- boundaryThe list of boundary IDs from the mesh where this object applies
C++ Type:std::vector<BoundaryName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The list of boundary IDs from the mesh where this object applies
- electronsThe electron density in log form
C++ Type:std::vector<VariableName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The electron density in log form
- valueValue of the BC
C++ Type:double
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Value of the BC
- variableThe name of the variable that this residual object operates on
C++ Type:NonlinearVariableName
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The name of the variable that this residual object operates on
Electron temperature boundary condition
is a type of PenaltyDirichletBC
for the electron temperature.
The electron temperature at the boundary is defined as
Where is the electron temperature, is the mean electron energy density, and is the electron density. When converting the density to logarithmic form, ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
is defined as
Where is the molar density of the species in logarithmic form.
Example Input File Syntax
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'right'
(test/tests/DriftDiffusionAction/RF_Plasma_actions.i)Input Parameters
- diag_save_inThe name of auxiliary variables to save this BC's diagonal jacobian contributions to. Everything about that variable must match everything about this variable (the type, what blocks it's on, etc.)
C++ Type:std::vector<AuxVariableName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The name of auxiliary variables to save this BC's diagonal jacobian contributions to. Everything about that variable must match everything about this variable (the type, what blocks it's on, etc.)
- displacementsThe displacements
C++ Type:std::vector<VariableName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The displacements
- penalty_value1The penalty value for the Dirichlet BC.
C++ Type:double
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The penalty value for the Dirichlet BC.
- save_inThe name of auxiliary variables to save this BC's residual contributions to. Everything about that variable must match everything about this variable (the type, what blocks it's on, etc.)
C++ Type:std::vector<AuxVariableName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The name of auxiliary variables to save this BC's residual contributions to. Everything about that variable must match everything about this variable (the type, what blocks it's on, etc.)
Optional Parameters
- absolute_value_vector_tagsThe tags for the vectors this residual object should fill with the absolute value of the residual contribution
C++ Type:std::vector<TagName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The tags for the vectors this residual object should fill with the absolute value of the residual contribution
- extra_matrix_tagsThe extra tags for the matrices this Kernel should fill
C++ Type:std::vector<TagName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The extra tags for the matrices this Kernel should fill
- extra_vector_tagsThe extra tags for the vectors this Kernel should fill
C++ Type:std::vector<TagName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The extra tags for the vectors this Kernel should fill
- matrix_tagssystem timeThe tag for the matrices this Kernel should fill
Default:system time
C++ Type:MultiMooseEnum
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Options:nontime, system, time
Description:The tag for the matrices this Kernel should fill
- vector_tagsresidualThe tag for the vectors this Kernel should fill
C++ Type:MultiMooseEnum
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Options:nontime, time, residual
Description:The tag for the vectors this Kernel should fill
Tagging Parameters
- control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.
C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.
- enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.
- implicitTrueDetermines whether this object is calculated using an implicit or explicit form
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Determines whether this object is calculated using an implicit or explicit form
- seed0The seed for the master random number generator
C++ Type:unsigned int
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The seed for the master random number generator
- use_displaced_meshFalseWhether or not this object should use the displaced mesh for computation. Note that in the case this is true but no displacements are provided in the Mesh block the undisplaced mesh will still be used.
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Whether or not this object should use the displaced mesh for computation. Note that in the case this is true but no displacements are provided in the Mesh block the undisplaced mesh will still be used.
Advanced Parameters
Input Files
- (test/tests/crane_action/rate_units.i)
- (test/tests/accelerations/Acceleration_By_Shooting_Method.i)
- (test/tests/accelerations/Acceleration_By_Averaging_acceleration_sub.i)
- (test/tests/accelerations/Acceleration_By_Averaging_main.i)
- (tutorial/tutorial06-Building-InputFile/RF_Plasma_Blank.i)
- (test/tests/Conference_Syntax_Tests/Lymberopoulos_with_argon_metastables.i)
- (test/tests/Lymberopoulos_rf_discharge/Lymberopoulos_with_argon_metastables.i)
- (test/tests/DriftDiffusionAction/RF_Plasma_no_actions.i)
- (test/tests/accelerations/Acceleration_By_Shooting_Method_SensitivityMatrix.i)
- (test/tests/DriftDiffusionAction/RF_Plasma_actions.i)
- (tutorial/tutorial06-Building-InputFile/RF_Plasma_WithOut_Metastables.i)
dom0Scale = 25.4e-3
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Lymberopoulos.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
#Action the supplies the drift-diffusion equations
#This action also adds JouleHeating and the ChargeSourceMoles_KV Kernels
electrons = em
charged_particle = Ar+
Neutrals = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
potential = potential
Is_potential_unique = true
using_offset = false
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
Additional_Outputs = 'ElectronTemperature Current EField'
#The Kernels supply the sources terms
#Net electron production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = em
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar+
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Net excited Argon production from excitation
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
coefficient = 1
#Net excited Argon loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from quenching to resonant
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = -2
_v_eq_u = true
_w_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from two-body quenching
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from three-body quenching
type = ReactionThirdOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Energy loss from ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -15.7
#Energy loss from excitation
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
threshold_energy = -11.56
#Energy loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -4.14
#Energy gain from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
threshold_energy = 11.56
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = emRate
v = em
w = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = exRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = swRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = deexRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = quRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = poolRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = TwoBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeffThreeBody
variable = ThreeBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ConstantAux
variable = Ar
# value = 3.22e22
value = -2.928623
execute_on = INITIAL
#Voltage Boundary Condition, same as in paper
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'left'
function = potential_bc_func
preset = false
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'right'
value = 0
preset = false
#New Boundary conditions for electons, same as in paper
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'right'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#emission_coeffs = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#emission_coeffs = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for ions, should be the same as in paper
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'right'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'left'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for ions, should be the same as in paper
#(except the metastables are not set to zero, since Zapdos uses log form)
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'right'
value = 100
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'left'
value = 100
#New Boundary conditions for mean energy, should be the same as in paper
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'right'
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'left'
type = FunctionIC
variable = em
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar+
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar*
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = mean_en
function = energy_density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100*sin(2*3.1415926*13.56e6*t)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100 * (25.4e-3 - x)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log(3./2.) + log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = GasElectronMoments
interp_trans_coeffs = false
interp_elastic_coeff = false
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
user_p_gas = 133.322
em = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
user_electron_mobility = 30.0
user_electron_diffusion_coeff = 119.8757763975
property_tables_file = Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/electron_moments.txt
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar+
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
mobility = 0.144409938
diffusivity = 6.428571e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar*
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
diffusivity = 7.515528e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_excitation.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_ionization.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_deexcitation.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_excited_ionization.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
#reaction_rate_value = 2e-13
reaction_rate_value = 1.2044e11
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
#reaction_rate_value = 6.2e-16
reaction_rate_value = 373364000
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 3e-21
reaction_rate_value = 1806.6
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 1.1e-42
reaction_rate_value = 398909.324
#New postprocessor that calculates the inverse of the plasma frequency
type = PlasmaFrequencyInverse
variable = em
use_moles = true
active = 'smp'
type = SMP
full = true
type = FDP
full = true
type = Transient
end_time = 3e-7
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 fgmres 1e-3'
dtmin = 1e-14
l_max_its = 20
scheme = bdf2
dt = 1e-9
file_base = 'RF_out'
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
# THIS FILE IS BASED ON Lymberopoulos_with_argon_metastables.i
dom0Scale = 25.4e-3
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'rate_units.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = geo
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
#Electron Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of electron
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
#Advection term of electron
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Argon Ion Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of the ions
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar+
#Advection term of ions
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar+
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Time Derivative term of excited Argon
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar*
#Diffusion term of excited Argon
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar*
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Voltage Equations (Same as in paper)
#Voltage term in Poissons Eqaution
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Ion term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Ar+
#Electron term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
#Since the paper uses electron temperature as a variable, the energy equation is in
#a different form but should be the same physics
#Time Derivative term of electron energy
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
#Advection term of electron energy
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons energy
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Joule Heating term
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = Te
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = DensityMoles
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar+_lin
density_log = Ar+
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar*_lin
density_log = Ar*
type = ConstantAux
variable = Ar
# value = 3.22e22
value = -2.928623
execute_on = INITIAL
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Ar+
variable = Current_Ar
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Voltage Boundary Condition, same as in paper
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'left'
function = potential_bc_func
preset = false
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'right'
value = 0
preset = false
#New Boundary conditions for electons, same as in paper
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'right'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#emission_coeffs = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#emission_coeffs = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for ions, should be the same as in paper
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'right'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'left'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for ions, should be the same as in paper
#(except the metastables are not set to zero, since Zapdos uses log form)
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'right'
value = 100
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'left'
value = 100
#New Boundary conditions for mean energy, should be the same as in paper
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'right'
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'left'
type = FunctionIC
variable = em
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar+
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar*
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = mean_en
function = energy_density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100*sin(2*3.1415926*13.56e6*t)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100 * (25.4e-3 - x)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log(3./2.) + log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = GasElectronMoments
interp_trans_coeffs = false
interp_elastic_coeff = false
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
user_p_gas = 133.322
em = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
user_electron_mobility = 30.0
user_electron_diffusion_coeff = 119.8757763975
property_tables_file = rate_coefficients/electron_moments.txt
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar+
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
mobility = 0.144409938
diffusivity = 6.428571e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar*
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
diffusivity = 7.515528e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
#New postprocessor that calculates the inverse of the plasma frequency
type = PlasmaFrequencyInverse
variable = em
use_moles = true
active = 'smp'
type = SMP
full = true
type = FDP
full = true
type = Transient
#end_time = 0.00737463126
end_time = 3e-7
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 fgmres 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-08
#nl_abs_tol = 7.6e-5 #Commit out do to test falure on Mac
dtmin = 1e-14
l_max_its = 20
#Time steps based on the inverse of the plasma frequency
type = PostprocessorDT
postprocessor = InversePlasmaFreq
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'final'
species = 'Ar* em Ar+'
aux_species = 'Ar'
reaction_coefficient_format = 'rate'
gas_species = 'Ar'
electron_energy = 'mean_en'
electron_density = 'em'
include_electrons = true
file_location = 'rate_coefficients'
potential = 'potential'
use_log = true
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
reactions = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar* : EEDF [-11.56] (reaction1)
em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+ : EEDF [-15.7] (reaction2)
em + Ar* -> em + Ar : EEDF [11.56] (reaction3)
em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+ : EEDF [-4.14] (reaction4)
em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r : 1.2044e11
Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em : 373364000
Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar : 1806.6
Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar : 398909.324'
#This test starts the simulation at 50 rf cycle, then accelerates
#at the 55 rf cycle mark and stops at 57 rf cycles
dom0Scale = 25.4e-3
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
file = 'Acceleration_By_Shooting_Method_Initial_Conditions.e'
type = FEProblem
initial_from_file_var = em
initial_from_file_var = Ar+
initial_from_file_var = Ar*
initial_from_file_var = mean_en
initial_from_file_var = potential
#Electron Equations
#Time Derivative term of electron
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
#Advection term of electron
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net electron production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
mean_energy = mean_en
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
mean_energy = mean_en
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = em
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Argon Ion Equations
#Time Derivative term of the ions
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar+
#Advection term of ions
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar+
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net ion production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
mean_energy = mean_en
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
mean_energy = mean_en
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar+
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Argon Excited Equations
#Time Derivative term of excited Argon
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar*
#Diffusion term of excited Argon
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar*
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net excited Argon production from excitation
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
coefficient = 1
#Net excited Argon loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from quenching to resonant
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = -2
_v_eq_u = true
_w_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from two-body quenching
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from three-body quenching
type = ReactionThirdOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Voltage Equations
#Voltage term in Poissons Eqaution
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Ion term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Ar+
#Electron term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
#Electron Energy Equations
#Time Derivative term of electron energy
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
#Advection term of electron energy
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons energy
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Joule Heating term
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Energy loss from ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -15.7
#Energy loss from excitation
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
threshold_energy = -11.56
#Energy loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -4.14
#Energy gain from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
threshold_energy = 11.56
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = emRate
v = em
w = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = exRate
v = em
w = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = swRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = deexRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = quRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = poolRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = TwoBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeffThreeBody
variable = ThreeBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = Te
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = DensityMoles
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar+_lin
density_log = Ar+
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar*_lin
density_log = Ar*
type = ConstantAux
variable = Ar
# value = 3.22e22
value = -2.928623
execute_on = INITIAL
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Ar+
variable = Current_Ar
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Voltage Boundary Condition
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'left'
function = potential_bc_func
preset = false
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'right'
value = 0
preset = false
#Boundary conditions for electons
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'right'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#gamma = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#gamma = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Boundary conditions for ions
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'right'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'left'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for metastables
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'right'
value = 1e-5
