dom0Scale = 25.4e-3
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Lymberopoulos.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
#Electron Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of electron
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
#Advection term of electron
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net electron production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = em
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Argon Ion Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of the ions
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar+
#Advection term of ions
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar+
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net ion production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar+
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Argon Excited Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of excited Argon
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar*
#Diffusion term of excited Argon
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar*
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net excited Argon production from excitation
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
coefficient = 1
#Net excited Argon loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from quenching to resonant
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = -2
_v_eq_u = true
_w_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from two-body quenching
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from three-body quenching
type = ReactionThirdOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Voltage Equations (Same as in paper)
#Voltage term in Poissons Eqaution
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Ion term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Ar+
#Electron term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
#Since the paper uses electron temperature as a variable, the energy equation is in
#a different form but should be the same physics
#Time Derivative term of electron energy
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
#Advection term of electron energy
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons energy
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Joule Heating term
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Energy loss from ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -15.7
#Energy loss from excitation
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
threshold_energy = -11.56
#Energy loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -4.14
#Energy gain from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
threshold_energy = 11.56
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
# type = DebugResidualAux
# variable = emDeBug
# debug_variable = em
# type = DebugResidualAux
# variable = Ar+_DeBug
# debug_variable = Ar+
# type = DebugResidualAux
# variable = mean_enDeBug
# debug_variable = mean_en
# type = DebugResidualAux
# variable = Ar*_DeBug
# debug_variable = Ar*
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = emRate
v = em
w = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = exRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = swRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = deexRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = quRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = poolRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = TwoBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeffThreeBody
variable = ThreeBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = Te
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = DensityMoles
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar+_lin
density_log = Ar+
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar*_lin
density_log = Ar*
type = ConstantAux
variable = Ar
# value = 3.22e22
value = -2.928623
execute_on = INITIAL
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Ar+
variable = Current_Ar
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Voltage Boundary Condition, same as in paper
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'left'
function = potential_bc_func
preset = false
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'right'
value = 0
preset = false
#New Boundary conditions for electons, same as in paper
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'right'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#gamma = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#gamma = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for ions, should be the same as in paper
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'right'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'left'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for ions, should be the same as in paper
#(except the metastables are not set to zero, since Zapdos uses log form)
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'right'
value = 100
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'left'
value = 100
#New Boundary conditions for mean energy, should be the same as in paper
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'right'
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'left'
type = FunctionIC
variable = em
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar+
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar*
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = mean_en
function = energy_density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100*sin(2*3.1415926*13.56e6*t)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100 * (25.4e-3 - x)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log(3./2.) + log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = GasElectronMoments
interp_trans_coeffs = false
interp_elastic_coeff = false
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
user_p_gas = 133.322
em = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
user_electron_mobility = 30.0
user_electron_diffusion_coeff = 119.8757763975
property_tables_file = Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/electron_moments.txt
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar+
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
mobility = 0.144409938
diffusivity = 6.428571e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar*
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
diffusivity = 7.515528e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_excitation.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_ionization.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_deexcitation.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_excited_ionization.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
#reaction_rate_value = 2e-13
reaction_rate_value = 1.2044e11
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
#reaction_rate_value = 6.2e-16
reaction_rate_value = 373364000
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 3e-21
reaction_rate_value = 1806.6
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 1.1e-42
reaction_rate_value = 398909.324
#New postprocessor that calculates the inverse of the plasma frequency
type = PlasmaFrequencyInverse
variable = em
use_moles = true
active = 'smp'
type = SMP
full = true
type = FDP
full = true
type = Transient
#end_time = 0.00737463126
end_time = 3e-7
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 fgmres 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-08
#nl_abs_tol = 7.6e-5 #Commit out do to test falure on Mac
dtmin = 1e-14
l_max_its = 20
#Time steps based on the inverse of the plasma frequency
type = PostprocessorDT
postprocessor = InversePlasmaFreq
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus