Zapdos-only Input File Syntax

Listed below are the input parameter options for a Zapdos input file for code contained solely within Zapdos (not within Squirrel, CRANE, or MOOSE and its modules). Click the blue link to see more detailed information about the usage of each object.

To return to the complete code syntax, please click here.



  • Zapdos App
  • AnalyticalDiffIndicatorReturns the difference between the function of the analytic solution vs the computed solution


  • Zapdos App
  • ADCurrentReturns the electric current associated with the flux of the specified species
  • ADDiffusiveFluxReturns the diffusive flux of the specified species
  • ADEFieldAdvAuxReturns the electric field driven advective flux of the specified species
  • ADPowerDepAmount of power deposited into a user specified specie by Joule Heating
  • ADProcRateReaction rate for electron impact collisions in units of #/ms. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization Townsend coefficients
  • ADProcRateForRateCoeffReaction rate for two body collisions in units of #/ms. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization reaction rate coefficients
  • ADProcRateForRateCoeffThreeBodyReaction rate for three body collisions in units of #/ms. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization reaction rate coefficients
  • ADTotalFluxReturns the total flux of the specified species
  • AbsValueAuxReturns the absolute value of the specified variable
  • CurrentReturns the electric current associated with the flux of the specified species
  • DensityMolesReturns physical densities in units of #/m
  • DensityNormalizationSimilar to NormalizationAux except meant to normalize variables expressed in log form
  • DiffusiveFluxReturns the diffusive flux of the specified species
  • DriftDiffusionFluxAuxReturns the drift-diffusion flux of the specified species
  • EFieldAdvAuxReturns the electric field driven advective flux of the specified species
  • EfieldReturns the defined component of the electric field (0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z)
  • ElectronTemperatureReturns the electron temperature
  • LinearCombinationAuxKernelLinearly combine coupled variables with user provided weights and a bias
  • PositionProduces an elemental auxiliary variable useful for plotting against other elemental auxiliary variables. Mesh points automatically output by Zapdos only work for plotting nodal variables. Since almost all auxiliary variables are elemental, this AuxKernel is very important
  • PowerDepAmount of power deposited into a user specified specie by Joule Heating
  • ProcRateReaction rate for electron impact collisions in units of #/ms. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization Townsend coefficients
  • ProcRateForRateCoeffReaction rate for two body collisions in units of #/ms. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization reaction rate coefficients
  • ProcRateForRateCoeffThreeBodyReaction rate for three body collisions in units of #/ms. User can pass choice of elastic, excitation, or ionization reaction rate coefficients
  • SigmaCalculates the surface charge due to a simplified version of the ion flux to a boundary.
  • TM0CylindricalErAuxCalculates the radial E-field for an axisymmetric TM wave.
  • TM0CylindricalEzAuxCalculates the axial E-field for an axisymmetric TM wave.
  • TotalFluxReturns the total flux of the specified species





  • Zapdos App
  • DGCoeffDiffusionThe discontinuous Galerkin form of the generic diffusion term(Densities must be in log form)
  • DGEFieldAdvectionThe discontinuous Galerkin form of the generic electric field driven advection term(Densities must be in log form)



  • Zapdos App
  • HphiRadialInterfaceUsed to include the electric field into or out of a neighboring subdomain. This is done using Ampère–Maxwell law to relate the azmithal magnetic flux to the axial electric field.
  • InterfaceAdvectionUsed to include the electric field driven advective flux of a species into or out of a neighboring subdomain.
  • InterfaceLogDiffusionElectronsUsed to include the diffusive flux of species into or out of a neighboringsubdomain. Currently specific to electrons.
  • PotentialSurfaceCharge


  • Zapdos App
  • AccelerationByAveragingAn acceleration scheme based on averaging a density over a periodic cycle
  • AxisymmetricCurlZThe Z-component of an axisymmetric curl.
  • ChargeSourceMoles_KVUsed for adding charged sources to Poisson’s equation. This kernel assumes that densities are measured in units of mol/m as opposed to #/m
  • CoeffDiffusionGeneric diffusion term (densities must be in logarithmic form), where the Jacobian is computed using forward automatic differentiation.
  • CoeffDiffusionForShootMethodThe derivative of the generic diffusion term used to calculate the sensitivity value for the shoothing method.(Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • CoeffDiffusionLinGeneric linear diffusion term (Values are NOT in logarithmic form), where the Jacobian is computed using forward automatic differentiation.
  • DriftDiffusionGeneric drift-diffusion equation that contains both an electric field driven advection term and a diffusion term (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • EEDFReactionLogForShootMethodThe derivative of an EEDF reaction term used to calculate the sensitivity variable for the shoothing method.(Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • EFieldAdvectionGeneric electric field driven advection term. (Densities must be in logarithmic form.)
  • EFieldArtDiffGeneric artificial electric field driven advection term (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • EFieldMagnitudeSourceElectric field magnitude term based on the electrostatic approximation
  • ElectronEnergyLossFromElasticElectron energy loss term for elastic collisions using Townsend coefficient (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitationElectron energy loss term for inelastic excitation collisions using Townsend coefficient, the energy lost in Volts in a single excitation collision (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ElectronEnergyLossFromIonizationElectron energy loss term for inelastic ionization collisions using Townsend coefficients, the energy lost in Volts in a single ionization collision (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ElectronEnergyTermElasticRateElectron energy loss term for elastic collisions using reaction rate coefficients (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ElectronEnergyTermRateElectron energy loss term for inelastic collisions using reaction rate coefficients. Threshold energy is the energy lost in Volts in a single collision (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ElectronTimeDerivativeGeneric accumulation term for variables in logarithmic form.
  • ElectronsFromIonizationRate of production of electrons from ionization using Townsend coefficients (Electron density must be in logarithmic form)
  • ExcitationReactionRate of production of metastables from excitation using Townsend coefficients (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • IonsFromIonizationRate of production of ions from ionization using Townsend coefficients (Ion density must be in logarithmic form)
  • JouleHeatingJoule heating term for electrons (densities must be in logarithmic form), where the Jacobian is computed using forward automatic differentiation.
  • LogStabilizationMolesKernel stabilizes solution variable u in places where u → 0; b is the offset valuespecified by the user. A typical value for b is 20.
  • ProductAABBRxnGeneric second order reaction source term in which two molecules of v are produced from two molecules of u (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ProductFirstOrderRxnGeneric first order reaction source term for u (v is the reactant and densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ReactantAARxnGeneric second order reaction sink term for u in which twomolecules of u are consumed(Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ReactantFirstOrderRxnGeneric first order reaction sink term for u (u is the reactant)(Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ReactionSecondOrderLogForShootMethodThe derivative of a second order reaction term used to calculate the sensitivity variable for the shoothing method. (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ReactionThirdOrderLogForShootMethodThe derivative of a third order reaction term used to calculate the sensitivity variable for the shoothing method. (Densities must be in logarithmic form)
  • ScaledReactionThe multiple of a given variable (Used for calculating the effective ion potential for a given collision frequency)
  • ShootMethodLogAn acceleration scheme based on the shooting method
  • TM0CylindricalThe axisymmetric wave equation for the azimuthal component of the magnetizing field.
  • TM0CylindricalErThe axisymmetric wave equation for the radial component of the electric field.
  • TM0CylindricalEzThe axisymmetric wave equation for the axial component of the electric field.
  • UserSourceUser defined source term


  • Zapdos App
  • ADGasElectronMomentsMaterial properties of electrons(Defines reaction properties with rate coefficients)
  • ADHeavySpeciesMaterial properties of ions
  • ADSurfaceChargeAdds a surface charge material property based on the rate of change of the total charged flux to a boundary. (NOTE: this material is meant to be boundary-restricted.)
  • GasMaterial properties of electron and ions for argon gas(Defines reaction properties with Townsend coefficients)
  • GasBaseMaterial properties of electrons(Defines reaction properties with Townsend coefficients)
  • GasElectronMomentsMaterial properties of electrons(Defines reaction properties with rate coefficients)
  • HeavySpeciesMaterial properties of ions
  • WaterMaterial properties of water species


  • Zapdos App
  • AddPeriodicControllersThis Action automatically adds multiply 'TimePeriod' controllers forthe purpose of enabling and disabling multiple objects during multiple cycles.(Ideally for periodic accelerations)


  • Zapdos App
  • AddPeriodicRelativeNodalDifferenceThis Action automatically adds the necessary objects to calculate the relative periodic difference. Relative Difference will be outputted as a Postprocessor named: 'var'_periodic_difference




  1. Richard G Forbes. Simple good approximations for the special elliptic functions in standard fowler-nordheim tunneling theory for a schottky-nordheim barrier. Applied physics letters, 2006. doi:10.1063/1.2354582.[BibTeX]
  2. Richard G Forbes. Physics of generalized fowler-nordheim-type equations. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena, 26(2):788–793, 2008. doi:10.1116/1.2827505.[BibTeX]
  3. David B Go. Theoretical analysis of ion-enhanced thermionic emission for low-temperature, non-equilibrium gas discharges. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46(3):035202, 2012. doi:10.1088/0022-3727/46/3/035202.[BibTeX]
  4. GJM Hagelaar, FJ De Hoog, and GMW Kroesen. Boundary conditions in fluid models of gas discharges. Physical Review E, 62(1):1452, 2000. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.62.1452.[BibTeX]
  5. Dimitris P Lymberopoulos and Demetre J Economou. Modeling and simulation of glow discharge plasma reactors. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 12(4):1229–1236, 1994. doi:10.1116/1.579300.[BibTeX]
  6. Dimitris P. Lymberopoulos and Demetre J. Economou. Fluid simulations of glow discharges: effect of metastable atoms in argon. Journal of Applied Physics, 73(8):3668–3679, 04 1993. doi:10.1063/1.352926.[BibTeX]
  7. Y Sakiyama and David B Graves. Corona-glow transition in the atmospheric pressure rf-excited plasma needle. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 39(16):3644, 2006. doi:10.1088/0022-3727/39/16/018.[BibTeX]
  8. Yukinori Sakiyama and David B Graves. Nonthermal atmospheric rf plasma in one-dimensional spherical coordinates: asymmetric sheath structure and the discharge mechanism. Journal of applied physics, 2007. doi:[BibTeX]