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'left'
value = 1e-5
#Boundary conditions for electron mean energy
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'right'
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'left'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100*sin(2*pi*13.56e6*t)'
type = GasElectronMoments
interp_trans_coeffs = false
interp_elastic_coeff = false
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
user_p_gas = 133.322
em = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
user_electron_mobility = 30.0
user_electron_diffusion_coeff = 119.8757763975
property_tables_file = Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/electron_moments.txt
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar+
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
mobility = 0.144409938
diffusivity = 6.428571e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar*
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
diffusivity = 7.515528e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/reaction_em + Ar -> em + Ar*.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/reaction_em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/reaction_em + Ar* -> em + Ar.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/reaction_em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
#reaction_rate_value = 2e-13
reaction_rate_value = 1.2044e11
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
#reaction_rate_value = 6.2e-16
reaction_rate_value = 373364000
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 3e-21
reaction_rate_value = 1806.6
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 1.1e-43
reaction_rate_value = 39890.9324
#MultiApp of Acceleration by Shooting Method
type = FullSolveMultiApp
input_files = 'Acceleration_By_Shooting_Method_Shooting.i'
execute_on = 'TIMESTEP_END'
enable = false
#MultiApp Transfers for Acceleration by Shooting Method
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
to_multi_app = Shooting
source_variable = em
variable = em
enable = false
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
to_multi_app = Shooting
source_variable = Ar+
variable = Ar+
enable = false
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
to_multi_app = Shooting
source_variable = mean_en
variable = mean_en
enable = false
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
to_multi_app = Shooting
source_variable = potential
variable = potential
enable = false
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
to_multi_app = Shooting
source_variable = Ar*
variable = Ar*
enable = false
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
to_multi_app = Shooting
source_variable = Ar*
variable = Ar*S
enable = false
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
from_multi_app = Shooting
source_variable = Ar*
variable = Ar*
enable = false
#The Action the add the TimePeriod Controls to turn off and on the MultiApps
Enable_at_cycle_start = 'MultiApps::Shooting
Transfers::em_to_Shooting *::Ar+_to_Shooting *::mean_en_to_Shooting
*::potential_to_Shooting *::Ar*_to_Shooting *::Ar*S_to_Shooting
starting_cycle = 55
cycle_frequency = 13.56e6
cycles_between_controls = 30
num_controller_set = 2000
name = Shooting
#New postprocessor that calculates the inverse of the plasma frequency
type = PlasmaFrequencyInverse
variable = em
use_moles = true
active = 'smp'
type = SMP
full = true
type = FDP
full = true
type = Transient
start_time = 3.68731563e-6
end_time = 4.20353982e-6
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 fgmres 1e-3'
dtmin = 1e-14
l_max_its = 20
scheme = bdf2
dt = 1e-9
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
dom0Scale = 25.4e-3
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Lymberopoulos_paper.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
#Electron Equations
#Time Derivative term of electron
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
#Advection term of electron
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net electron production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
mean_energy = mean_en
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from step - wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
mean_energy = mean_en
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = em
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Argon Ion Equations
#Time Derivative term of the ions
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar+
#Advection term of ions
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar+
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net ion production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
mean_energy = mean_en
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from step - wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
mean_energy = mean_en
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar+
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Argon Excited Equations
#Time Derivative term of excited Argon
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar*
#Diffusion term of excited Argon
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar*
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net excited Argon production from excitation
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
coefficient = 1
#Net excited Argon loss from step - wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from quenching to resonant
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = -2
_v_eq_u = true
_w_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from two - body quenching
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from three - body quenching
type = ReactionThirdOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Voltage Equations
#Voltage term in Poissons Eqaution
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Ion term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Ar+
#Electron term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
#Electron Energy Equations
#Time Derivative term of electron energy
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
#Advection term of electron energy
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons energy
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Joule Heating term
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Energy loss from ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -15.7
#Energy loss from excitation
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
threshold_energy = -11.56
#Energy loss from step - wise ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -4.14
#Energy gain from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
threshold_energy = 11.56
type = ConstantAux
variable = Ar
#value = 3.22e22
value = -2.928623
execute_on = INITIAL
#Voltage Boundary Condition
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'left'
function = potential_bc_func
preset = false
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'right'
value = 0
preset = false
#Boundary conditions for electons
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'right'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#gamma = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#gamma = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Boundary conditions for ions
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'right'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'left'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Boundary conditions for ions Metastable
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'right'
value = 1e-5
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'left'
value = 1e-5
#Boundary conditions for electron mean energy
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'right'
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'left'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100*sin(2*pi*13.56e6*t)'
type = GasElectronMoments
interp_trans_coeffs = false
interp_elastic_coeff = false
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
user_p_gas = 133.322
em = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
user_electron_mobility = 30.0
user_electron_diffusion_coeff = 119.8757763975
property_tables_file = Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/electron_moments.txt
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar+
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
mobility = 0.144409938
diffusivity = 6.428571e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar*
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
diffusivity = 7.515528e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/reaction_em + Ar -> em + Ar*.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/reaction_em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/reaction_em + Ar* -> em + Ar.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/reaction_em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
#reaction_rate_value = 2e-13
reaction_rate_value = 1.2044e11
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
#reaction_rate_value = 6.2e-16
reaction_rate_value = 373364000
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 3e-21
reaction_rate_value = 1806.6
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 1.1e-43
reaction_rate_value = 39890.9324
#New postprocessor that calculates the inverse of the plasma frequency
type = PlasmaFrequencyInverse
variable = em
use_moles = true
active = 'smp'
type = SMP
full = true
type = FDP
full = true
type = Transient
end_time = 73.74631268e-9
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 fgmres 1e-3'
dtmin = 1e-14
l_max_its = 20
scheme = bdf2
dt = 1e-9
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
#This test runs the simulation for 10 rf cycle, then accelerates
#once and stops at 11 rf cycles
dom0Scale = 25.4e-3
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Lymberopoulos_paper.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
#Electron Equations
#Time Derivative term of electron
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
#Advection term of electron
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net electron production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
mean_energy = mean_en
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
mean_energy = mean_en
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = em
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Argon Ion Equations
#Time Derivative term of the ions
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar+
#Advection term of ions
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar+
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net ion production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
mean_energy = mean_en
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
mean_energy = mean_en
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar+
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Argon Excited Equations
#Time Derivative term of excited Argon
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar*
#Diffusion term of excited Argon
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar*
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net excited Argon production from excitation
