • Zapdos App
  • AddPeriodicRelativeNodalDifferenceThis Action automatically adds the necessary objects to calculate the relative periodic difference. Relative Difference will be outputted as a Postprocessor named: 'var'_periodic_difference




  • Moose App
  • DiffusionCGDiscretizes a diffusion equation with the continuous Galerkin finite element method


  • Moose App
  • DiffusionFVAdd diffusion physics discretized with cell-centered finite volume




  • Moose App
  • SetupPreconditionerActionAdd a Preconditioner object to the simulation.
  • AddFieldSplitActionAdd a Split object to the simulation.
  • SplitField split based preconditioner for nonlinear solver.
  • FDPFinite difference preconditioner (FDP) builds a numerical Jacobian for preconditioning, only use for testing and verification.
  • FSPPreconditioner designed to map onto PETSc's PCFieldSplit.
  • PBPPhysics-based preconditioner (PBP) allows individual physics to have their own preconditioner.
  • SMPSingle matrix preconditioner (SMP) builds a preconditioner using user defined off-diagonal parts of the Jacobian.
  • VCPVarialble condensation preconditioner (VCP) condenses out specified variable(s) from the Jacobian matrix and produces a system of equations with less unkowns to be solved by the underlying preconditioners.


  • Moose App
  • CreateProblemActionAdd a Problem object to the simulation.
  • DynamicObjectRegistrationActionRegister MooseObjects from other applications dynamically.
  • DisplacedProblemA Problem object for providing access to the displaced finite element mesh and associated variables.
  • DumpObjectsProblemSingle purpose problem object that does not run the given input but allows deconstructing actions into their series of underlying Moose objects and variables.
  • EigenProblemProblem object for solving an eigenvalue problem.
  • FEProblemA normal (default) Problem object that contains a single NonlinearSystem and a single AuxiliarySystem object.
  • ReferenceResidualProblemProblem that checks for convergence relative to a user-supplied reference quantity rather than the initial residual



  • Moose App
  • ArrayMooseVariableUsed for grouping standard field variables with the same finite element family and order
  • MooseLinearVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableRepresents standard field variables, e.g. Lagrange, Hermite, or non-constant Monomials
  • MooseVariableBaseBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableConstMonomialSpecialization for constant monomials that avoids unnecessary loops
  • MooseVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableScalarMoose wrapper class around scalar variables
  • VectorMooseVariableRepresents vector field variables, e.g. Vector Lagrange, Nedelec or Raviart-Thomas
  • Crane App
  • AddZapdosReactionsThis Action automatically adds the necessary kernels and materials for a reaction network.










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  7. Y Sakiyama and David B Graves. Corona-glow transition in the atmospheric pressure rf-excited plasma needle. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 39(16):3644, 2006. doi:10.1088/0022-3727/39/16/018.[BibTeX]
  8. Yukinori Sakiyama and David B Graves. Nonthermal atmospheric rf plasma in one-dimensional spherical coordinates: asymmetric sheath structure and the discharge mechanism. Journal of applied physics, 2007. doi:[BibTeX]