- offsetThe offset parameter that goes into the exponential function
C++ Type:double
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The offset parameter that goes into the exponential function
- variableThe name of the variable that this residual object operates on
C++ Type:NonlinearVariableName
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The name of the variable that this residual object operates on
Kernel stabilizes solution variable u in places where u → 0; b is the offset valuespecified by the user. A typical value for b is 20.
adds an offset to the applied variable in logarithmic form. In Zapdos, densities and energy densities are treated in logarithmic form to avoid negative values. This is represented as
Where and are the logarithmic forms of the density and energy density, and is the density and energy density, is Avogadro's number, and is the energy. When or approach zero, numerical instabilities can occur. To avoid this, an artificial source term is added in the form of:
Where are the main physics terms, are the source terms, and is the offset.
Example Input File Syntax
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
block = 0
(test/tests/1d_dc/mean_en.i)Input Parameters
- blockThe list of blocks (ids or names) that this object will be applied
C++ Type:std::vector<SubdomainName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The list of blocks (ids or names) that this object will be applied
- displacementsThe displacements
C++ Type:std::vector<VariableName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The displacements
- prop_getter_suffixAn optional suffix parameter that can be appended to any attempt to retrieve/get material properties. The suffix will be prepended with a '_' character.
C++ Type:MaterialPropertyName
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:An optional suffix parameter that can be appended to any attempt to retrieve/get material properties. The suffix will be prepended with a '_' character.
- use_interpolated_stateFalseFor the old and older state use projected material properties interpolated at the quadrature points. To set up projection use the ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:For the old and older state use projected material properties interpolated at the quadrature points. To set up projection use the ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
Optional Parameters
- absolute_value_vector_tagsThe tags for the vectors this residual object should fill with the absolute value of the residual contribution
C++ Type:std::vector<TagName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The tags for the vectors this residual object should fill with the absolute value of the residual contribution
- extra_matrix_tagsThe extra tags for the matrices this Kernel should fill
C++ Type:std::vector<TagName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The extra tags for the matrices this Kernel should fill
- extra_vector_tagsThe extra tags for the vectors this Kernel should fill
C++ Type:std::vector<TagName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The extra tags for the vectors this Kernel should fill
- matrix_tagssystemThe tag for the matrices this Kernel should fill
C++ Type:MultiMooseEnum
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Options:nontime, system
Description:The tag for the matrices this Kernel should fill
- vector_tagsnontimeThe tag for the vectors this Kernel should fill
C++ Type:MultiMooseEnum
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Options:nontime, time
Description:The tag for the vectors this Kernel should fill
Tagging Parameters
- control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.
C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.
- diag_save_inThe name of auxiliary variables to save this Kernel's diagonal Jacobian contributions to. Everything about that variable must match everything about this variable (the type, what blocks it's on, etc.)
C++ Type:std::vector<AuxVariableName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The name of auxiliary variables to save this Kernel's diagonal Jacobian contributions to. Everything about that variable must match everything about this variable (the type, what blocks it's on, etc.)
- enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.
- implicitTrueDetermines whether this object is calculated using an implicit or explicit form
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Determines whether this object is calculated using an implicit or explicit form
- save_inThe name of auxiliary variables to save this Kernel's residual contributions to. Everything about that variable must match everything about this variable (the type, what blocks it's on, etc.)
C++ Type:std::vector<AuxVariableName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The name of auxiliary variables to save this Kernel's residual contributions to. Everything about that variable must match everything about this variable (the type, what blocks it's on, etc.)
- seed0The seed for the master random number generator
C++ Type:unsigned int
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The seed for the master random number generator
- use_displaced_meshFalseWhether or not this object should use the displaced mesh for computation. Note that in the case this is true but no displacements are provided in the Mesh block the undisplaced mesh will still be used.
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Whether or not this object should use the displaced mesh for computation. Note that in the case this is true but no displacements are provided in the Mesh block the undisplaced mesh will still be used.
Advanced Parameters
Input Files
- (test/tests/1d_dc/densities_mean_en.i)
- (test/tests/1d_dc/mean_en_multi.i)
- (test/tests/1d_dc/NonlocalPotentialBCWithSchottky.i)
- (test/tests/reflections/Schottky_300_V_5_um/Input.i)
- (test/tests/reflections/base/Input.i)
- (test/tests/field_emission/field_emission.i)
- (test/tests/Schottky_emission/Example4/Input.i)
- (test/tests/Schottky_emission/Example2/Input.i)
- (test/tests/crane_action/townsend_units.i)
- (test/tests/Schottky_emission/PaschenLaw/Input.i)
- (test/tests/reflections/low_initial/Input.i)
- (test/tests/Schottky_emission/Example1/Input.i)
- (test/tests/automatic_differentiation/ad_argon.i)
- (test/tests/reflections/Schottky/Input.i)
- (test/tests/Schottky_emission/Example3/Input.i)
- (test/tests/DriftDiffusionAction/mean_en_no_actions.i)
- (test/tests/Schottky_emission/Example4/Jac.i)
- (test/tests/surface_charge/dbd_test.i)
- (test/tests/reflections/Schottky_400_V_10_um/Input.i)
- (test/tests/1d_dc/mean_en.i)
- (test/tests/reflections/high_initial/Input.i)
dom0Scale = 1e-3
dom1Scale = 1e-7
offset = 20
# offset = 0
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
# potential_units = V
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'liquidNew.msh'
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
primary_block = '0'
paired_block = '1'
new_boundary = 'master0_interface'
input = file
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
primary_block = '1'
paired_block = '0'
new_boundary = 'master1_interface'
input = interface
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = interface_again
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = none
type = Transient
end_time = 1e-1
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
#petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor -snes_test_jacobian'
# petsc_options = '-snes_test_display'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-4
nl_abs_tol = 7.6e-5
dtmin = 1e-12
l_max_its = 20
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-11
# dt = 1.1
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 15
perf_graph = true
# print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'final'
type = DOFMap
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e6
e = 1.6e-19
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = emliq
potential = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ReactantFirstOrderRxn
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = ReactantAARxn
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = emliq
block = 1
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = OHm
block = 1
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = OHm
block = 1
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = OHm
potential = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = OHm
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = OHm
block = 1
type = ProductFirstOrderRxn
variable = OHm
v = emliq
block = 1
type = ProductAABBRxn
variable = OHm
v = emliq
block = 1
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 15
block = 0
block = 1
# scaling = 1e-5
block = 0
block = 0
# scaling = 1e-1
block = 1
# scaling = 1e-5
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rholiq
coupled_variables = 'emliq_lin OHm_lin' # H3Op_lin OHm_lin'
expression = '-emliq_lin - OHm_lin' # 'H3Op_lin - em_lin - OHm_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 1
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_liq_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_emliq Current_OHm' # Current_H3Op Current_OHm'
expression = 'Current_emliq + Current_OHm' # + Current_H3Op + Current_OHm'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 1
type = DensityMoles
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = emliq_lin
density_log = emliq
block = 1
type = DensityMoles
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = OHm_lin
density_log = OHm
block = 1
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = emliq
variable = Current_emliq
art_diff = false
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 1
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = OHm
variable = Current_OHm
art_diff = false
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ADTotalFlux
potential = potential
density_log = OHm
variable = tot_flux_OHm
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = emliq
variable = EFieldAdvAux_emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = emliq
variable = DiffusiveFlux_emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = InterfaceAdvection
potential_neighbor = potential
neighbor_var = em
variable = emliq
boundary = master1_interface
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
neighbor_position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = InterfaceLogDiffusionElectrons
neighbor_var = em
variable = emliq
boundary = master1_interface
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
neighbor_position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0.99
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = SecondaryElectronEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
ions = 'Arp'
r = 0
emission_coeffs = 0.05
secondary_electron_energy = 3
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.05
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
preset = false
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0.99
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'master0_interface'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.05
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = DCIonBC
variable = emliq
boundary = right
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = DCIonBC
variable = OHm
boundary = 'right'
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -21
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = emliq
value = -21
block = 1
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -21
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -20
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = OHm
value = -15.6
block = 1
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ParsedFunction
# expression = '1.25*tanh(1e6*t)'
expression = -1.25
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-1.25 * (1.0001e-3 - x)'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.05
block = 0
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
type = Water
block = 1
potential = potential
dom0Scale = 1e-3
dom1Scale = 1e-7
# dom0Scale=1.1
# dom1Scale=1.1
offset = 20
# offset = 0
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
# potential_units = V
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'liquidNew.msh'
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
primary_block = '0'
paired_block = '1'
new_boundary = 'master0_interface'
input = file
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
primary_block = '1'
paired_block = '0'
new_boundary = 'master1_interface'
input = interface
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = interface_again
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = none
type = Transient
num_steps = 1
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-4
nl_abs_tol = 7.6e-5
dtmin = 1e-12
l_max_its = 20
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-11
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 15
perf_graph = true
# print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'final'
type = DOFMap
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e6
e = 1.6e-19
# electrode_area = 1.1
# ballast_resist = 1.1
# e = 1.1
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = emliq
potential = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ReactantFirstOrderRxn
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = ReactantAARxn
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = emliq
block = 1
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = OHm
block = 1
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = OHm
block = 1
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = OHm
potential = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = OHm
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = OHm
block = 1
type = ProductFirstOrderRxn
variable = OHm
v = emliq
block = 1
type = ProductAABBRxn
variable = OHm
v = emliq
block = 1
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 15
block = 0
block = 1
# scaling = 1e-5
block = 0
block = 0
# scaling = 1e-1
block = 1
# scaling = 1e-5
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rholiq
coupled_variables = 'emliq_lin OHm_lin' # H3Op_lin OHm_lin'
expression = '-emliq_lin - OHm_lin' # 'H3Op_lin - em_lin - OHm_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 1
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_liq_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_emliq Current_OHm' # Current_H3Op Current_OHm'
expression = 'Current_emliq + Current_OHm' # + Current_H3Op + Current_OHm'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 1
type = Density
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = Density
variable = emliq_lin
density_log = emliq
block = 1
type = Density
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = Density
variable = OHm_lin
density_log = OHm
block = 1
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = emliq
variable = Current_emliq
art_diff = false
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 1
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = OHm
variable = Current_OHm
art_diff = false
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ADTotalFlux
potential = potential
density_log = OHm
variable = tot_flux_OHm
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = emliq
variable = EFieldAdvAux_emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = emliq
variable = DiffusiveFlux_emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = InterfaceAdvection
potential_neighbor = potential
neighbor_var = em
variable = emliq
boundary = master1_interface
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
neighbor_position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = InterfaceLogDiffusionElectrons
neighbor_var = em
variable = emliq
boundary = master1_interface
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
neighbor_position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.05
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0.99
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'master0_interface'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0.99
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.05
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = DCIonBC
variable = emliq
boundary = right
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = DCIonBC
variable = OHm
boundary = 'right'
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -21
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = emliq
value = -21
block = 1
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -21
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -20
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = OHm
value = -15.6
block = 1
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
# [em_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = em
# block = 0
# min = -21.5
# max = -20.5
# []
# [emliq_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = emliq
# block = 1
# min = -21.5
# max = -20.5
# []
# [Arp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = Arp
# block = 0
# min = -21.5
# max = -20.5
# []
# [mean_en_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = mean_en
# block = 0
# min = -20.5
# max = -19.5
# []
# type = RandomIC
# variable = OHm
# block = 1
# min = -16.1
# max = -15.1
# []
type = ParsedFunction
# expression = '1.25*tanh(1e6*t)'
expression = 1.25
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-1.25 * (1.0001e-3 - x)'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = .05
block = 0
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
type = Water
block = 1
potential = potential
dom0Scale = 1e-3
dom1Scale = 1e-7
offset = 20
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
# potential_units = V
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'liquidNew.msh'
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
primary_block = '0'
paired_block = '1'
new_boundary = 'master0_interface'
input = file
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
primary_block = '1'
paired_block = '0'
new_boundary = 'master1_interface'
input = interface
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = interface_again
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = none
type = Transient
end_time = 1e-1
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
# petsc_options = '-snes_test_display'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
line_search = 'bt'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-4
nl_abs_tol = 7.6e-5
dtmin = 1e-12
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-11
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 15
perf_graph = true
# print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'final'
type = DOFMap
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e6
e = 1.6e-19
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = emliq
potential = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ReactantFirstOrderRxn
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = ReactantAARxn
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = emliq
block = 1
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = OHm
block = 1
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ExcitationReaction
variable = ArEx
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
reactant = false
type = ExcitationReaction
variable = ArEx
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
reactant = true
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = ArEx
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = ArEx
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = ArEx
block = 0
offset = 30
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = ArTest
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = ArTest
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = ArTest
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = OHm
block = 1
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = OHm
potential = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = OHm
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = OHm
block = 1
type = ProductFirstOrderRxn
variable = OHm
v = emliq
block = 1
type = ProductAABBRxn
variable = OHm
v = emliq
block = 1
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 15
block = 0
block = 1
# scaling = 1e-5
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
# scaling = 1e-1
block = 1
# scaling = 1e-5
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rholiq
coupled_variables = 'emliq_lin OHm_lin' # H3Op_lin OHm_lin'
expression = '-emliq_lin - OHm_lin' # 'H3Op_lin - em_lin - OHm_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 1
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_liq_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_emliq Current_OHm' # Current_H3Op Current_OHm'
expression = 'Current_emliq + Current_OHm' # + Current_H3Op + Current_OHm'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 1
type = DensityMoles
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = emliq_lin
density_log = emliq
block = 1
type = DensityMoles
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = ArEx_lin
density_log = ArEx
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = ArTest_lin
density_log = ArTest
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = OHm_lin
density_log = OHm
block = 1
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = emliq
variable = Current_emliq
art_diff = false
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 1
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = OHm
variable = Current_OHm
art_diff = false
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ADTotalFlux
potential = potential
density_log = OHm
variable = tot_flux_OHm
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = emliq
variable = EFieldAdvAux_emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = emliq
variable = DiffusiveFlux_emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = InterfaceAdvection
potential_neighbor = potential
neighbor_var = em
variable = emliq
boundary = master1_interface
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
neighbor_position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = InterfaceLogDiffusionElectrons
neighbor_var = em
variable = emliq
boundary = master1_interface
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
neighbor_position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.05
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0.99
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'master0_interface'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0.99
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.05
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = ArEx
boundary = 'master0_interface'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = ArEx
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = ArTest
boundary = 'master0_interface'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = ArTest
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = SecondaryElectronEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
ions = 'Arp'
r = 0
emission_coeffs = 0.05
secondary_electron_energy = 3
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = DCIonBC
variable = emliq
boundary = right
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = DCIonBC
variable = OHm
boundary = 'right'
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -21
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = emliq
value = -21
block = 1
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -21
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = ArEx
value = -16
#value = -21
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = ArTest
value = -31
#value = -21
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -20
block = 0
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ConstantIC
variable = OHm
value = -15.6
block = 1
type = ParsedFunction
# expression = '1.25*tanh(1e6*t)'
expression = -1.25
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-1.25 * (1.0001e-3 - x)'
type = GasBase
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = .05
block = 0
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Arp
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
block = 0
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = ArEx
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
block = 0
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = ArTest
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
block = 0
type = Water
block = 1
potential = potential
dom0Scale = 1
dom0Size = 2E-6 #m
vhigh = 230E-3 #kV
relaxTime = 1e-9 #s
resistance = 1
area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Geometry.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
# line_search = none
end_time = 10E-6
steady_state_detection = 1
steady_state_tolerance = 1E-15
steady_state_start_time = '${fparse 3 * relaxTime}'
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
line_search = 'none'
nl_abs_tol = 2e-6
dtmin = 1e-15
# dtmax = 1E-6
nl_max_its = 50
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-13
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = CurrentDensityShapeSideUserObject
boundary = left
potential = potential
em = em
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = ${area}
ballast_resist = ${resistance}
e = 1.6e-19
## Stabilization
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
offset = 20
block = 0
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
offset = 20
block = 0
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 35
# [mean_en_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
em = em
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
# convert_moles = true
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
# convert_moles = true
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Potential boundary conditions ##
# [potential_left]
# type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
# variable = potential
# boundary = left
# function = potential_bc_func
# ions = Arp
# data_provider = data_provider
# electrons = em
# electron_energy = mean_en
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
boundary = left
type = PenaltyCircuitPotential
variable = potential
current = current_density_user_object
surface_potential = -${vhigh}
surface = 'cathode'
penalty = 1000
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
area = ${area}
potential_units = 'kV'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
resistance = ${resistance}
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
## Electron boundary conditions ##
type = SchottkyEmissionBC
# type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 1
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
tau = ${relaxTime}
relax = true
emission_coeffs = 0.02
# [em_physical_left]
# type = HagelaarElectronBC
# variable = em
# boundary = 'left'
# potential = potential
# mean_en = mean_en
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
type = HagelaarElectronAdvectionBC
variable = em
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Argon boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Mean energy boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = right
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -30
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -30
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -25
block = 0
type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'VHigh'
symbol_values = '${vhigh}'
expression = 'VHigh'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-${vhigh} * (${dom0Size} - x) / ${dom0Size}'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.02