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
coefficient = 1
#Net excited Argon loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from quenching to resonant
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = -2
_v_eq_u = true
_w_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from two-body quenching
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from three-body quenching
type = ReactionThirdOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Voltage Equations
#Voltage term in Poissons Eqaution
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Ion term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Ar+
#Electron term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
#Electron Energy Equations
#Time Derivative term of electron energy
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
#Advection term of electron energy
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons energy
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Joule Heating term
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Energy loss from ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -15.7
#Energy loss from excitation
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
threshold_energy = -11.56
#Energy loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -4.14
#Energy gain from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
threshold_energy = 11.56
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = emRate
v = em
w = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = exRate
v = em
w = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = swRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = deexRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = quRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = poolRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = TwoBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeffThreeBody
variable = ThreeBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = Te
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = DensityMoles
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar+_lin
density_log = Ar+
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar*_lin
density_log = Ar*
type = ConstantAux
variable = Ar
# value = 3.22e22
value = -2.928623
execute_on = INITIAL
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Ar+
variable = Current_Ar
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Voltage Boundary Condition
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'left'
function = potential_bc_func
preset = false
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'right'
value = 0
preset = false
#Boundary conditions for electons
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'right'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#gamma = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#gamma = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Boundary conditions for ions
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'right'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'left'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for metastables
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'right'
value = 1e-5
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'left'
value = 1e-5
#Boundary conditions for electron mean energy
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'right'
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'left'
type = FunctionIC
variable = em
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar+
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar*
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = mean_en
function = energy_density_ic_func
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100*sin(2*pi*13.56e6*t)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log((1e14)/6.022e23)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log((3./2.) * ((1e14)/6.022e23))'
type = GasElectronMoments
interp_trans_coeffs = false
interp_elastic_coeff = false
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
user_p_gas = 133.322
em = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
user_electron_mobility = 30.0
user_electron_diffusion_coeff = 119.8757763975
property_tables_file = Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/electron_moments.txt
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar+
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
mobility = 0.144409938
diffusivity = 6.428571e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar*
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
diffusivity = 7.515528e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/reaction_em + Ar -> em + Ar*.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/reaction_em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/reaction_em + Ar* -> em + Ar.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/reaction_em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
#reaction_rate_value = 2e-13
reaction_rate_value = 1.2044e11
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
#reaction_rate_value = 6.2e-16
reaction_rate_value = 373364000
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 3e-21
reaction_rate_value = 1806.6
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 1.1e-43
reaction_rate_value = 39890.9324
#MultiApp of Acceleration by Averaging
type = FullSolveMultiApp
input_files = 'Acceleration_By_Averaging_acceleration.i'
execute_on = 'TIMESTEP_END'
enable = false
#MultiApp Transfers for Acceleration by Averaging
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
to_multi_app = Averaging_Acceleration
source_variable = em
variable = em
enable = false
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
to_multi_app = Averaging_Acceleration
source_variable = Ar+
variable = Ar+
enable = false
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
to_multi_app = Averaging_Acceleration
source_variable = mean_en
variable = mean_en
enable = false
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
to_multi_app = Averaging_Acceleration
source_variable = potential
variable = potential
enable = false
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
to_multi_app = Averaging_Acceleration
source_variable = Ar*
variable = Ar*
enable = false
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
to_multi_app = Averaging_Acceleration
source_variable = Ar*
variable = Ar*S
enable = false
type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
from_multi_app = Averaging_Acceleration
source_variable = Ar*
variable = Ar*
enable = false
#The Action the add the TimePeriod Controls to turn off and on the MultiApps
Enable_at_cycle_start = 'MultiApps::Averaging_Acceleration
Transfers::em_to_Averaging *::Ar+_to_Averaging *::mean_en_to_Averaging
*::potential_to_Averaging *::Ar*_to_Averaging *::Ar*S_to_Averaging
starting_cycle = 10
cycle_frequency = 13.56e6
cycles_between_controls = 10
num_controller_set = 15
name = Averaging_Acceleration
#New postprocessor that calculates the inverse of the plasma frequency
type = PlasmaFrequencyInverse
variable = em
use_moles = true
active = 'smp'
type = SMP
full = true
type = FDP
full = true
type = Transient
end_time = 8.2e-7
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 fgmres 1e-3'
dtmin = 1e-14
l_max_its = 20
scheme = bdf2
dt = 1e-9
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
#In this tutorial, users input the missing data for
#Zapdos’s Drift-Diffusion Action and CRANE’s Reactions Action.
#The simulation is a simple electron and ion only argon plasma,
#where “reaction1” is the metastable excitation reaction
#and “reaction2” is ionization. The reaction coefficients are in “rate” form.
#A uniform scaling factor of the mesh.
#E.g if set to 1.0, there is not scaling
# and if set to 0.010, there mesh is scaled by a cm
#Scales the potential by V or kV
potential_units = kV
#Converts density from #/m^3 to moles/m^3
use_moles = true
#Mesh is define by a Gmsh file
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Lymberopoulos_paper.msh'
#Renames all sides with the specified normal
#For 1D, this is used to rename the end points of the mesh
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = geo
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
#Defines the problem type, such as FE, eigen value problem, etc.
type = FEProblem
#User define name for electrons (usually 'em')
electrons =
#User define name for ions
charged_particle =
#User define name for potential (usually 'potential')
potential =
#Defines if this potential exist in only one block/material (set 'true' for single gases)
Is_potential_unique =
#User define name for the electron mean energy density (usually 'mean_en')
mean_energy =
#The position scaling for the mesh, define at top of input file
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Additional outputs, such as ElectronTemperature, Current, and EField.
Additional_Outputs =
#Name of reactant species that are variables
species =
#Name of reactant species that are auxvariables
aux_species =
#Type of coefficient (rate or townsend)
reaction_coefficient_format =
#Name of background gas
gas_species =
#Name of the electron mean energy density (usually 'mean_en')
electron_energy =
#Name of the electrons (usually 'em')
electron_density =
#Defines if electrons are tracked
include_electrons =
#Name of name for potential (usually 'potential')
potential =
#Defines if log form is used (true for Zapdos)
use_log = true
#Defines if automatic differentiation is used (true for Zapdos)
use_ad = true
#The position scaling for the mesh, define at top of input file
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Name of material block ('0' for an user undefined block)
block = 0
#Inputs of the plasma chemsity
#e.g. Reaction : Constant or EEDF dependent [Threshold Energy] (Text file name)
# em + Ar -> em + Ar* : EEDF [-11.56] (reaction1)
reactions =
#Add a scaled position units used for plotting other element AuxVariables
#Background gas (e.g Ar)
#Add at scaled position units used for plotting other element AuxVariables
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Background gas number density (e.g. for 1Torr)
type = FunctionAux
variable = Ar
function = 'log(3.22e22/6.022e23)'
execute_on = INITIAL
#Currently there is no Action for BC (but one is currently in development)
#Below is the Lymberopulos family of BC
#(For other BC example, please look at Tutorial 04 and Tutorial 06)
#Voltage Boundary Condition Ffor a Power-Ground RF Discharge
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'left'
function = potential_bc_func
preset = false
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'right'
value = 0
preset = false
#Boundary conditions for electons
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'right left'
emission_coeffs = 0.01 #Secondary electron coeff.
ks = 1.19e5 #Thermal electron velocity
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Boundary conditions for ions
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'right left'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Boundary conditions for mean energy
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5 #Electron Temperature in eV
boundary = 'right left'
#Initial conditions for variables.
