The Backup object is a simply a struct
for holding binary blob "checkpoint" data. The object contains a stream for holding global simulation state data along with a separate vector for holding individual thread state for each thread in the simulation. The Backup object is part of the larger Restart/Recovery system in MOOSE.
The Backup object contains the serialized data from MOOSE's dataLoad/dataStore
routines found in DataIO.h.
// This file is part of the MOOSE framework
// All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
// Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
#pragma once
// MOOSE includes
#include "ADReal.h"
#include "MooseTypes.h"
#include "HashMap.h"
#include "MooseError.h"
#include "RankTwoTensor.h"
#include "RankThreeTensor.h"
#include "RankFourTensor.h"
#include "ColumnMajorMatrix.h"
#include "UniqueStorage.h"
#include "libmesh/parallel.h"
#include "libmesh/parameters.h"
#include "libmesh/numeric_vector.h"
#include <type_traits>
// C++ includes
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
namespace libMesh
template <typename T>
class DenseMatrix;
template <typename T>
class DenseVector;
template <typename T>
class VectorValue;
template <typename T>
class TensorValue;
class Elem;
class Point;
* Scalar helper routine
template <typename P>
inline void storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, P & data, void * context);
* Vector helper routine
template <typename P>
inline void storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, std::vector<P> & data, void * context);
* Shared pointer helper routine
template <typename P>
inline void storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, std::shared_ptr<P> & data, void * context);
* Unique pointer helper routine
template <typename P>
inline void storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, std::unique_ptr<P> & data, void * context);
* Set helper routine
template <typename P>
inline void storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, std::set<P> & data, void * context);
* Map helper routine
template <typename P, typename Q>
inline void storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, std::map<P, Q> & data, void * context);
* Unordered_map helper routine
template <typename P, typename Q>
inline void storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, std::unordered_map<P, Q> & data, void * context);
* Optional helper routine
template <typename P>
inline void storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, std::optional<P> & data, void * context);
* HashMap helper routine
template <typename P, typename Q>
inline void storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, HashMap<P, Q> & data, void * context);
* UniqueStorage helper routine
template <typename T>
inline void storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, UniqueStorage<T> & data, void * context);
* Scalar helper routine
template <typename P>
inline void loadHelper(std::istream & stream, P & data, void * context);
* Vector helper routine
template <typename P>
inline void loadHelper(std::istream & stream, std::vector<P> & data, void * context);
* Shared Pointer helper routine
template <typename P>
inline void loadHelper(std::istream & stream, std::shared_ptr<P> & data, void * context);
* Unique Pointer helper routine
template <typename P>
inline void loadHelper(std::istream & stream, std::unique_ptr<P> & data, void * context);
* Set helper routine
template <typename P>
inline void loadHelper(std::istream & stream, std::set<P> & data, void * context);
* Map helper routine
template <typename P, typename Q>
inline void loadHelper(std::istream & stream, std::map<P, Q> & data, void * context);
* Unordered_map helper routine
template <typename P, typename Q>
inline void loadHelper(std::istream & stream, std::unordered_map<P, Q> & data, void * context);
* Optional helper routine
template <typename P>
inline void loadHelper(std::istream & stream, std::optional<P> & data, void * context);
* Hashmap helper routine
template <typename P, typename Q>
inline void loadHelper(std::istream & stream, HashMap<P, Q> & data, void * context);
* UniqueStorage helper routine
template <typename T>
inline void loadHelper(std::istream & stream, UniqueStorage<T> & data, void * context);
template <typename T>
inline void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, T & v, void * /*context*/);
// *************** Global Store Declarations *****************
template <typename T>
inline void
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, T & v, void * /*context*/)
static_assert(std::is_polymorphic<T>::value == false,
"Cannot serialize a class that has virtual "
"members!\nWrite a custom dataStore() "
"template specialization!\n\n");
"Cannot serialize a class that is not trivially copyable!\nWrite a custom "
"dataStore() template specialization!\n\n");
// Moose::out<<"Generic dataStore"<<std::endl;
stream.write((char *)&v, sizeof(v));
mooseAssert(!stream.bad(), "Failed to store");
template <typename T>
inline void
dataStore(std::ostream & /*stream*/, T *& /*v*/, void * /*context*/)
mooseError("Attempting to store a raw pointer type: \"",
" *\" as restartable data!\nWrite a custom dataStore() template specialization!\n\n");
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, Point & p, void * context);
template <typename T, typename U>
inline void
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, std::pair<T, U> & p, void * context)
storeHelper(stream, p.first, context);
storeHelper(stream, p.second, context);
template <typename T>
inline void
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, std::vector<T> & v, void * context)
// First store the size of the vector
unsigned int size = v.size();
dataStore(stream, size, nullptr);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
storeHelper(stream, v[i], context);
template <typename T>
inline void
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, std::shared_ptr<T> & v, void * context)
T * tmp = v.get();
storeHelper(stream, tmp, context);
template <typename T>
inline void
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, std::unique_ptr<T> & v, void * context)
T * tmp = v.get();
storeHelper(stream, tmp, context);
template <typename T>
inline void
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, std::set<T> & s, void * context)
// First store the size of the set
unsigned int size = s.size();
dataStore(stream, size, nullptr);
typename std::set<T>::iterator it = s.begin();
typename std::set<T>::iterator end = s.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
T & x = const_cast<T &>(*it);
storeHelper(stream, x, context);
template <typename T>
inline void
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, std::list<T> & l, void * context)
// First store the size of the set
unsigned int size = l.size();
dataStore(stream, size, nullptr);
typename std::list<T>::iterator it = l.begin();
typename std::list<T>::iterator end = l.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
T & x = const_cast<T &>(*it);
storeHelper(stream, x, context);
template <typename T>
inline void
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, std::deque<T> & l, void * context)
// First store the size of the container
unsigned int size = l.size();
dataStore(stream, size, nullptr);
typename std::deque<T>::iterator it = l.begin();
typename std::deque<T>::iterator end = l.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
T & x = const_cast<T &>(*it);
storeHelper(stream, x, context);
template <typename T, typename U>
inline void
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, std::map<T, U> & m, void * context)
// First store the size of the map
unsigned int size = m.size();
dataStore(stream, size, nullptr);
typename std::map<T, U>::iterator it = m.begin();
typename std::map<T, U>::iterator end = m.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
T & key = const_cast<T &>(it->first);
storeHelper(stream, key, context);
storeHelper(stream, it->second, context);
template <typename T, typename U>
inline void
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, std::unordered_map<T, U> & m, void * context)
// First store the size of the map
unsigned int size = m.size();
dataStore(stream, size, nullptr);
typename std::unordered_map<T, U>::iterator it = m.begin();
typename std::unordered_map<T, U>::iterator end = m.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
T & key = const_cast<T &>(it->first);
storeHelper(stream, key, context);
storeHelper(stream, it->second, context);
template <typename T>
inline void
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, std::unordered_set<T> & s, void * context)
// First store the size of the set
std::size_t size = s.size();
dataStore(stream, size, nullptr);
for (auto & element : s)
dataStore(stream, element, context);
template <typename T>
inline void
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, std::optional<T> & m, void * context)
bool has_value = m.has_value();
dataStore(stream, has_value, nullptr);
if (has_value)
storeHelper(stream, *m, context);
template <typename T, typename U>
inline void
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, HashMap<T, U> & m, void * context)
// First store the size of the map
unsigned int size = m.size();
dataStore(stream, size, nullptr);
typename HashMap<T, U>::iterator it = m.begin();
typename HashMap<T, U>::iterator end = m.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
T & key = const_cast<T &>(it->first);
storeHelper(stream, key, context);
storeHelper(stream, it->second, context);
// Specializations (defined in .C)
template <>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, Real & v, void * context);
template <>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, std::string & v, void * context);
template <>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, VariableName & v, void * context);
template <>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, UserObjectName & v, void * context);
template <>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, bool & v, void * context);
// Vectors of bools are special
template <>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, std::vector<bool> & v, void * context);
template <>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, const Elem *& e, void * context);
template <>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, const Node *& n, void * context);
template <>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, Elem *& e, void * context);
template <>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, Node *& n, void * context);
template <>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, std::stringstream & s, void * context);
template <>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, ADReal & dn, void * context);
template <>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, RealEigenVector & v, void * context);
template <>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, RealEigenMatrix & v, void * context);
template <>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, libMesh::Parameters & p, void * context);
template <>
* Stores an owned numeric vector.
* This should be used in lieu of the NumericVector<Number> & implementation
* when the vector may not necessarily be initialized yet on the loading of
* the data. It stores the partitioning (total and local number of entries).
* Requirements: the unique_ptr must exist (cannot be null), the vector
* cannot be ghosted, and the provided context must be the Communicator.