user_work_function = 4.55 # eV
user_field_enhancement = 55
user_Richardson_coefficient = 80E4
user_cathode_temperature = 1273
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
block = 0
dom0Scale = 1
dom0Size = 5E-6 #m
vhigh = -400E-3 #kV
potential_units = kV
# potential_units = V
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Geometry.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = add_left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
# line_search = none
end_time = 10E6
steady_state_detection = 1
steady_state_tolerance = 1E-15
steady_state_start_time = 1E-6
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-9
nl_abs_tol = 1e-9
dtmin = 1e-16
dtmax = 0.1E-7
nl_max_its = 100
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-13
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 100
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
# execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e0
e = 1.6e-19
## Stabilization
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
offset = 45
block = 0
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
offset = 45
block = 0
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 45
# [mean_en_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
em = em
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Potential boundary conditions ##
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.02
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
## Electron boundary conditions ##
type = SchottkyEmissionBC
# type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 1
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
tau = 100E-9
relax = true
emission_coeffs = 0.02
# [em_physical_left]
# type = HagelaarElectronBC
# variable = em
# boundary = 'left'
# potential = potential
# electron_energy = mean_en
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
type = HagelaarElectronAdvectionBC
variable = em
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Argon boundary conditions ##
# [Arp_physical_left_diffusion]
# type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
# variable = Arp
# boundary = 'left'
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# [Arp_physical_right_diffusion]
# type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
# variable = Arp
# boundary = right
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Mean energy boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarEnergyAdvectionBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
secondary_electron_energy = 3
emission_coeffs = 0.02
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = right
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -42
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -45
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -36
block = 0
type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'VHigh'
symbol_values = '${vhigh}'
expression = 'VHigh'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-${vhigh} * (${dom0Size} - x) / ${dom0Size}'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.02
user_work_function = 4.55 # eV
user_field_enhancement = 55
user_Richardson_coefficient = 80E4
user_cathode_temperature = 1273
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
block = 0
dom0Scale = 1
dom0Size = 6E-6 #m
vhigh = -175E-3 #kV
# offset = 20
potential_units = kV
# potential_units = V
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Geometry.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = add_left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
end_time = 10E-6
steady_state_detection = 1
steady_state_tolerance = 1E-15
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-15
nl_abs_tol = 0.5e-12
steady_state_start_time = 1E-6
dtmin = 1e-18
dtmax = 0.1E-7
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.9
dt = 1e-13
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 100
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
# execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e6
e = 1.6e-19
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
em = em
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# [em_log_stabilization]
# type = LogStabilizationMoles
# variable = em
# block = 0
# []
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# [Arp_log_stabilization]
# type = LogStabilizationMoles
# variable = Arp
# block = 0
# []
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# [mean_en_log_stabilization]
# type = LogStabilizationMoles
# variable = mean_en
# block = 0
# offset = 15
# []
# [mean_en_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Potential boundary conditions ##
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.01
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
## Electron boundary conditions ##
type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 1
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.01
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = right
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Argon boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
r = 1
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 1
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Mean energy boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = right
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -35
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -35
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -35
block = 0
type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'VHigh'
symbol_values = '${vhigh}'
expression = 'VHigh'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-${vhigh} * (${dom0Size} - x) / ${dom0Size}'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.01
user_work_function = 4.55 # eV
user_field_enhancement = 55
user_Richardson_coefficient = 80E4
user_cathode_temperature = 1273
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
block = 0
dom0Scale = 1
dom0Size = 5E-6 #m
vhigh = -0.15 #kV
offset = 20
potential_units = kV
# potential_units = V
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'micro_fe.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
end_time = 6E-6
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-4
nl_abs_tol = 7.6e-5
dtmin = 1e-15
dtmax = 0.01E-7
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-12
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 15
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
# execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e6
e = 1.6e-19
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
em = em
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
block = 0
# [em_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = em
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
block = 0
# [Arp_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = Arp
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 15
# [mean_en_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = PowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = PowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Current
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = Current
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = EFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = DiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ip = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.05
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = right
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
r = 0.99
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = right
potential = potential
em = em
ip = Arp
r = 0.99
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# [sec_electrons_left]
# type = SecondaryElectronBC
# variable = em
# boundary = 'left'
# potential = potential
# ip = Arp
# mean_en = mean_en
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
type = FieldEmissionBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
em = em
ip = Arp
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -21
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -21
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -20
block = 0
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
# [em_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = em
# block = 0
# []
# [Arp_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = Arp
# block = 0
# []
# [mean_en_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = mean_en
# block = 0
# []
# [potential_ic]
# type = RandomIC
# variable = potential
# []
type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'period dutyCycle riseTime VHigh VLow'
symbol_values = '3E-6 0.1 5E-7 ${vhigh} -0.001'
expression = 'if((t % period) < dutyCycle*period , VHigh ,
if((t % period) < dutyCycle*period + riseTime, ((VLow - VHigh)/riseTime) * ((t % period) - period * dutyCycle) + VHigh,
if((t % period) < period - riseTime , VLow ,
if((t % period) < period , ((VHigh - VLow)/riseTime) * ((t % period) - period) + VHigh ,
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-${vhigh} * (${dom0Size} - x) / ${dom0Size}'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 1500
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.05
user_work_function = 4.55 # eV
user_field_enhancement = 55
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
block = 0
dom0Scale = 1
dom0Size = 2E-6 #m
vhigh = -230E-3 #kV
negVHigh = 230E-3 #kV
relaxTime = 1e-9 #s
threeTimesRelaxTime = 3e-9 #s
resistance = 1
area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Geometry.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = add_left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
# line_search = none
end_time = 10E-6
steady_state_detection = 1
steady_state_tolerance = 1E-15
steady_state_start_time = ${threeTimesRelaxTime}
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-8
nl_abs_tol = 2e-6
dtmin = 1e-15
# dtmax = 1E-6
nl_max_its = 50
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-13
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 20
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
# execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = CurrentDensityShapeSideUserObject
boundary = left
potential = potential
em = em
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = ${area}
ballast_resist = ${resistance}
e = 1.6e-19
## Stabilization
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
offset = 20
block = 0
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
offset = 20
block = 0
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 35
# [mean_en_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
em = em
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
# convert_moles = true
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
# convert_moles = true
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Potential boundary conditions ##
# [potential_left]
# type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
# variable = potential
# boundary = left
# function = potential_bc_func
# ions = Arp
# data_provider = data_provider
# electrons = em
# electron_energy = mean_en
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
boundary = left
type = PenaltyCircuitPotential
variable = potential
current = current_density_user_object
surface_potential = ${negVHigh}
surface = 'cathode'
penalty = 1
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
area = ${area}
potential_units = 'kV'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
resistance = ${resistance}
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
## Electron boundary conditions ##
type = SchottkyEmissionBC
# type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 1
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
tau = ${relaxTime}
relax = true
emission_coeffs = 0.02
# [em_physical_left]
# type = HagelaarElectronBC
# variable = em
# boundary = 'left'
# potential = potential
# electron_energy = mean_en
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
type = HagelaarElectronAdvectionBC
variable = em
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Argon boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Mean energy boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = right
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -30
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -30
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -25
block = 0
type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'VHigh'
symbol_values = '${vhigh}'
expression = 'VHigh'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-${vhigh} * (${dom0Size} - x) / ${dom0Size}'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.02
user_work_function = 4.55 # eV
user_field_enhancement = 55
user_Richardson_coefficient = 80E4
user_cathode_temperature = 1273
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
block = 0
dom0Scale = 1
dom0Size = 12E-6 #m
vhigh = -80E-3 #kV
potential_units = kV
# potential_units = V
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Geometry.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = add_left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
# line_search = none
end_time = 10E6
steady_state_detection = 1
steady_state_tolerance = 1E-15
steady_state_start_time = 10E-6
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-15
nl_abs_tol = 1e-11
dtmin = 1e-16
# dtmax = 1E-6
nl_max_its = 100
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-11
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 100
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
# execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e0
e = 1.6e-19
## Stabilization
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
offset = 50
block = 0
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
offset = 50
block = 0
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 50
# [mean_en_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
em = em
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Potential boundary conditions ##
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.02
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
## Electron boundary conditions ##
type = SchottkyEmissionBC
# type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 1
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# tau = 10E-6
relax = true
emission_coeffs = 0.02
# [em_physical_left]
# type = HagelaarElectronBC
# variable = em
# boundary = 'left'
# potential = potential
# electron_energy = mean_en
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
type = HagelaarElectronAdvectionBC
variable = em
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Argon boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Mean energy boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = right
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -30
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -30
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -29
block = 0
type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'VHigh'
symbol_values = '${vhigh}'
expression = 'VHigh'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-${vhigh} * (${dom0Size} - x) / ${dom0Size}'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.02
user_work_function = 4.55 # eV
user_field_enhancement = 55
user_Richardson_coefficient = 80E4
user_cathode_temperature = 1273
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
block = 0
# THIS INPUT FILE IS BASED ON mean_en.i (1d_dc test)
dom0Scale = 1e-3
dom1Scale = 1e-7
offset = 20
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'townsend_units.msh'
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
primary_block = '0'
paired_block = '1'
new_boundary = 'master0_interface'
input = file
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
primary_block = '1'
paired_block = '0'
new_boundary = 'master1_interface'
input = interface
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = interface_again
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
end_time = 1e-1
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-4
nl_abs_tol = 7.6e-5
dtmin = 1e-15
l_max_its = 20
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-11
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 30
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'final'
# type = DOFMap
#show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e6
e = 1.6e-19
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = emliq
potential = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = emliq
block = 1
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = OHm
block = 1
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = OHm
block = 1
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = OHm
potential = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = OHm
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = OHm
block = 1
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 15
block = 0
block = 1
block = 0
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
initial_condition = 10.92252
block = 1
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
initial_condition = 3.70109
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
# order = CONSTANT
# family = MONOMIAL
# block = 0
# order = CONSTANT
# family = MONOMIAL
# block = 0
# order = CONSTANT
# family = MONOMIAL
# block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
# type = ProcRate
# em = em
# potential = potential
# proc = el
# variable = ProcRate_el
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# block = 0
# type = ProcRate
# em = em
# potential = potential
# proc = ex
# variable = ProcRate_ex
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# block = 0
# type = ProcRate
# em = em
# potential = potential
# proc = iz
# variable = ProcRate_iz
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rholiq
coupled_variables = 'emliq_lin OHm_lin' # H3Op_lin OHm_lin'
expression = '-emliq_lin - OHm_lin' # 'H3Op_lin - em_lin - OHm_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 1
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_liq_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_emliq Current_OHm' # Current_H3Op Current_OHm'
expression = 'Current_emliq + Current_OHm' # + Current_H3Op + Current_OHm'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 1
type = DensityMoles
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = emliq_lin
density_log = emliq
block = 1
type = DensityMoles
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = OHm_lin
density_log = OHm
block = 1
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = emliq
variable = Current_emliq
art_diff = false
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 1
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = OHm
variable = Current_OHm
art_diff = false
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ADTotalFlux
potential = potential
density_log = OHm
variable = tot_flux_OHm
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = emliq
variable = EFieldAdvAux_emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = emliq
variable = DiffusiveFlux_emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = InterfaceAdvection
potential_neighbor = potential
neighbor_var = em
variable = emliq
boundary = master1_interface
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
neighbor_position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = InterfaceLogDiffusionElectrons
neighbor_var = em
variable = emliq
boundary = master1_interface
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
neighbor_position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0.99
#r = 0.0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = SecondaryElectronEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
ions = 'Arp'
r = 0
emission_coeffs = 0.05
secondary_electron_energy = 3
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.05
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0.99
#r = 0.0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'master0_interface'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.05
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = DCIonBC
variable = emliq
boundary = right
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = DCIonBC
variable = OHm
boundary = 'right'
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -21
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = emliq
value = -21
block = 1
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -21
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -20
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = OHm
value = -15.6
block = 1
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ParsedFunction
# expression = '1.25*tanh(1e6*t)'
expression = -1.25
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-1.25 * (1.0001e-3 - x)'
type = Water
block = 1
potential = potential
type = GasElectronMoments
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
user_p_gas = 101325
user_se_coeff = 0.05
em = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
property_tables_file = 'townsend_coefficients/moments.txt'
type = GenericConstantMaterial
block = 1
prop_names = 'T_gas p_gas'
prop_values = '300 1.01e5'
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Arp
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
block = 0
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
block = 0
species = 'em Arp'
aux_species = 'Ar'
reaction_coefficient_format = 'townsend'
gas_species = 'Ar'
electron_energy = 'mean_en'
electron_density = 'em'
include_electrons = true
file_location = 'townsend_coefficients'
potential = 'potential'
use_log = true
use_ad = true
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
track_rates = false
block = 0
reactions = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar : EEDF [elastic] (reaction1)
em + Ar -> em + Ar* : EEDF [-11.5] (reaction2)
em + Ar -> em + em + Arp : EEDF [-15.76] (reaction3)'
species = 'emliq OHm'
reaction_coefficient_format = 'rate'
use_log = true
use_ad = true
aux_species = 'H2O'
block = 1
reactions = 'emliq -> H + OHm : 1064
emliq + emliq -> H2 + OHm + OHm : 3.136e8'
dom0Scale = 1
dom0Size = 5E-6 #m
vhigh = -0.10 #kV
# offset = 25
potential_units = kV
# potential_units = V
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Geometry.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = add_left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
# line_search = none
end_time = 10E6
steady_state_detection = 1
steady_state_tolerance = 1E-15
steady_state_start_time = 10E-6
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-15
nl_abs_tol = 1e-11
dtmin = 1e-20
# dtmax = 1E-6
nl_max_its = 200
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-11
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 100
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
# execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e0
e = 1.6e-19
## Stabilization
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
offset = 50
block = 0
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
offset = 50
block = 0
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 50
# [mean_en_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
em = em
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Potential boundary conditions ##
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.02
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
## Electron boundary conditions ##
type = SchottkyEmissionBC
# type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 1
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# tau = 5E-6
relax = true
emission_coeffs = 0.02
# [em_physical_left]
# type = HagelaarElectronBC
# variable = em
# boundary = 'left'
# potential = potential
# electron_energy = mean_en
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
type = HagelaarElectronAdvectionBC
variable = em
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Argon boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Mean energy boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = right
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -33
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -33
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -29
block = 0
type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'VHigh'
symbol_values = '${vhigh}'
expression = 'VHigh'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-${vhigh} * (${dom0Size} - x) / ${dom0Size}'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.02
user_work_function = 4.55 # eV
user_field_enhancement = 55
user_Richardson_coefficient = 80E4
user_cathode_temperature = 1273
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
block = 0
dom0Scale = 1
dom0Size = 6E-6 #m
vhigh = -175E-3 #kV
# offset = 20
potential_units = kV
# potential_units = V
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Geometry.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = add_left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
line_search = none
end_time = 10E-6
steady_state_detection = 1
steady_state_tolerance = 1E-15
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 5e-14
nl_abs_tol = 1e-13
steady_state_start_time = 1E-6
dtmin = 1e-18
dtmax = 0.1E-7
nl_max_its = 200
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.9
dt = 1e-13
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 100
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
# execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e6
e = 1.6e-19
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
em = em
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# [em_log_stabilization]
# type = LogStabilizationMoles
# variable = em
# block = 0
# []
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# [Arp_log_stabilization]
# type = LogStabilizationMoles
# variable = Arp
# block = 0
# []
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# [mean_en_log_stabilization]
# type = LogStabilizationMoles
# variable = mean_en
# block = 0
# offset = 15
# []
# [mean_en_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Potential boundary conditions ##
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.01
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
## Electron boundary conditions ##
type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 1
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.01
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = right
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Argon boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Mean energy boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = right
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -36
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -36
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -36
block = 0
type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'VHigh'
symbol_values = '${vhigh}'
expression = 'VHigh'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-${vhigh} * (${dom0Size} - x) / ${dom0Size}'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.01
user_work_function = 4.55 # eV
user_field_enhancement = 55
user_Richardson_coefficient = 80E4
user_cathode_temperature = 1273
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
block = 0
dom0Scale = 1
dom0Size = 4E-6 #m
vhigh = -200E-3 #kV
potential_units = kV
# potential_units = V
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Geometry.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = add_left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
# line_search = none
end_time = 10E6
steady_state_detection = 1
steady_state_tolerance = 1E-15
steady_state_start_time = 10E-6