#If left undefine, the IC is zero
type = FunctionIC
variable = em
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar+
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = mean_en
function = energy_density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
#Define function used throughout the input file (e.g. BCs and ICs)
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100*sin(2*3.1415926*13.56e6*t)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100 * (25.4e-3 - x)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log(3./2.) + log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
#The material properties for electrons.
#Also hold universal constant, such as Avogadro's number, elementary charge, etc.
type = GasElectronMoments
#False means constant electron coeff, defined by user
interp_trans_coeffs = false
#Leave as false (CRANE accounts of elastic coeff.)
interp_elastic_coeff = false
#Leave as false, unless computational error is due to rapid coeff. changes
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
#User difine pressure in pa
user_p_gas = 133.322
#Name for electrons (usually 'em')
em = em
#Name for potential (usually 'potential')
potential = potential
#Name for the electron mean energy density (usually 'mean_en')
mean_en = mean_en
#User define electron mobility coeff. (define as 0.0 if not used)
user_electron_mobility = 30.0
#User define electron diffusion coeff. (define as 0.0 if not used)
user_electron_diffusion_coeff = 119.8757763975
#Name of text file with electron properties
property_tables_file = rate_coefficients/electron_moments.txt
#The material properties of the ion
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar+
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
mobility = 0.144409938
diffusivity = 6.428571e-3
#The material properties of the background gas
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
#Preconditioning options
#Learn more at: https://mooseframework.inl.gov/syntax/Preconditioning/index.html
active = 'smp'
type = SMP
full = true
type = FDP
full = true
#How to execute the problem.
#Defines type of solve (such as steady or transient),
# solve type (Newton, PJFNK, etc.) and tolerances
type = Transient
end_time = 7.3746e-5
dt = 1e-9
dtmin = 1e-14
scheme = bdf2
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-08
l_max_its = 20
#Defines the output type of the file (multiple output files can be define per run)
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
dom0Scale = 25.4e-3
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Lymberopoulos.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
#Electron Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of electron
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
#Advection term of electron
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net electron production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = em
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Argon Ion Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of the ions
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar+
#Advection term of ions
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar+
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net ion production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar+
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Argon Excited Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of excited Argon
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar*
#Diffusion term of excited Argon
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar*
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net excited Argon production from excitation
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
coefficient = 1
#Net excited Argon loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from quenching to resonant
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = -2
_v_eq_u = true
_w_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from two-body quenching
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from three-body quenching
type = ReactionThirdOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Voltage Equations (Same as in paper)
#Voltage term in Poissons Eqaution
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Ion term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Ar+
#Electron term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
#Since the paper uses electron temperature as a variable, the energy equation is in
#a different form but should be the same physics
#Time Derivative term of electron energy
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
#Advection term of electron energy
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons energy
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Joule Heating term
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Energy loss from ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -15.7
#Energy loss from excitation
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
threshold_energy = -11.56
#Energy loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -4.14
#Energy gain from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
threshold_energy = 11.56
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
# type = DebugResidualAux
# variable = emDeBug
# debug_variable = em
# type = DebugResidualAux
# variable = Ar+_DeBug
# debug_variable = Ar+
# type = DebugResidualAux
# variable = mean_enDeBug
# debug_variable = mean_en
# type = DebugResidualAux
# variable = Ar*_DeBug
# debug_variable = Ar*
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = emRate
v = em
w = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = exRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = swRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = deexRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = quRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = poolRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = TwoBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeffThreeBody
variable = ThreeBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = Te
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = DensityMoles
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar+_lin
density_log = Ar+
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar*_lin
density_log = Ar*
type = ConstantAux
variable = Ar
# value = 3.22e22
value = -2.928623
execute_on = INITIAL
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Ar+
variable = Current_Ar
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Voltage Boundary Condition, same as in paper
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'left'
function = potential_bc_func
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'right'
value = 0
#New Boundary conditions for electons, same as in paper
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'right'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#emission_coeffs = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#emission_coeffs = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for ions, should be the same as in paper
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'right'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'left'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for ions, should be the same as in paper
#(except the metastables are not set to zero, since Zapdos uses log form)
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'right'
value = 100
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'left'
value = 100
#New Boundary conditions for mean energy, should be the same as in paper
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'right'
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'left'
type = FunctionIC
variable = em
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar+
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar*
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = mean_en
function = energy_density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100*sin(2*3.1415926*13.56e6*t)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100 * (25.4e-3 - x)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log(3./2.) + log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = GasElectronMoments
interp_trans_coeffs = false
interp_elastic_coeff = false
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
user_p_gas = 133.322
em = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
user_electron_mobility = 30.0
user_electron_diffusion_coeff = 119.8757763975
property_tables_file = Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/electron_moments.txt
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar+
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
mobility = 0.144409938
diffusivity = 6.428571e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar*
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
diffusivity = 7.515528e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_excitation.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_ionization.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_deexcitation.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_excited_ionization.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
#reaction_rate_value = 2e-13
reaction_rate_value = 1.2044e11
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
#reaction_rate_value = 6.2e-16
reaction_rate_value = 373364000
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 3e-21
reaction_rate_value = 1806.6
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 1.1e-42
reaction_rate_value = 398909.324
#New postprocessor that calculates the inverse of the plasma frequency
type = PlasmaFrequencyInverse
variable = em
use_moles = true
active = 'smp'
type = SMP
full = true
type = FDP
full = true
type = Transient
end_time = 0.00737463126
#end_time = 3e-7
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 fgmres 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-08
#nl_abs_tol = 7.6e-5 #Commit out do to test falure on Mac
dtmin = 1e-14
l_max_its = 20
#Time steps based on the inverse of the plasma frequency
type = PostprocessorDT
postprocessor = InversePlasmaFreq
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
dom0Scale = 25.4e-3
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Lymberopoulos.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
#Electron Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of electron
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
#Advection term of electron
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net electron production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = em
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Argon Ion Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of the ions
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar+
#Advection term of ions
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar+
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net ion production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar+
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Argon Excited Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of excited Argon
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar*
#Diffusion term of excited Argon
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar*
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net excited Argon production from excitation
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
coefficient = 1
#Net excited Argon loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from quenching to resonant
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = -2
_v_eq_u = true
_w_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from two-body quenching
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from three-body quenching
type = ReactionThirdOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Voltage Equations (Same as in paper)
#Voltage term in Poissons Eqaution
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Ion term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Ar+
#Electron term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
#Since the paper uses electron temperature as a variable, the energy equation is in
#a different form but should be the same physics
#Time Derivative term of electron energy
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
#Advection term of electron energy
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons energy
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Joule Heating term
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Energy loss from ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -15.7
#Energy loss from excitation
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
threshold_energy = -11.56
#Energy loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -4.14
#Energy gain from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
threshold_energy = 11.56
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
# type = DebugResidualAux
# variable = emDeBug
# debug_variable = em
# type = DebugResidualAux
# variable = Ar+_DeBug
# debug_variable = Ar+
# type = DebugResidualAux
# variable = mean_enDeBug
# debug_variable = mean_en
# type = DebugResidualAux
# variable = Ar*_DeBug
# debug_variable = Ar*
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = emRate
v = em
w = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = exRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = swRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = deexRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = quRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = poolRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = TwoBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeffThreeBody
variable = ThreeBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = Te
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = DensityMoles
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar+_lin
density_log = Ar+
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar*_lin
density_log = Ar*
type = ConstantAux
variable = Ar
# value = 3.22e22
value = -2.928623
execute_on = INITIAL
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Ar+
variable = Current_Ar
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Voltage Boundary Condition, same as in paper
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'left'
function = potential_bc_func
preset = false
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'right'
value = 0
preset = false
#New Boundary conditions for electons, same as in paper
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'right'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#gamma = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#gamma = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for ions, should be the same as in paper
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'right'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'left'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for ions, should be the same as in paper
#(except the metastables are not set to zero, since Zapdos uses log form)
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'right'
value = 100
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'left'
value = 100
#New Boundary conditions for mean energy, should be the same as in paper
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'right'
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'left'
type = FunctionIC
variable = em
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar+
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar*
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = mean_en
function = energy_density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100*sin(2*3.1415926*13.56e6*t)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100 * (25.4e-3 - x)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log(3./2.) + log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = GasElectronMoments
interp_trans_coeffs = false
interp_elastic_coeff = false
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
user_p_gas = 133.322
em = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
user_electron_mobility = 30.0
user_electron_diffusion_coeff = 119.8757763975
property_tables_file = Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/electron_moments.txt
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar+
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
mobility = 0.144409938
diffusivity = 6.428571e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar*
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
diffusivity = 7.515528e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_excitation.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_ionization.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_deexcitation.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_excited_ionization.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
#reaction_rate_value = 2e-13
reaction_rate_value = 1.2044e11
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
#reaction_rate_value = 6.2e-16
reaction_rate_value = 373364000
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 3e-21
reaction_rate_value = 1806.6
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 1.1e-42
reaction_rate_value = 398909.324
#New postprocessor that calculates the inverse of the plasma frequency
type = PlasmaFrequencyInverse
variable = em
use_moles = true
active = 'smp'
type = SMP
full = true
type = FDP
full = true
type = Transient
#end_time = 0.00737463126
end_time = 3e-7
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 fgmres 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-08
#nl_abs_tol = 7.6e-5 #Commit out do to test falure on Mac
dtmin = 1e-14
l_max_its = 20
#Time steps based on the inverse of the plasma frequency
type = PostprocessorDT
postprocessor = InversePlasmaFreq
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
#This is the input file that supplied the gold output file.
#It is the same as the input file in
#execpt some of the Aux Variables are renamed for the Action test
dom0Scale = 25.4e-3
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Lymberopoulos.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
#Electron Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of electron
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
#Advection term of electron
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net electron production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = em
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Argon Ion Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of the ions
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar+
#Advection term of ions
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar+
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net ion production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar+
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Argon Excited Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of excited Argon
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar*
#Diffusion term of excited Argon
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar*
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net excited Argon production from excitation
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
coefficient = 1
#Net excited Argon loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from quenching to resonant
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = -2
_v_eq_u = true
_w_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from two-body quenching
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from three-body quenching
type = ReactionThirdOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Voltage Equations (Same as in paper)
#Voltage term in Poissons Eqaution
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Ion term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Ar+
#Electron term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
#Since the paper uses electron temperature as a variable, the energy equation is in
#a different form but should be the same physics
#Time Derivative term of electron energy
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
#Advection term of electron energy
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons energy
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Joule Heating term
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Energy loss from ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -15.7
#Energy loss from excitation
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
threshold_energy = -11.56
#Energy loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -4.14
#Energy gain from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
threshold_energy = 11.56
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = emRate
v = em
w = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = exRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = swRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = deexRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = quRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = poolRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = TwoBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeffThreeBody
variable = ThreeBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = e_temp
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
type = Position
variable = position
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = DensityMoles
variable = em_density
density_log = em
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar+_density
density_log = Ar+
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar*_density
density_log = Ar*
type = ConstantAux
variable = Ar
# value = 3.22e22
value = -2.928623
execute_on = INITIAL
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = EFieldx
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Ar+
variable = Current_Ar+
art_diff = false
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Voltage Boundary Condition, same as in paper
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'left'
function = potential_bc_func
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'right'
value = 0
#New Boundary conditions for electons, same as in paper
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'right'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#emission_coeffs = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#emission_coeffs = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for ions, should be the same as in paper
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'right'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'left'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for ions, should be the same as in paper
#(except the metastables are not set to zero, since Zapdos uses log form)
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'right'
value = 100
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'left'
value = 100
#New Boundary conditions for mean energy, should be the same as in paper
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'right'
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'left'
type = FunctionIC
variable = em
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar+
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar*
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = mean_en
