Framework Failure Analysis Report


MOOSE and MOOSE-based applications are designed to operate as a library of functionality. While each library may be tailored for solving a certain set of equations, the ability to create arbitrary simulations exists. This flexibility exists by design within the framework, modules, and applications. With respect to performing failure analysis, the flexibility is detrimental since there lacks a well-defined problem to assess. To minimize the possibility of failure for a simulation, various automated methods exist for developers. This document discusses these features and includes a list of requirements associated with software failure analysis.


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Failure Analysis

MOOSE has three primary methods for handling simulation failures that range from input errors to simulation convergence problems. These potential failures and the associated handling of the failure are ubiquitous across MOOSE and MOOSE-based applications. The next three sections detail the handling of these common sources of failures.

  1. Input file syntax failure,

  2. Input parameter errors, and

  3. Convergence failure.

To complement the automatic handling of these three failure mechanisms the MOOSE testing system includes a mechanism for creating tests to verify that errors are captured and reported correctly. This testing method is detailed in the Failure Testing section.

Input File Failure

The input file parsing (see Parser) system automatically handles syntax mistakes and reports them as errors. For example, consider the following input file that contains a missing closing bracket.

  file = file.e

  type = Steady

If this input file is executed with the application, it will automatically report the error and associated line number where it occurred as follows.

hit_error.i:5: missing closing '[]' for section

Input Parameter Errors

The input parameter system (see InputParameters) is the second step in input file parsing. The system details the available inputs for an object. The system allows for parameters to be marked as required, provide a default, or check for correct range to name a few. For example, consider the validParams function below that defines a required parameter "D" that must be supplied in an input file.

  InputParameters params = Diffusion::validParams();
  params.addRequiredParam<Real>("D", "The diffusivity coefficient.");
  return params;

If an input file does not include this parameter, as shown below then it will provide an error with details regarding the missing parameter.

    type = CoeffParamDiffusion
    variable = u

param_error.i:10: missing required parameter 'Kernels/diffusion/D'
	Doc String: "The diffusivity coefficient."

Convergence Failure

MOOSE includes automatic methods to handle convergence failures during the numeric solve. If those attempts fail, it will exit with an error indicating of the failed solve and the reason. By default if a transient simulation fails to solve a time step, the timestep will automatically be cut and the solve re-attempted. This cutback will continue until the solve converges or if the minimum allowed timestep is reached.

For example, the following input when executed will demonstrate the behavior. This input file includes a custom TimeStepper block, but by default a similar behavior exists.

  type = Transient
  num_steps = 10
  solve_type = PJFNK
  petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
  petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'

    type = ConstantDT
    dt = 0.1
    cutback_factor_at_failure = 0.8

When executed this input file at time step 3 fails to converge, the timestep ("dt") is cut by the supplied factor and the solve is re-attempted. In both the converged and non-converged iterations the reason for the resulting solve is displayed.

Time Step 3, time = 0.3, dt = 0.1
 0 Nonlinear |R| = 7.103698e-02
      0 Linear |R| = 7.103698e-02
      1 Linear |R| = 1.154171e-03
      2 Linear |R| = 4.325671e-06
      3 Linear |R| = 2.434939e-08
  Linear solve converged due to CONVERGED_RTOL iterations 3
 1 Nonlinear |R| = 2.429061e-08
      0 Linear |R| = 2.429061e-08
      1 Linear |R| = 2.035627e-10
      2 Linear |R| = 9.270880e-13
      3 Linear |R| = 6.368586e-15
  Linear solve converged due to CONVERGED_RTOL iterations 3
 2 Nonlinear |R| = 6.368769e-15
Nonlinear solve converged due to CONVERGED_FNORM_RELATIVE iterations 2
 Solve Did NOT Converge!
Aborting as solve did not converge

Time Step 3, time = 0.28, dt = 0.08
 0 Nonlinear |R| = 7.103698e-02
      0 Linear |R| = 7.103698e-02
      1 Linear |R| = 8.875771e-04
      2 Linear |R| = 3.163939e-06
      3 Linear |R| = 1.554863e-08
  Linear solve converged due to CONVERGED_RTOL iterations 3
 1 Nonlinear |R| = 1.565086e-08
      0 Linear |R| = 1.565086e-08
      1 Linear |R| = 1.120313e-10
      2 Linear |R| = 4.275206e-13
      3 Linear |R| = 2.854434e-15
  Linear solve converged due to CONVERGED_RTOL iterations 3
 2 Nonlinear |R| = 2.874867e-15
Nonlinear solve converged due to CONVERGED_FNORM_RELATIVE iterations 2
 Solve Converged!

Failure Testing

In general, failures are tested using a test type of RunException (see Framework Software Test Plan). An example of such as test is provided below, which is a test that exists for the previous input parser example in Input Parameter Errors. By default all RunException tests are listed below in the list in of requirements (Failure Analysis Requirements) that comprise failure analysis.

  issues = '#16410'
  design = utils/
    type = RunException
    input = param_error.i
    expect_err = "param_error.i:10: missing required parameter 'Kernels/diffusion/D'"

    requirement = "The system shall automatically report input errors when a required parameter is not specified."

Failure Analysis Requirements

!sqa requirements link=True collections=FAILURE_ANALYSIS category=framework