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor -snes_ksp_ew'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-4
nl_abs_tol = 5e-10
dtmin = 1e-16
# dtmax = 1E-6
nl_max_its = 100
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-11
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 100
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
# execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e0
e = 1.6e-19
## Stabilization
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
offset = 50
block = 0
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
offset = 50
block = 0
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 50
# [mean_en_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
em = em
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Potential boundary conditions ##
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.02
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
## Electron boundary conditions ##
type = SchottkyEmissionBC
# type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 1
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# tau = 10E-6
relax = true
emission_coeffs = 0.02
# [em_physical_left]
# type = HagelaarElectronBC
# variable = em
# boundary = 'left'
# potential = potential
# electron_energy = mean_en
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
type = HagelaarElectronAdvectionBC
variable = em
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Argon boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Mean energy boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = right
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -40
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -40
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -39
block = 0
type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'VHigh'
symbol_values = '${vhigh}'
expression = 'VHigh'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-${vhigh} * (${dom0Size} - x) / ${dom0Size}'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.02
user_work_function = 4.55 # eV
user_field_enhancement = 55
user_Richardson_coefficient = 80E4
user_cathode_temperature = 1273
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
block = 0
dom0Scale = 1e-3
offset = 30
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'ad_argon.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
automatic_scaling = true
compute_scaling_once = false
end_time = 1e-1
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
line_search = 'basic'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-10
dtmin = 1e-18
l_max_its = 20
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-11
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 30
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'final'
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e6
e = 1.6e-19
type = TimeDerivativeLog
variable = Ar*
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar*
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Ar*
block = 0
#offset = 25
type = TimeDerivativeLog
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Ar2p
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = TimeDerivativeLog
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
block = 0
#type = ElectronTimeDerivative
type = TimeDerivativeLog
variable = Ar2p
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Ar2p
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar2p
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Ar2p
block = 0
type = TimeDerivativeLog
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 15
initial_condition = -24
block = 0
initial_condition = -24.69314718056
block = 0
initial_condition = -26
block = 0
initial_condition = -24.69314718056
block = 0
block = 0
initial_condition = -24
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
initial_condition = 3.70109
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = Arex_lin
density_log = Ar*
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar2p_lin
density_log = Ar2p
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin Ar2p_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin + Ar2p_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp Current_Ar2p'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp + Current_Ar2p'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Ar2p
variable = Current_Ar2p
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'right'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0.0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = SecondaryElectronEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
ions = 'Arp Ar2p'
r = 0
emission_coeffs = '0.05 0.05'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
secondary_electron_energy = 3
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = 'Arp Ar2p'
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = '0.05 0.05'
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
preset = false
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'right'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0.0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'right'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'right'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Ar2p
boundary = 'right'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Ar2p
boundary = 'right'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.05
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Ar2p
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Ar2p
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ParsedFunction
expression = -0.8
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-0.8 * (1 - x)'
type = ADGasElectronMoments
block = 0
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
property_tables_file = 'argon_chemistry_rates/electron_moments.txt'
type = GenericConstantMaterial
block = 0
prop_names = ' e N_A k_boltz eps T_gas massem p_gas n_gas se_coeff se_energy'
prop_values = '1.6e-19 6.022e23 1.38e-23 8.854e-12 300 9.11e-31 1.01e5 40.4915 0.05 3.'
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
block = 0
prop_names = 'diffpotential'
prop_values = '8.85e-12'
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Arp
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
block = 0
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar2p
heavy_species_mass = 1.328e-25
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
block = 0
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
block = 0
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar*
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
block = 0
# This argon reaction network based on a ZDPlasKin example:
# zdplaskin.laplace.univ-tlse.fr
# Example: "Micro-cathode sustained discharged in Ar"
species = 'em Arp Ar2p Ar*'
aux_species = 'Ar'
reaction_coefficient_format = 'townsend'
gas_species = 'Ar'
electron_energy = 'mean_en'
electron_density = 'em'
include_electrons = true
file_location = 'argon_chemistry_rates'
equation_constants = 'Tgas'
equation_values = '300'
# For function-based reactions (e.g. those whose rate coefficients are
# enclosed in curly braces, {}), the e_temp auxiliary variable is
# named as a variable. Note that while e_temp is an AuxVariable, it does
# depend on nonlinear variables and therefore should contribute to the
# jacobian of any functions which depend on it.
# At the moment this jacobian contribution is not included, but the
# contribution is minimal compared to advection and diffusion so we
# can get away with a NEWTON solver in this case.
# For more complex reaction networks with many functions that depend on
# electron temperature, it may be necessary to use PJFNK instead of
equation_variables = 'e_temp'
potential = 'potential'
use_log = true
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
use_ad = true
block = 0
reactions = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar : EEDF [elastic] (reaction1)
em + Ar -> em + Ar* : EEDF [-11.5] (reaction2)
em + Ar -> em + em + Arp : EEDF [-15.76] (reaction3)
em + Ar* -> em + Ar : EEDF [11.5] (reaction4)
em + Ar* -> em + em + Arp : EEDF [-4.3] (reaction5)
Ar2p + em -> Ar* + Ar : {5.1187e11*(e_temp/300)^(-0.67)}
Ar2p + Ar -> Arp + Ar + Ar : {3.649332e12/Tgas*exp(-15130/Tgas)}
Ar* + Ar* -> Ar2p + em : 3.6132e8
Arp + em + em -> Ar + em : {3.17314235e9*(e_temp/11600)^(-4.5)}
Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar + Ar + Ar : 5077.02776
Arp + Ar + Ar -> Ar2p + Ar : {81595.089*(Tgas/300)^(-0.4)}'
dom0Scale = 1
dom0Size = 10E-6 #m
vhigh = -150E-3 #kV
potential_units = kV
# potential_units = V
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Geometry.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = add_left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
# line_search = none
end_time = 10E-6
steady_state_detection = 1
steady_state_tolerance = 1E-15
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 5e-14
nl_abs_tol = 1e-13
steady_state_start_time = 1E-6
dtmin = 1e-16
dtmax = 0.1E-7
nl_max_its = 200
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.9
dt = 1e-13
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 100
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
# execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e6
e = 1.6e-19
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
em = em
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
offset = 40
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
offset = 40
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 30
# [mean_en_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Potential boundary conditions ##
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.02
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
## Electron boundary conditions ##
type = SchottkyEmissionBC
# type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 1
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.02
# [em_physical_left]
# type = HagelaarElectronBC
# variable = em
# boundary = 'left'
# potential = potential
# electron_energy = mean_en
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = right
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Argon boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Mean energy boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = right
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -42
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -45
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -36
block = 0
type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'VHigh'
symbol_values = '${vhigh}'
expression = 'VHigh'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-${vhigh} * (${dom0Size} - x) / ${dom0Size}'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.02
user_work_function = 4.55 # eV
user_field_enhancement = 55
user_Richardson_coefficient = 80E4
user_cathode_temperature = 1273
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
block = 0
dom0Scale = 1
dom0Size = 2E-6 #m
vhigh = -230E-3 #kV
# relaxTime = 50E-6 #s
threeTimesRelaxTime = 150E-6 #s
# offset = 25
potential_units = kV
# potential_units = V
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Geometry.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = add_left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
# line_search = none
end_time = 10E6
steady_state_detection = 1
steady_state_tolerance = 1E-15
steady_state_start_time = ${threeTimesRelaxTime}
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor -snes_ksp_ew'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda -ksp_gmres_restart'
petsc_options_value = 'gamg NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3 100'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-8
nl_abs_tol = 1e-10
dtmin = 1e-25
# dtmax = 1E-6
nl_max_its = 200
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-13
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 100
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
# execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e0
e = 1.6e-19
## Stabilization
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
offset = 20
block = 0
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
offset = 20
block = 0
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 35
# [mean_en_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
em = em
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Potential boundary conditions ##
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.02
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
## Electron boundary conditions ##
type = SchottkyEmissionBC
# type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 1
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# tau = ${relaxTime}
relax = true
emission_coeffs = 0.02
# [em_physical_left]
# type = HagelaarElectronBC
# variable = em
# boundary = 'left'
# potential = potential
# electron_energy = mean_en
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
type = HagelaarElectronAdvectionBC
variable = em
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Argon boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Mean energy boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = right
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -30
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -30
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -25
block = 0
type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'VHigh'
symbol_values = '${vhigh}'
expression = 'VHigh'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-${vhigh} * (${dom0Size} - x) / ${dom0Size}'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.02
user_work_function = 4.55 # eV
user_field_enhancement = 55
user_Richardson_coefficient = 80E4
user_cathode_temperature = 1273
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
block = 0
#This is the input file that supplied the gold output file.
#It is the same as the input file in tests/1d_dc/mean_en.i,
#execpt some of the Aux Variables are renamed for the Action test
dom0Scale = 1e-3
dom1Scale = 1e-7
offset = 20
# offset = 0
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
# potential_units = V
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'liquidNew.msh'
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
primary_block = '0'
paired_block = '1'
new_boundary = 'master0_interface'
input = file
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
primary_block = '1'
paired_block = '0'
new_boundary = 'master1_interface'
input = interface
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = interface_again
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = none
type = Transient
end_time = 1e-1
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
# petsc_options = '-snes_test_display'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-4
nl_abs_tol = 7.6e-5
dtmin = 1e-12
l_max_its = 20
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-11
# dt = 1.1
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 15
file_base = out
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e6
e = 1.6e-19
# electrode_area = 1.1
# ballast_resist = 1.1
# e = 1.1
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
block = 0
# [em_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = em
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = emliq
potential = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ReactantFirstOrderRxn
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = ReactantAARxn
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = emliq
block = 1
# [emliq_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = emliq
# potential = potential
# block = 1
# []
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = emliq
block = 1
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = OHm
block = 1
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
block = 0
# [Arp_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = Arp
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = OHm
block = 1
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = OHm
potential = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = OHm
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = OHm
block = 1
# [OHm_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = OHm
# potential = potential
# block = 1
# []
type = ProductFirstOrderRxn
variable = OHm
v = emliq
block = 1
type = ProductAABBRxn
variable = OHm
v = emliq
block = 1
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 15.0
# [mean_en_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
block = 0
block = 1
# scaling = 1e-5
block = 0
block = 0
# scaling = 1e-1
block = 1
# scaling = 1e-5
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
# order = CONSTANT
# family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
# order = CONSTANT
# family = MONOMIAL
# block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
# order = CONSTANT
# family = MONOMIAL
# block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
# order = CONSTANT
# family = MONOMIAL
# block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
# block = 1
# order = CONSTANT
# family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
# order = CONSTANT
# family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = position0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = position1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_density Arp_density'
expression = 'Arp_density - em_density'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rholiq
coupled_variables = 'emliq_density OHm_density'
expression = '-emliq_density - OHm_density'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 1
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_liq_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_emliq Current_OHm' # Current_H3Op Current_OHm'
expression = 'Current_emliq + Current_OHm' # + Current_H3Op + Current_OHm'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 1
type = DensityMoles
variable = em_density
density_log = em
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = emliq_density
density_log = emliq
block = 1
type = DensityMoles
variable = Arp_density
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = OHm_density
density_log = OHm
block = 1
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = EFieldx0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = EFieldx1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = emliq
variable = Current_emliq
art_diff = false
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 1
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = OHm
variable = Current_OHm
art_diff = false
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ADTotalFlux
potential = potential
density_log = OHm
variable = tot_flux_OHm
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = emliq
variable = EFieldAdvAux_emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = emliq
variable = DiffusiveFlux_emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = InterfaceAdvection
potential_neighbor = potential
neighbor_var = em
variable = emliq
boundary = master1_interface
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
neighbor_position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = InterfaceLogDiffusionElectrons
neighbor_var = em
variable = emliq
boundary = master1_interface
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
neighbor_position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0.99
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = SecondaryElectronEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
ions = 'Arp'
r = 0
emission_coeffs = 0.05
secondary_electron_energy = 3
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.05
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0.99
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'master0_interface'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.05
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = DCIonBC
variable = emliq
boundary = right
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = DCIonBC
variable = OHm
boundary = 'right'
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -21
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = emliq
value = -21
block = 1
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -21
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -20
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = OHm
value = -15.6
block = 1
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ParsedFunction
# expression = '1.25*tanh(1e6*t)'
expression = -1.25
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-1.25 * (1.0001e-3 - x)'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.05
block = 0
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
type = Water
block = 1
potential = potential
dom0Scale = 1
dom0Size = 2E-6 #m
vhigh = 230E-3 #kV
negVHigh = -230E-3 #kV
# relaxTime = 50E-6 #s
threeTimesRelaxTime = 150E-6 #s
resistance = 1
area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
# offset = 25
potential_units = kV
# potential_units = V
use_moles = true
# type = FileMesh
# file = 'Geometry.msh'
type = GeneratedMesh
nx = 1
dim = 1
xmax = ${dom0Size}
type = FEProblem
kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
# line_search = none
end_time = 10E6
steady_state_detection = 1
steady_state_tolerance = 1E-15
steady_state_start_time = ${threeTimesRelaxTime}
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor -snes_test_display'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-8
nl_abs_tol = 1e-10
dtmin = 1e-25
# dtmax = 1E-6
nl_max_its = 200
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-13
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 100
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
# execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = CurrentDensityShapeSideUserObject
boundary = left
potential = potential
em = em
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
execute_on = 'linear nonlinear'
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = ${area}
ballast_resist = ${resistance}
e = 1.6e-19
## Stabilization
# [Arp_log_stabilization]
# type = LogStabilizationMoles
# variable = Arp
# offset = 20
# block = 0
# []
# [em_log_stabilization]
# type = LogStabilizationMoles
# variable = em
# offset = 20
# block = 0
# []
# [mean_en_log_stabilization]
# type = LogStabilizationMoles
# variable = mean_en
# block = 0
# offset = 35
# []
# # [mean_en_advection_stabilization]
# # type = EFieldArtDiff
# # variable = mean_en
# # potential = potential
# # block = 0
# # []
# [em_time_deriv]
# type = ElectronTimeDerivative
# variable = em
# block = 0
# []
# [em_advection]
# type = EFieldAdvection
# variable = em
# potential = potential
# mean_en = mean_en
# block = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# [em_diffusion]
# type = CoeffDiffusion
# variable = em
# mean_en = mean_en
# block = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# [em_ionization]
# type = ElectronsFromIonization
# em = em
# variable = em
# potential = potential
# mean_en = mean_en
# block = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# [potential_diffusion_dom1]
# type = CoeffDiffusionLin
# variable = potential
# block = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# [Arp_charge_source]
# type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
# variable = potential
# charged = Arp
# block = 0
# []
# [em_charge_source]
# type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
# variable = potential
# charged = em
# block = 0
# []
# [Arp_time_deriv]
# type = ElectronTimeDerivative
# variable = Arp
# block = 0
# []
# [Arp_advection]
# type = EFieldAdvection
# variable = Arp
# potential = potential
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# block = 0
# []
# [Arp_diffusion]
# type = CoeffDiffusion
# variable = Arp
# block = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# [Arp_ionization]
# type = IonsFromIonization
# variable = Arp
# potential = potential
# em = em
# mean_en = mean_en
# block = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# [mean_en_time_deriv]
# type = ElectronTimeDerivative
# variable = mean_en
# block = 0
# []
# [mean_en_advection]
# type = EFieldAdvection
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# em = em
# block = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# [mean_en_diffusion]
# type = CoeffDiffusion
# variable = mean_en
# em = em
# block = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# [mean_en_joule_heating]
# type = JouleHeating
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# em = em
# block = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# [mean_en_ionization]
# type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# em = em
# block = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# [mean_en_elastic]
# type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# em = em
# block = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# [mean_en_excitation]
# type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# em = em
# block = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Potential boundary conditions ##
# [potential_left]
# type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
# variable = potential
# boundary = left
# function = potential_bc_func
# ions = Arp
# data_provider = data_provider
# electrons = em
# electron_energy = mean_en
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
boundary = left
type = PenaltyCircuitPotential
variable = potential
current = current_density_user_object
surface_potential = ${negVHigh}
surface = 'cathode'
penalty = 1
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
area = ${area}
potential_units = 'kV'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
resistance = ${resistance}
# [potential_dirichlet_right]
# type = DirichletBC
# variable = potential
# boundary = right
# value = 0
# []
# ## Electron boundary conditions ##
# [Emission_left]
# type = SchottkyEmissionBC
# # type = SecondaryElectronBC
# variable = em
# boundary = 'left'
# potential = potential
# ions = Arp
# electron_energy = mean_en
# r = 1
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# # tau = ${relaxTime}
# relax = true
# []
# # [em_physical_left]
# # type = HagelaarElectronBC
# # variable = em
# # boundary = 'left'
# # potential = potential
# # electron_energy = mean_en
# # r = 0
# # position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# # []
# [em_physical_right]
# type = HagelaarElectronAdvectionBC
# variable = em
# boundary = right
# potential = potential
# electron_energy = mean_en
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# ## Argon boundary conditions ##
# [Arp_physical_left_diffusion]
# type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
# variable = Arp
# boundary = 'left'
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# [Arp_physical_left_advection]
# type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
# variable = Arp
# boundary = 'left'
# potential = potential
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# [Arp_physical_right_diffusion]
# type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
# variable = Arp
# boundary = right
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# [Arp_physical_right_advection]
# type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
# variable = Arp
# boundary = right
# potential = potential
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# ## Mean energy boundary conditions ##
# [mean_en_physical_left]
# type = HagelaarEnergyBC
# variable = mean_en
# boundary = 'left'
# potential = potential
# electrons = em
# ions = Arp
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
# [mean_en_physical_right]
# type = HagelaarEnergyBC
# variable = mean_en
# boundary = right
# potential = potential
# electrons = em
# ions = Arp
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
variable = em
type = RandomIC
block = 0
min = -20
max = -15
variable = Arp
type = RandomIC
block = 0
min = -20
max = -15
variable = mean_en
type = RandomIC
block = 0
min = -20
max = -15
# [potential_bc_func]
# type = ParsedFunction
# symbol_names = 'VHigh'
# symbol_values = '${vhigh}'
# expression = 'VHigh'
# []
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-${vhigh} * (${dom0Size} - x) / ${dom0Size}'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.02
user_work_function = 4.55 # eV
user_field_enhancement = 55
user_Richardson_coefficient = 80E4
user_cathode_temperature = 1273
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
block = 0
# This example sets up a simple varying-voltage discharge with a
# dielectric at the right boundary.
# Two charged particle species are considered, creatively named 'pos'
# and 'neg'. They both have the same initial conditions and boundary
# conditions; the only difference is their charge.
# As the voltage varies, the particle flux to the right boundary
# (including both advection and diffusion) will switch polarity and
# the surface charge will become increasingly negative or positive.
# The left boundary is a driven electrode with a sinusoidal waveform.
# A dielectric boundary condition including surface charge accumulation
# is included on the right boundary.
# Note that without surface charge the electric field across both
# boundaries should be identical since their permittivities are
# both set to the same value.
# Surface charge shields the electric field in the gas region,
# preventing strong field buildup.
dom0Scale = 1e-4
dom1Scale = 1e-4
#offset = 40
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
# The mesh file generates the appropriate 1D mesh, but the interfaces
# needed for the potential and surface charge have not been defined.
# Here SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator is used to generate the
# appropriate interfaces at the dielectrics.
# Block 0 = plasma region
# Block 1 = dielectric
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'dbd_mesh.msh'
# plasma master
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
primary_block = '0'
paired_block = '1'
new_boundary = 'plasma_right'
input = file
# left dielectric master
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
primary_block = '1'
paired_block = '0'
new_boundary = 'dielectric_left'
input = plasma_right
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = dielectric_left
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
automatic_scaling = true
compute_scaling_once = false
end_time = 10e-5
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
#num_steps = 1
#petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor -snes_test_jacobian'
solve_type = NEWTON
line_search = 'basic'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -snes_stol'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 0'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-8
nl_div_tol = 1e4
l_max_its = 100
nl_max_its = 25
dtmin = 1e-22
dtmax = 1e-6
#dt = 1e-8
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-9
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 30
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
output_material_properties = true
show_material_properties = 'surface_charge'
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
type = DensityMoles
variable = neg_density
density_log = neg
execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = pos_density
density_log = pos
execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
block = 0
# type = DensityMoles
# variable = Arp_density
# density_log = Arp
# execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
# block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
block = 1
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential_dom0
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential_dom1
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
block = 0
block = 1
block = 0
block = 0
# block = 0
# block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential_dom0
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential_dom1
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
# Potential source terms
# type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
# variable = potential_dom0
# charged = em
# block = 0
# type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
# variable = potential_dom0
# charged = Arp
# block = 0
# Electrons
# type = TimeDerivativeLog
# variable = em
# block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = neg
potential = potential_dom0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = neg
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = pos
potential = potential_dom0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = pos
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
# type = LogStabilizationMoles
# variable = em
# block = 0
# type = TimeDerivativeLog
# variable = mean_en
# block = 0
# type = ADEFieldAdvection
# em = em
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential_dom0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# block = 0
# type = ADCoeffDiffusion
# variable = mean_en
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# block = 0
# type = ADJouleHeating
# variable = mean_en
# em = em
# potential = potential_dom0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# block = 0
# type = LogStabilizationMoles
# variable = mean_en
# block = 0
# type = TimeDerivativeLog
# variable = Arp
# block = 0
# type = ADEFieldAdvection
# variable = Arp
# potential = potential_dom0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# block = 0
# type = ADCoeffDiffusion
# variable = Arp
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# block = 0
# type = LogStabilizationMoles
# variable = Arp
# block = 0
# At the dielectric interfaces, the potential is required to be continuous
# in value but discontinuous in slope due to surface charge accumulation.
# The potential requires two different boundary conditions on each side:
# (1) An InterfaceKernel to provide the Neumann boundary condition
# (2) A MatchedValueBC to ensure that the potential remains continuous
# This interface kernel simply applies a dielectric BC with surface charge
# accumulation.
type = PotentialSurfaceCharge
neighbor_var = potential_dom1
variable = potential_dom0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
neighbor_position_units = ${dom1Scale}
boundary = plasma_right
# Interface BCs:
type = MatchedValueBC
variable = potential_dom1
v = potential_dom0
boundary = 'dielectric_left'
# Electrode and ground BCs:
# Electrode is at x = 0, named 'left'
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = potential_dom0
function = potential_input
boundary = 'left'
# Ground is at x = 0.3 mm, named 'right'
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential_dom1
boundary = right
value = 0
# Both charged species will have a specified dirichlet BC on the driven electrode
# and a diffusion BC on the right side.
# As the voltage varies with time, the charged particle flux on the right will
# switch between positive and negative, effectively changing the surface
# charge polarity.
type = DirichletBC
variable = neg
value = -10
boundary = 'left'
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = neg
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
boundary = 'plasma_right'
type = DirichletBC
variable = pos
value = -10
boundary = 'left'
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = pos
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
boundary = 'plasma_right'
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential_dom0
function = potential_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential_dom1
function = potential_ic_func
type = ConstantIC
variable = neg
value = -10
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = pos
value = -10
block = 0
# Define a sinusoidal voltage pulse with a frequency of 50 kHz
# Amplitude is set to 200 Volts
# (Note that here the amplitude is set to 0.2. Potential units are
# typically included as kV, not V. This option is set in the
# GlobalParams block.)
type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'f0'
symbol_values = '50e3'
expression = '-0.2*sin(2*3.1415926*f0*t)'
# Set the initial condition to a line from -10 V on the left and
# 0 on the right.
# (Poisson solver tends to struggle with a uniformly zero potential IC.)
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-0.001 * (2.000e-4 - x)'
# This material creates a boundary-restricted material property called "surface_charge"
# The value of surface charge is based on the total charged particle flux impacting
# the specified boundary.
# In this case we have two charged species, 'pos' (positively charged) and 'neg'
# (negatively charged).
type = ADSurfaceCharge
potential = potential_dom0
species = 'neg pos'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
boundary = 'plasma_right'
# This just defines some constants that Zapdos needs to run.
type = GenericConstantMaterial
block = 0
prop_names = ' e N_A k_boltz eps se_energy T_gas massem p_gas'
prop_values = '1.6e-19 6.022e23 1.38e-23 8.854e-12 1. 400 9.11e-31 1.01e5'
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'diffpotential_dom0'
prop_values = '8.85e-12'
block = 0
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'diffpotential_dom1'
prop_values = '8.85e-12'