function = energy_density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100*sin(2*3.1415926*13.56e6*t)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100 * (25.4e-3 - x)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log(3./2.) + log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = GasElectronMoments
interp_trans_coeffs = false
interp_elastic_coeff = false
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
user_p_gas = 133.322
em = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
user_electron_mobility = 30.0
user_electron_diffusion_coeff = 119.8757763975
property_tables_file = Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/electron_moments.txt
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar+
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
mobility = 0.144409938
diffusivity = 6.428571e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar*
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
diffusivity = 7.515528e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_excitation.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_ionization.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_deexcitation.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_excited_ionization.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
#reaction_rate_value = 2e-13
reaction_rate_value = 1.2044e11
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
#reaction_rate_value = 6.2e-16
reaction_rate_value = 373364000
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 3e-21
reaction_rate_value = 1806.6
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 1.1e-42
reaction_rate_value = 398909.324
#New postprocessor that calculates the inverse of the plasma frequency
type = PlasmaFrequencyInverse
variable = em
use_moles = true
active = 'smp'
type = SMP
full = true
type = FDP
full = true
type = Transient
end_time = 3e-7
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 fgmres 1e-3'
dtmin = 1e-14
l_max_its = 20
scheme = bdf2
dt = 1e-9
file_base = 'RF_out'
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
dom0Scale = 25.4e-3
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Lymberopoulos_paper.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
#Electron Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of electron
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = em
#Advection term of electron
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = em
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net electron production from ionization
type = ADEEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from step-wise ionization
type = ADEEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from metastable pooling
type = ADReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = em
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Argon Ion Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of the ions
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar+
#Advection term of ions
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar+
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net ion production from ionization
type = ADEEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from step-wise ionization
type = ADEEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from metastable pooling
type = ADReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar+
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Argon Excited Equations (Same as in paper)
#Time Derivative term of excited Argon
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = Ar*
#Diffusion term of excited Argon
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = Ar*
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net excited Argon production from excitation
type = ADEEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
coefficient = 1
#Net excited Argon loss from step-wise ionization
type = ADEEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from superelastic collisions
type = ADEEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from quenching to resonant
type = ADEEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from metastable pooling
type = ADReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = -2
_v_eq_u = true
_w_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from two-body quenching
type = ADReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from three-body quenching
type = ADReactionThirdOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Voltage Equations (Same as in paper)
#Voltage term in Poissons Eqaution
type = CoeffDiffusionLin
variable = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Ion term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = Ar+
#Electron term in Poissons Equation
type = ChargeSourceMoles_KV
variable = potential
charged = em
#Since the paper uses electron temperature as a variable, the energy equation is in
#a different form but should be the same physics
#Time Derivative term of electron energy
type = ElectronTimeDerivative
variable = mean_en
#Advection term of electron energy
type = EFieldAdvection
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Diffusion term of electrons energy
type = CoeffDiffusion
variable = mean_en
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Joule Heating term
type = JouleHeating
variable = mean_en
potential = potential
em = em
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Energy loss from ionization
type = ADEEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -15.7
#Energy loss from excitation
type = ADEEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
threshold_energy = -11.56
#Energy loss from step-wise ionization
type = ADEEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -4.14
#Energy gain from superelastic collisions
type = ADEEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
threshold_energy = 11.56
#Argon Excited Equations For Shooting Method
#Time Derivative term of excited Argon
type = TimeDerivative
variable = SMDeriv
#Diffusion term of excited Argon
type = CoeffDiffusionForShootMethod
variable = SMDeriv
density = Ar*
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Net excited Argon loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLogForShootMethod
variable = SMDeriv
density = Ar*
electron = em
energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFReactionLogForShootMethod
variable = SMDeriv
density = Ar*
electron = em
energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from quenching to resonant
type = ReactionSecondOrderLogForShootMethod
variable = SMDeriv
density = Ar*
v = em
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLogForShootMethod
variable = SMDeriv
density = Ar*
v = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = -2
#Net excited Argon loss from two-body quenching
type = ReactionSecondOrderLogForShootMethod
variable = SMDeriv
density = Ar*
v = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from three-body quenching
type = ReactionThirdOrderLogForShootMethod
variable = SMDeriv
density = Ar*
v = Ar
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
coefficient = -1
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
block = 0
type = DebugResidualAux
variable = emDeBug
debug_variable = em
type = DebugResidualAux
variable = Ar+_DeBug
debug_variable = Ar+
type = DebugResidualAux
variable = mean_enDeBug
debug_variable = mean_en
type = DebugResidualAux
variable = Ar*_DeBug
debug_variable = Ar*
type = ADProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = emRate
v = em
w = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ADProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = exRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
type = ADProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = swRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ADProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = deexRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
type = ADProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = quRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
type = ADProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = poolRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
type = ADProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = TwoBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
type = ADProcRateForRateCoeffThreeBody
variable = ThreeBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
type = ElectronTemperature
variable = Te
electron_density = em
mean_en = mean_en
type = Position
variable = x
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = DensityMoles
variable = em_lin
density_log = em
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar+_lin
density_log = Ar+
type = DensityMoles
variable = Ar*_lin
density_log = Ar*
type = ConstantAux
variable = Ar
# value = 3.22e22
value = -2.928623
execute_on = INITIAL
type = Efield
component = 0
potential = potential
variable = Efield
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = em
variable = Current_em
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ADCurrent
potential = potential
density_log = Ar+
variable = Current_Ar
art_diff = false
block = 0
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Voltage Boundary Condition, same as in paper
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'left'
function = potential_bc_func
preset = false
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'right'
value = 0
preset = false
#New Boundary conditions for electons, same as in paper
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'right'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#gamma = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#gamma = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for ions, should be the same as in paper
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'right'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'left'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for ions, should be the same as in paper
#(except the metastables are not set to zero, since Zapdos uses log form)
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'right'
value = 1e-5
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'left'
value = 1e-5
#New Boundary conditions for mean energy, should be the same as in paper
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'right'
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'left'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100*sin(2*pi*13.56e6*t)'
type = GasElectronMoments
interp_trans_coeffs = false
interp_elastic_coeff = false
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
user_p_gas = 133.322
em = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
user_electron_mobility = 30.0
user_electron_diffusion_coeff = 119.8757763975
property_tables_file = Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/electron_moments.txt
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar+
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
mobility = 0.144409938
diffusivity = 6.428571e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar*
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
diffusivity = 7.515528e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
type = ADZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/reaction_em + Ar -> em + Ar*.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
electrons = em
type = ADZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/reaction_em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = ADZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/reaction_em + Ar* -> em + Ar.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
electrons = em
type = ADZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/reaction_em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = ADGenericRateConstant
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
#reaction_rate_value = 2e-13
reaction_rate_value = 1.2044e11
type = ADGenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