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream,
std::unique_ptr<libMesh::NumericVector<libMesh::Number>> & v,
void * context);
template <std::size_t N>
inline void
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, std::array<ADReal, N> & dn, void * context)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
dataStore(stream, dn[i], context);
template <std::size_t N>
inline void
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, ADReal (&dn)[N], void * context)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
dataStore(stream, dn[i], context);
template <typename T>
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, libMesh::NumericVector<T> & v, void * context)
numeric_index_type size = v.local_size();
for (numeric_index_type i = v.first_local_index(); i < v.first_local_index() + size; i++)
T r = v(i);
dataStore(stream, r, context);
template <>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, Vec & v, void * context);
template <typename T>
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, DenseVector<T> & v, void * context)
unsigned int m = v.size();
dataStore(stream, m, nullptr);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
T r = v(i);
dataStore(stream, r, context);
template <typename T>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, libMesh::TensorValue<T> & v, void * context);
template <typename T>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, libMesh::DenseMatrix<T> & v, void * context);
template <typename T>
void dataStore(std::ostream & stream, libMesh::VectorValue<T> & v, void * context);
template <typename T>
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, RankTwoTensorTempl<T> & rtt, void * context)
dataStore(stream, rtt._coords, context);
template <typename T>
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, RankThreeTensorTempl<T> & rtt, void * context)
dataStore(stream, rtt._vals, context);
template <typename T>
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, RankFourTensorTempl<T> & rft, void * context)
dataStore(stream, rft._vals, context);
template <typename T>
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, SymmetricRankTwoTensorTempl<T> & srtt, void * context)
dataStore(stream, srtt._vals, context);
template <typename T>
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, SymmetricRankFourTensorTempl<T> & srft, void * context)
dataStore(stream, srft._vals, context);
template <typename T>
dataStore(std::ostream & stream, ColumnMajorMatrixTempl<T> & cmm, void * context)
dataStore(stream, cmm._values, context);
// *************** Global Load Declarations *****************
template <typename T>
inline void
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, T & v, void * /*context*/)
{ *)&v, sizeof(v));
mooseAssert(!stream.bad(), "Failed to load");
template <typename T>
dataLoad(std::istream & /*stream*/, T *& /*v*/, void * /*context*/)
mooseError("Attempting to load a raw pointer type: \"",
" *\" as restartable data!\nWrite a custom dataLoad() template specialization!\n\n");
template <typename T, typename U>
inline void
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, std::pair<T, U> & p, void * context)
loadHelper(stream, p.first, context);
loadHelper(stream, p.second, context);
template <typename T>
inline void
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, std::vector<T> & v, void * context)
// First read the size of the vector
unsigned int size = 0;
dataLoad(stream, size, nullptr);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
loadHelper(stream, v[i], context);
template <typename T>
inline void
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, std::shared_ptr<T> & v, void * context)
T * tmp = v.get();
loadHelper(stream, tmp, context);
template <typename T>
inline void
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, std::unique_ptr<T> & v, void * context)
T * tmp = v.get();
loadHelper(stream, tmp, context);
template <typename T>
inline void
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, std::set<T> & s, void * context)
// First read the size of the set
unsigned int size = 0;
dataLoad(stream, size, nullptr);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
T data;
loadHelper(stream, data, context);
template <typename T>
inline void
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, std::list<T> & l, void * context)
// First read the size of the set
unsigned int size = 0;
dataLoad(stream, size, nullptr);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
T data;
loadHelper(stream, data, context);
template <typename T>
inline void
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, std::deque<T> & l, void * context)
// First read the size of the container
unsigned int size = 0;
dataLoad(stream, size, nullptr);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
T data;
loadHelper(stream, data, context);
template <typename T, typename U>
inline void
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, std::map<T, U> & m, void * context)
// First read the size of the map
unsigned int size = 0;
dataLoad(stream, size, nullptr);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
T key;
loadHelper(stream, key, context);
U & value = m[key];
loadHelper(stream, value, context);
template <typename T, typename U>
inline void
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, std::unordered_map<T, U> & m, void * context)
// First read the size of the map
unsigned int size = 0;
dataLoad(stream, size, nullptr);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
T key;
loadHelper(stream, key, context);
U & value = m[key];
loadHelper(stream, value, context);
template <typename T>
inline void
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, std::unordered_set<T> & s, void * context)
// First read the size of the set
std::size_t size = 0;
dataLoad(stream, size, nullptr);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
T element;
dataLoad(stream, element, context);
template <typename T>
inline void
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, std::optional<T> & m, void * context)
bool has_value;
dataLoad(stream, has_value, nullptr);
if (has_value)
m = T{};
loadHelper(stream, *m, context);
template <typename T, typename U>
inline void
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, HashMap<T, U> & m, void * context)
// First read the size of the map
unsigned int size = 0;
dataLoad(stream, size, nullptr);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
T key;
loadHelper(stream, key, context);
U & value = m[key];
loadHelper(stream, value, context);
// Specializations (defined in .C)
template <>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, Real & v, void * /*context*/);
template <>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, std::string & v, void * /*context*/);
template <>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, VariableName & v, void * /*context*/);
template <>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, UserObjectName & v, void * /*context*/);
template <>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, bool & v, void * /*context*/);
// Vectors of bools are special
template <>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, std::vector<bool> & v, void * /*context*/);
template <>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, const Elem *& e, void * context);
template <>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, const Node *& e, void * context);
template <>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, Elem *& e, void * context);
template <>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, Node *& e, void * context);
template <>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, std::stringstream & s, void * context);
template <>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, ADReal & dn, void * context);
template <>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, RealEigenVector & v, void * context);
template <>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, RealEigenMatrix & v, void * context);
template <>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, libMesh::Parameters & p, void * context);
template <>
* Loads an owned numeric vector.
* This is used in lieu of the NumericVector<double> & implementation when
* the vector may not necessarily be initialized yet on the loading of the data.
* If \p is not null, it must have the same global and local sizes that it
* was stored with. In this case, the data is simply filled into the vector.
* If \p is null, it will be constructed with the type (currently just a
* PetscVector) stored and initialized with the global and local sizes stored.
* The data will then be filled after initialization.
* Requirements: the vector cannot be ghosted, the provided context must be
* the Communicator, and if \p v is initialized, it must have the same global
* and local sizes that the vector was stored with.
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream,
std::unique_ptr<libMesh::NumericVector<libMesh::Number>> & v,
void * context);
template <std::size_t N>
inline void
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, std::array<ADReal, N> & dn, void * context)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
dataLoad(stream, dn[i], context);
template <std::size_t N>
inline void
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, ADReal (&dn)[N], void * context)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
dataLoad(stream, dn[i], context);
template <typename T>
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, libMesh::NumericVector<T> & v, void * context)
numeric_index_type size = v.local_size();
for (numeric_index_type i = v.first_local_index(); i < v.first_local_index() + size; i++)
T r = 0;
dataLoad(stream, r, context);
v.set(i, r);
template <>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, Vec & v, void * context);
template <typename T>
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, DenseVector<T> & v, void * context)
unsigned int n = 0;
dataLoad(stream, n, nullptr);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++)
T r = 0;
dataLoad(stream, r, context);
v(i) = r;
template <typename T>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, libMesh::TensorValue<T> & v, void * context);
template <typename T>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, libMesh::DenseMatrix<T> & v, void * context);
template <typename T>
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, libMesh::VectorValue<T> & v, void * context);
template <typename T>
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, RankTwoTensorTempl<T> & rtt, void * context)
dataLoad(stream, rtt._coords, context);
template <typename T>
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, RankThreeTensorTempl<T> & rtt, void * context)
dataLoad(stream, rtt._vals, context);
template <typename T>
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, RankFourTensorTempl<T> & rft, void * context)
dataLoad(stream, rft._vals, context);
template <typename T>
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, SymmetricRankTwoTensorTempl<T> & rtt, void * context)
dataLoad(stream, rtt._vals, context);
template <typename T>
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, SymmetricRankFourTensorTempl<T> & rft, void * context)
dataLoad(stream, rft._vals, context);
template <typename T>
dataLoad(std::istream & stream, ColumnMajorMatrixTempl<T> & cmm, void * context)
dataLoad(stream, cmm._values, context);
// Scalar Helper Function
template <typename P>
inline void
storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, P & data, void * context)
dataStore(stream, data, context);
// Vector Helper Function
template <typename P>
inline void
storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, std::vector<P> & data, void * context)
dataStore(stream, data, context);
// std::shared_ptr Helper Function
template <typename P>
inline void
storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, std::shared_ptr<P> & data, void * context)
dataStore(stream, data, context);
// std::unique Helper Function
template <typename P>
inline void
storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, std::unique_ptr<P> & data, void * context)
dataStore(stream, data, context);
// Set Helper Function
template <typename P>
inline void
storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, std::set<P> & data, void * context)
dataStore(stream, data, context);
// Map Helper Function
template <typename P, typename Q>
inline void
storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, std::map<P, Q> & data, void * context)
dataStore(stream, data, context);
// Unordered_map Helper Function
template <typename P, typename Q>
inline void
storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, std::unordered_map<P, Q> & data, void * context)
dataStore(stream, data, context);
// Optional Helper Function
template <typename P>
inline void
storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, std::optional<P> & data, void * context)
dataStore(stream, data, context);
// HashMap Helper Function
template <typename P, typename Q>
inline void
storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, HashMap<P, Q> & data, void * context)
dataStore(stream, data, context);
* UniqueStorage helper routine
* The data within the UniqueStorage object cannot be null. The helper
* for unique_ptr<T> is called to store the data.
template <typename T>
inline void
storeHelper(std::ostream & stream, UniqueStorage<T> & data, void * context)
std::size_t size = data.size();
dataStore(stream, size, nullptr);
for (const auto i : index_range(data))
mooseAssert(data.hasValue(i), "Data doesn't have a value");
storeHelper(stream, data.pointerValue(i), context);
// Scalar Helper Function
template <typename P>
inline void
loadHelper(std::istream & stream, P & data, void * context)
dataLoad(stream, data, context);
// Vector Helper Function
template <typename P>
inline void
loadHelper(std::istream & stream, std::vector<P> & data, void * context)
dataLoad(stream, data, context);
// std::shared_ptr Helper Function
template <typename P>
inline void
loadHelper(std::istream & stream, std::shared_ptr<P> & data, void * context)
dataLoad(stream, data, context);
// Unique Pointer Helper Function
template <typename P>
inline void
loadHelper(std::istream & stream, std::unique_ptr<P> & data, void * context)
dataLoad(stream, data, context);
// Set Helper Function
template <typename P>
inline void
loadHelper(std::istream & stream, std::set<P> & data, void * context)
dataLoad(stream, data, context);
// Map Helper Function
template <typename P, typename Q>
inline void
loadHelper(std::istream & stream, std::map<P, Q> & data, void * context)
dataLoad(stream, data, context);
// Unordered_map Helper Function
template <typename P, typename Q>
inline void
loadHelper(std::istream & stream, std::unordered_map<P, Q> & data, void * context)
dataLoad(stream, data, context);
// Optional Helper Function
template <typename P>
inline void
loadHelper(std::istream & stream, std::optional<P> & data, void * context)
dataLoad(stream, data, context);
// HashMap Helper Function
template <typename P, typename Q>
inline void
loadHelper(std::istream & stream, HashMap<P, Q> & data, void * context)
dataLoad(stream, data, context);
* UniqueStorage Helper Function
* The unique_ptr<T> loader is called to load the data. That is,
* you will likely need a specialization of unique_ptr<T> that will
* appropriately construct and then fill the piece of data.
template <typename T>
inline void
loadHelper(std::istream & stream, UniqueStorage<T> & data, void * context)
std::size_t size;
dataLoad(stream, size, nullptr);
for (const auto i : index_range(data))
loadHelper(stream, data.pointerValue(i), context);
void dataLoad(std::istream & stream, Point & p, void * context);
* The following methods are specializations for using the libMesh::Parallel::packed_range_*
* routines
* for std::strings. These are here because the dataLoad/dataStore routines create raw string
* buffers that can be communicated in a standard way using packed ranges.
namespace libMesh
namespace Parallel
template <typename T>
class Packing<std::basic_string<T>>
static const unsigned int size_bytes = 4;
typedef T buffer_type;
static unsigned int get_string_len(typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator in)
unsigned int string_len = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char &>(in[size_bytes - 1]);
for (signed int i = size_bytes - 2; i >= 0; --i)
string_len *= 256;
string_len += reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char &>(in[i]);
return string_len;
static unsigned int packed_size(typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator in)
return get_string_len(in) + size_bytes;
static unsigned int packable_size(const std::basic_string<T> & s, const void *)
return s.size() + size_bytes;
template <typename Iter>
static void pack(const std::basic_string<T> & b, Iter data_out, const void *)
unsigned int string_len = b.size();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i != size_bytes; ++i)
*data_out++ = (string_len % 256);
string_len /= 256;
std::copy(b.begin(), b.end(), data_out);
static std::basic_string<T> unpack(typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator in, void *)
unsigned int string_len = get_string_len(in);
std::ostringstream oss;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < string_len; ++i)
oss << reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char &>(in[i + size_bytes]);
in += size_bytes + string_len;
return oss.str();
} // namespace Parallel
} // namespace libMesh