block = 1
# HeavySpeciesMaterial defines charge, mass, transport coefficients, and
# temperature for each species.
# Transport coefficients and temperature are defined as ADMaterialProperties.
# Although they currently (as of June 16, 2020) remain constant, future
# implementations may include mixture-averaged diffusion coefficients and
# effective ion temperatures with nonlinear dependence on other variables.
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = neg
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = -1.0
diffusivity = 1.6897e-5
block = 0
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = pos
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
diffusivity = 1.6897e-5
block = 0
dom0Scale = 1
dom0Size = 5E-6 #m
vhigh = -175E-3 #kV
potential_units = kV
# potential_units = V
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Geometry.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = add_left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
# line_search = none
end_time = 10E-6
steady_state_detection = 1
steady_state_tolerance = 1E-15
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 5e-14
nl_abs_tol = 1e-13
steady_state_start_time = 1E-6
dtmin = 1e-30
dtmax = 0.1E-7
nl_max_its = 200
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.9
dt = 1e-13
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 100
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
# execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e3
e = 1.6e-19
## Stabilization
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
offset = 45
block = 0
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
offset = 45
block = 0
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 45
# [mean_en_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
em = em
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Potential boundary conditions ##
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.02
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
## Electron boundary conditions ##
type = SchottkyEmissionBC
# type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 1
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.02
# [em_physical_left]
# type = HagelaarElectronBC
# variable = em
# boundary = 'left'
# potential = potential
# electron_energy = mean_en
# r = 0
# position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# []
type = HagelaarElectronAdvectionBC
variable = em
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Argon boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Mean energy boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = right
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -42
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -45
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -36
block = 0
type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'VHigh'
symbol_values = '${vhigh}'
expression = 'VHigh'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-${vhigh} * (${dom0Size} - x) / ${dom0Size}'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.02
user_work_function = 4.55 # eV
user_field_enhancement = 55
user_Richardson_coefficient = 80E4
user_cathode_temperature = 1273
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
block = 0
dom0Scale = 1e-3
dom1Scale = 1e-7
offset = 20
# offset = 0
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
# potential_units = V
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'liquidNew.msh'
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
primary_block = '0'
paired_block = '1'
new_boundary = 'master0_interface'
input = file
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
primary_block = '1'
paired_block = '0'
new_boundary = 'master1_interface'
input = interface
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = interface_again
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
ksp_norm = none
type = Transient
end_time = 1e-1
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
#petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor -snes_test_jacobian'
# petsc_options = '-snes_test_display'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'asm lu'
# petsc_options_iname = '-snes_type'
# petsc_options_value = 'test'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-4
nl_abs_tol = 7.6e-5
dtmin = 1e-12
l_max_its = 20
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.4
dt = 1e-11
# dt = 1.1
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 15
perf_graph = true
# print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'final'
type = DOFMap
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e6
e = 1.6e-19
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = emliq
potential = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ReactantFirstOrderRxn
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = ReactantAARxn
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = emliq
block = 1
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = emliq
block = 1
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = OHm
block = 1
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = OHm
block = 1
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = OHm
potential = potential
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = OHm
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = OHm
block = 1
type = ProductFirstOrderRxn
variable = OHm
v = emliq
block = 1
type = ProductAABBRxn
variable = OHm
v = emliq
block = 1
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LogStabilizationMoles
variable = mean_en
block = 0
offset = 15
block = 0
block = 1
# scaling = 1e-5
block = 0
block = 0
# scaling = 1e-1
block = 1
# scaling = 1e-5
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rholiq
coupled_variables = 'emliq_lin OHm_lin' # H3Op_lin OHm_lin'
expression = '-emliq_lin - OHm_lin' # 'H3Op_lin - em_lin - OHm_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 1
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_liq_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_emliq Current_OHm' # Current_H3Op Current_OHm'
expression = 'Current_emliq + Current_OHm' # + Current_H3Op + Current_OHm'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 1
type = DensityMoles
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = emliq_lin
density_log = emliq
block = 1
type = DensityMoles
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = DensityMoles
variable = OHm_lin
density_log = OHm
block = 1
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = emliq
variable = Current_emliq
art_diff = false
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 1
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = OHm
variable = Current_OHm
art_diff = false
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
block = 1
type = ADTotalFlux
potential = potential
density_log = OHm
variable = tot_flux_OHm
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = emliq
variable = EFieldAdvAux_emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = emliq
variable = DiffusiveFlux_emliq
block = 1
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = InterfaceAdvection
potential_neighbor = potential
neighbor_var = em
variable = emliq
boundary = master1_interface
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
neighbor_position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = InterfaceLogDiffusionElectrons
neighbor_var = em
variable = emliq
boundary = master1_interface
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
neighbor_position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0.99
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = SecondaryElectronEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
ions = 'Arp'
r = 0
emission_coeffs = 0.05
secondary_electron_energy = 3
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.05
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
preset = false
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0.99
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'master0_interface'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'master0_interface'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.05
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = DCIonBC
variable = emliq
boundary = right
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = DCIonBC
variable = OHm
boundary = 'right'
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom1Scale}
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -21
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = emliq
value = -21
block = 1
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -21
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -20
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = OHm
value = -15.6
block = 1
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ParsedFunction
# expression = '1.25*tanh(1e6*t)'
expression = -1.25
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-1.25 * (1.0001e-3 - x)'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.05
block = 0
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
type = Water
block = 1
potential = potential
dom0Scale = 1
dom0Size = 6E-6 #m
vhigh = -175E-3 #kV
# offset = 20
potential_units = kV
# potential_units = V
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Geometry.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = add_left
type = FEProblem
# kernel_coverage_check = false
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
line_search = none
end_time = 10E-6
steady_state_detection = 1
steady_state_tolerance = 1E-15
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 preonly 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 5e-14
nl_abs_tol = 1e-13
steady_state_start_time = 1E-6
dtmin = 1e-18
dtmax = 0.1E-7
nl_max_its = 200
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
cutback_factor = 0.9
dt = 1e-13
growth_factor = 1.2
optimal_iterations = 100
perf_graph = true
print_linear_residuals = false
type = Exodus
# execute_on = 'final'
show_var_residual_norms = true
type = ProvideMobility
electrode_area = 5.02e-7 # Formerly 3.14e-6
ballast_resist = 1e6
e = 1.6e-19
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronsFromIonization
em = em
variable = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# [em_log_stabilization]
# type = LogStabilizationMoles
# variable = em
# block = 0
# []
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Arp
block = 0
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
block = 0
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Arp
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Arp
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Arp
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = IonsFromIonization
variable = Arp
potential = potential
em = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# [Arp_log_stabilization]
# type = LogStabilizationMoles
# variable = Arp
# block = 0
# []
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
block = 0
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromIonization
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromElastic
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ElectronEnergyLossFromExcitation
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
# [mean_en_log_stabilization]
# type = LogStabilizationMoles
# variable = mean_en
# block = 0
# offset = 15
# []
# [mean_en_advection_stabilization]
# type = EFieldArtDiff
# variable = mean_en
# potential = potential
# block = 0
# []
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = em
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADPowerDep
density_log = Arp
potential = potential
art_diff = false
potential_units = kV
variable = PowerDep_Arp
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = el
variable = ProcRate_el
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = ex
variable = ProcRate_ex
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADProcRate
em = em
potential = potential
proc = iz
variable = ProcRate_iz
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = rho
coupled_variables = 'em_lin Arp_lin'
expression = 'Arp_lin - em_lin'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = ParsedAux
variable = tot_gas_current
coupled_variables = 'Current_em Current_Arp'
expression = 'Current_em + Current_Arp'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
block = 0
type = Density
# convert_moles = true
variable = Arp_lin
density_log = Arp
block = 0
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Arp
variable = Current_Arp
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADEFieldAdvAux
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = EFieldAdvAux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADDiffusiveFlux
density_log = em
variable = DiffusiveFlux_em
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Potential boundary conditions ##
type = NeumannCircuitVoltageMoles_KV
variable = potential
boundary = left
function = potential_bc_func
ions = Arp
data_provider = data_provider
electrons = em
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.01
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = right
value = 0
## Electron boundary conditions ##
type = SecondaryElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
ions = Arp
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 1
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
emission_coeffs = 0.01
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = right
potential = potential
electron_energy = mean_en
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Argon boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonDiffusionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarIonAdvectionBC
variable = Arp
boundary = right
potential = potential
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
## Mean energy boundary conditions ##
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = 'left'
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = HagelaarEnergyBC
variable = mean_en
boundary = right
potential = potential
electrons = em
r = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ConstantIC
variable = em
value = -30
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = Arp
value = -30
block = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = mean_en
value = -30
block = 0
type = ParsedFunction
symbol_names = 'VHigh'
symbol_values = '${vhigh}'
expression = 'VHigh'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-${vhigh} * (${dom0Size} - x) / ${dom0Size}'
type = Gas
interp_trans_coeffs = true
interp_elastic_coeff = true
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
em = em
potential = potential
ip = Arp
mean_en = mean_en
user_se_coeff = 0.01
user_work_function = 4.55 # eV
user_field_enhancement = 55
user_Richardson_coefficient = 80E4
user_cathode_temperature = 1273
property_tables_file = td_argon_mean_en.txt
block = 0