#reaction_rate_value = 6.2e-16
reaction_rate_value = 373364000
type = ADGenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 3e-21
reaction_rate_value = 1806.6
type = ADGenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 1.1e-43
reaction_rate_value = 39890.9324
#New postprocessor that calculates the inverse of the plasma frequency
type = PlasmaFrequencyInverse
variable = em
use_moles = true
active = 'smp'
type = SMP
full = true
type = FDP
full = true
type = Transient
end_time = 73.74631268e-9
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 fgmres 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-08
#nl_abs_tol = 7.6e-5 #Commit out do to test falure on Mac
dtmin = 1e-14
l_max_its = 20
scheme = bdf2
dt = 1e-9
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
dom0Scale = 25.4e-3
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Lymberopoulos.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = file
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
#Action the supplies the drift-diffusion equations
#This action also adds JouleHeating and the ChargeSourceMoles_KV Kernels
electrons = em
charged_particle = Ar+
Neutrals = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
potential = potential
Is_potential_unique = true
using_offset = false
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
Additional_Outputs = 'ElectronTemperature Current EField'
#The Kernels supply the sources terms
#Net electron production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = em
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net electron production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = em
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar+
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = 1
#Net ion production from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar+
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = 1
#Net excited Argon production from excitation
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
coefficient = 1
#Net excited Argon loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from quenching to resonant
type = EEDFReactionLog
variable = Ar*
electrons = em
target = Ar*
mean_energy = mean_en
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
coefficient = -1
#Net excited Argon loss from metastable pooling
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
coefficient = -2
_v_eq_u = true
_w_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from two-body quenching
type = ReactionSecondOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Net excited Argon loss from three-body quenching
type = ReactionThirdOrderLog
variable = Ar*
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
coefficient = -1
_v_eq_u = true
#Energy loss from ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -15.7
#Energy loss from excitation
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
threshold_energy = -11.56
#Energy loss from step-wise ionization
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
threshold_energy = -4.14
#Energy gain from superelastic collisions
type = EEDFEnergyLog
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
target = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
threshold_energy = 11.56
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = emRate
v = em
w = Ar
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = exRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = swRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = deexRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = quRate
v = em
w = Ar*
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = poolRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar*
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeff
variable = TwoBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
type = ProcRateForRateCoeffThreeBody
variable = ThreeBRate
v = Ar*
w = Ar
x = Ar
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = ConstantAux
variable = Ar
# value = 3.22e22
value = -2.928623
execute_on = INITIAL
#Voltage Boundary Condition, same as in paper
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'left'
function = potential_bc_func
preset = false
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'right'
value = 0
preset = false
#New Boundary conditions for electons, same as in paper
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'right'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#emission_coeffs = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
#emission_coeffs = 1
ks = 1.19e5
#ks = 0.0
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for ions, should be the same as in paper
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'right'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'left'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#New Boundary conditions for ions, should be the same as in paper
#(except the metastables are not set to zero, since Zapdos uses log form)
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'right'
value = 100
type = LogDensityDirichletBC
variable = Ar*
boundary = 'left'
value = 100
#New Boundary conditions for mean energy, should be the same as in paper
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'right'
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'left'
type = FunctionIC
variable = em
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar+
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar*
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = mean_en
function = energy_density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100*sin(2*3.1415926*13.56e6*t)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100 * (25.4e-3 - x)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log(3./2.) + log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = GasElectronMoments
interp_trans_coeffs = false
interp_elastic_coeff = false
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
user_p_gas = 133.322
em = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
user_electron_mobility = 30.0
user_electron_diffusion_coeff = 119.8757763975
property_tables_file = Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/electron_moments.txt
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar+
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
mobility = 0.144409938
diffusivity = 6.428571e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar*
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
diffusivity = 7.515528e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_excitation.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar*'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_ionization.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_deexcitation.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar'
electrons = em
type = ZapdosEEDFRateConstant
mean_energy = mean_en
property_file = 'Argon_reactions_paper_RateCoefficients/ar_excited_ionization.txt'
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + em + Ar+'
electrons = em
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'em + Ar* -> em + Ar_r'
#reaction_rate_value = 2e-13
reaction_rate_value = 1.2044e11
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + em'
#reaction_rate_value = 6.2e-16
reaction_rate_value = 373364000
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar -> Ar + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 3e-21
reaction_rate_value = 1806.6
type = GenericRateConstant
reaction = 'Ar* + Ar + Ar -> Ar_2 + Ar'
#reaction_rate_value = 1.1e-42
reaction_rate_value = 398909.324
#New postprocessor that calculates the inverse of the plasma frequency
type = PlasmaFrequencyInverse
variable = em
use_moles = true
active = 'smp'
type = SMP
full = true
type = FDP
full = true
type = Transient
end_time = 3e-7
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -ksp_type -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 fgmres 1e-3'
dtmin = 1e-14
l_max_its = 20
scheme = bdf2
dt = 1e-9
file_base = 'RF_out'
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
dom0Scale = 25.4e-3
potential_units = kV
use_moles = true
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'Lymberopoulos_paper.msh'
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '-1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'left'
input = geo
type = SideSetsFromNormalsGenerator
normals = '1 0 0'
new_boundary = 'right'
input = left
type = FEProblem
electrons = em
charged_particle = Ar+
potential = potential
Is_potential_unique = true
mean_energy = mean_en
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
Additional_Outputs = 'ElectronTemperature Current EField'
species = 'em Ar+'
aux_species = 'Ar'
reaction_coefficient_format = 'rate'
gas_species = 'Ar'
electron_energy = 'mean_en'
electron_density = 'em'
include_electrons = true
file_location = 'rate_coefficients'
potential = 'potential'
use_log = true
use_ad = true
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
block = 0
reactions = 'em + Ar -> em + Ar* : EEDF [-11.56] (reaction1)
em + Ar -> em + em + Ar+ : EEDF [-15.7] (reaction2)'
type = Position
variable = x_node
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = FunctionAux
variable = Ar
function = 'log(3.22e22/6.022e23)'
execute_on = INITIAL
#Voltage Boundary Condition
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'left'
function = potential_bc_func
preset = false
type = DirichletBC
variable = potential
boundary = 'right'
value = 0
preset = false
#Boundary conditions for electons
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'right'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
ks = 1.19e5
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosElectronBC
variable = em
boundary = 'left'
emission_coeffs = 0.01
ks = 1.19e5
ions = Ar+
potential = potential
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Boundary conditions for ions
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'right'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
type = LymberopoulosIonBC
variable = Ar+
potential = potential
boundary = 'left'
position_units = ${dom0Scale}
#Boundary conditions for mean energy
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'right'
type = ElectronTemperatureDirichletBC
variable = mean_en
electrons = em
value = 0.5
boundary = 'left'
type = FunctionIC
variable = em
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = Ar+
function = density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = mean_en
function = energy_density_ic_func
type = FunctionIC
variable = potential
function = potential_ic_func
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100*sin(2*3.1415926*13.56e6*t)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '0.100 * (25.4e-3 - x)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'log(3./2.) + log((1e13 + 1e15 * (1-x/1)^2 * (x/1)^2)/6.022e23)'
type = GasElectronMoments
interp_trans_coeffs = false
interp_elastic_coeff = false
ramp_trans_coeffs = false
user_p_gas = 133.322
em = em
potential = potential
mean_en = mean_en
user_electron_mobility = 30.0
user_electron_diffusion_coeff = 119.8757763975
property_tables_file = rate_coefficients/electron_moments.txt
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar+
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 1.0
mobility = 0.144409938
diffusivity = 6.428571e-3
type = ADHeavySpecies
heavy_species_name = Ar
heavy_species_mass = 6.64e-26
heavy_species_charge = 0.0
active = 'smp'
type = SMP
full = true
type = FDP
full = true
type = Transient
end_time = 7.3746e-5
dt = 1e-9
dtmin = 1e-14
scheme = bdf2
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_shift_amount -snes_linesearch_minlambda'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO 1.e-10 1e-3'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-08
l_max_its = 20
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus